09-Broadcast Radio Manual 1958-1

ID: 224486
09-Broadcast Radio Manual 1958-1 
20.Jul.10 12:44

Ernst Erb (CH)
Articles: 5747
Count of Thanks: 15
Ernst Erb

09-Broadcast Radio Manual 1958-1

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This manual has been sent to us as PDF by a member from China.
The symbols are still in traditional Chinese, which was changed the next year to simplified Chinese.
Winnie Yu Yu, Hong Kong was a paying guest in our B&B and has nothing to do with radios, but she said spontanious yes, when I asked her and her husband if she would translate something for us!

She has sent me the following for this page:
On top: 第一集 First Chapter
In big symbols: 广播收音机手册 Broadcasting Radio Manual
When I add the symbols to MDBG it is Broadcast (only).

On bottom: 科学技术出版社 Scientific Technical Publisher

Translation of the first page: Summary of content
After the Communists’ victory over the Nationalists, each factory of our own country produced a variety of radio types. Each type of radios had its own characteristic.
Therefore, the technical information of these radios was very important for general wireless technician and wireless hobbyist to understand.

There was no this type of professional introduction on domestic made radio technical information manual in China at this time. In order to satisfy the needs for this aspect, this book gathered a lot of domestic made broadcasting radio’s technical information, including radios’ appearance, structure of electric circuit, sequence of the parts, [各點的電? (Ernst, do you have clearer version for the following scan copy? I cannot read the word which I write the question mark for that)] and the examination procedure etc.

Broadcast(ing) Radio Manual 广播收音机手册
The First Chapter第一集
本社? (I cannot read the word)
published by Scientific Technical Publisher 科学技术 (is "Science and Technology) 出版社 (Publishing house) 出版 (to publish)

2004 Nanjing West Road, Shanghai (上海南京西路 2004 号)
上海市 (Shanghai) 书刊 (books and publications) 出版 (to publish) 业 (business) ? 业 (business)  许可证 (licence) 出 (to produce)  070 号 (number of)
科学 (licensed) 出版社 (publishing house) 上海 (Shanghai) 印 (to print) ? 厂印刷 (Printing company)
新华书店 (Xinhua new (China bookstore)) 上海 (Shanghai) 发行 (to publish) 所总经售 (The main distributor)
United book number 统一书号:15119.708
1958 年 7 月第一版 The first issue (she saw 1959)
195? 年 7 月第一次印刷 The first printing
(EE: I believe it is the same date).
Thank you again, Winnie - I'm amazed what help we get from Chinese people!

25 Tube Radios of the 1950s, up to 1957 (or 1958?) from 8 different brands.
17 model pictures (I have added one photo = 18) and some coma from other manuals.
91 pages, with the following brands:
2 Beijing 北京 511-1 and 511-2.
1 Changjiang 长江 (model name not yet known).
7 Gongli 公利 101, 102, 103, 552-3, 552-4, 552-6, 562-1.
5 Hongxing 红星 Red Star 502-甲 (= 502-A), 503, 504, 504-3, 505-1
3 Meiduo 美多 52-AA, 562-A, 563-A.
5 Shanghai 上海 (广播) 155-A, 156-A (variant "straight edges" only), 157-H, 158, 451 (round only).
1 Xiongmao 熊猫 Panda 506.
1 Zhongyuan 中原 5120

Work carried out
We had to do quite some work on those scans: Get the PDF into single PNGs, get "grey noise" away, give a page number into the file name according to place in the book, done by Heribert Jung. For upload we hade to change name according to model, rotate the PNG backwards into portrait format. Then I figured out the brand names and the manufacturer names (where possible). Next step was to create the models and to see that we don't generate doublets. All 25 models are created, schematics uploaded.

Reference literature name on model pages:

09-Broadcast Radio Manual, July 1958-1-1 STPH (followed by the first page for the model)
The "Fully detailled Model Search" (for members only) is responding with the 25 models if this reference is selected.

Picture legend for uploaded pictures:

Picture from the Broadcasting Radio Manual (internal 09) China 1958-1-1 (page ..) for reference when somebody is uploading real photos and as reference for collectors, comparing models. Manual is in trad. Chinese.
Reference model:  Xinshidai 新时代 101 / 552-7
If new pictures have been added you have to select the reference picture to this manual.

Schematic Finder:
(accessible for members only)
09-Broadcast Radio Manual 1958-1
Containing the 25 models. Volume = 1, Year 1958.

Work still to be done:
Only model
Xinshidai 101-A / Gongli(?) 552-6 shows not yet a picture now. And for those domestic/export "pairs" we don't know if we handled it the right way. I need some help there.

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