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Application for membership

Option 1: Application for membership

Thank you for your interest in becoming a member. We are looking for active individuals whose reason for joining is to keep the spirit of "Collectors helping Collectors" alive. Questions on any subject relevant to radio collecting are welcome as is the uploading of information or well-founded advice from "old hands".

Applying for membership involves the following steps:

  1. Read and accept the terms
  2. Complete the application form
  3. Payment of administration fee
  4. Activation of your account (code dispatch by postal code)

What are the advantages of a membership compared to the participation as a guest?

Member Guest
Access to (large) images and schematics Y* Y**
Access to collector’s prices Y N
Participation in the forum Y Y***
Upload of pictures Y N
Manage personal inventory (card index) Y N
Display personal collection Y N
Access to classified ads Y N
Surfing without advertisements Y N

* Download of schematics to a reasonable extent (66 pages). Additional downloads can be activated by paying an additional fee (see below).
** Access restricted to small pictures. Maximum download of 3 schematic pages per day and 10 schematic pages per month.
*** With restricted rights (reader)

As a member you are part of a points-based system. By becoming a member, you are given an initial bank of points. By contributing (upload of data and/ or pictures or schematics) you are earning points. These can be used for downloading or viewing pictures and schematics. If you used up your points you can either earn new ones by providing data and/ or pictures or schematics or activate additional downloads by paying an additional fee. Please note that viewing images or schematics are counted as a download.

1. Read and accept the Terms

Please read the following carefully to see if you agree with our philosophy:
Of course, you do have the option to continue to surf as a guest. We suggest that before making the decision to join, you should browse (RMorg) as a guest for a while. Once you feel comfortable with our ideas of working together, we would be glad to receive your application for consideration. The RMorg site has been built from the combined effort and knowledge of thousands of members.

By filling in the application form, you accept the following conditions:

  1. RMorg is a part of a Non-Profit-Organization and is not a club. A member has rights and duties which is regulated, in part, by our points system (UACS). As a member, you are required to log on with RMorg at least twice a year (every six months). Failure to log on as required will result in suspension of your account.
  2. You are required to periodically “contribute” to RMorg by uploading data and/or pictures and schematics. You also can pay an additional fee to obtain points that may be used for more downloads. RMorg may irrevocably dispose of this non-personal data within the Platform. You may freely publish and use your data elsewhere.
  3. You will not sell or distribute to a third party any RMorg documents, pictures, or other information which did not originate from you.
  4. You demonstrate loyalty to RMorg and its leadership.
  5. RMorg may store your log data and use it internally (see Privacy Policy).
  6. You will adhere to all existing and future rules governing activities within the Forum and the RMorg site.
  7. You will not enter false data into your profile.
  8. RMorg reserves the right to limit your rights at any time or to terminate your membership without reason if you violate the conditions or rules governing activities.
  9. Your emails to ... [AT] are not of private nature. These are handled by a team of member administrators.

Having reviewed the above plus the text below, please confirm your acceptance by typing the key word “Radiola” into the box further below, adjacent to the GO button, and proceed according to steps 2-4.

2. Complete the application form

By clicking GO, you will be taken to an online membership application form:

  1. Please complete and send the membership application form. Your real postal address, language, email address, your year of birth and your private phone number are obligatory. These items will be accessible to other members - but not to the general public, or bots.
  2. Please wait for our automated email that acknowledges receipt of your application and proceed with the payment of your administration fee.

3. Payment of administration fee

Your admission as a member requires an administration fee depending on your region:

Region    Fee   
Switzerland    30 CHF   
Europe 20 EUR
US + other 25 USD

There are no additional annual fees for members, but there are Terms as detailed in Item 1 above.

The money can be transferred by:

  1. Bank Transfer
  2. PayPal
  3. Postal Payment

Please note that detailed payment information is only provided when you request the application form by clicking "GO". The administrator will not activate your membership until the administration fee has been received.

4. Activation of your account (code dispatch by postal service)

Our administration processes the membership applications once a week. The receipt of the administration fee will be acknowledged by email. We will then send you a temporary password and log on information by postal service to the address you entered on the application form. Please note that the information is mailed from Switzerland. This process may take a few weeks.

After receiving the activation code by postal service, you can activate your profile using the activation code. You are now a member of

Obtain the application form (by entering the key word):

Option 2: Earn your membership

This can be achieved by:

  • Adding either 19 collector prices or
  • 12 new models or 12 pictures of his/her own (or 19 others) or
  • completing / enhancing 19 fields for models or
  • uploading 4 schematics.

Please note that there are strict procedures for adding data to the RMorg site and this can be a challenge for new users. There is a “learning curve” with performing these activities.

When you pay the fee for Option 1: Normal Case, you are given an initial bank of points. This allows you to more actively use the site and become familiar with the procedures. This is why Option 1 is a better choice for most new members.

Applying for membership involves the following steps:

  1. Read and accept the terms (see Option 1)
  2. Complete the online form (see Option 1)
  3. Send an email to administration
  4. Activation of the account

3. Send an email to administration

After having completed the online form, please wait for our email that acknowledges receipt of your application. Reply to the email by listing some of the items in your collection (max. 10), and also name two or three relevant book titles that you use. Please state in your email reply that you are wishing to apply for free membership.

This information will assist us in recognizing you as a bona fide collector. If, for whatever reason, this is not possible, please provide us with an explanation. Please do not attach any files or pictures to your reply.

4. Activation of the account

See Option 1. All normal benefits of membership are provided once you have made your contributions.


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