Capehart-Farnsworth timeline 400 series tuner & amp. chassis

ID: 298559
Capehart-Farnsworth timeline 400 series tuner & amp. chassis 
24.Sep.12 18:41

Ernst Erb (CH)
Articles: 5740
Count of Thanks: 20
Ernst Erb

In progress ...

This article should show at last the overview about the different main parts that form a series 400 model. In fact this comprises also series 300, 200 and 100, the so called DeLuxe models with turn-over mechanism. We find so many offers for single chassis with either wrong or not known type name. Here I try to show each of the main chassis and its tube line up. This covers 1931 to 1950, the whole lifetime of this concept. For Rider's you find an overview about (eventially) all Capehart-Farnsworth related schematics in this link, chronological by Rider's volumes.

In the following links you find at last different threads for cabinets, Escutcheons/scales/knobs, record changers, tuner chassis and amplifier chassis, loudspeakers and pick-ups. For more or other information there is the general thread Capehart Radio-Phonographs for the 1930s and 1940s.

Capehart-Farnsworth timeline 400 series tuner & amplifier chassis

The series started for the season 1931/32 without "season suffix" and followed with A, B, etc.


First saison: 1931/32 - no suffix

Capehart 400 series (2 unit construction)
Rider's Capehart Page 192-A or 1-1 for  for models 400, 401 and 402. Changer 16-E = ?

Bands Broadcast only 13 Tubes (6 + 7) 3-gang tuning,9 tuned circuits
Output ? 2 Speakers ?
Power ? Watts 50 or 60 cycles 115 Volts
Changer 16-E 78 RPM Straight Magnetic 40 MOhm at 1000 cycles

Tuner and Amplifier chassis:

Broadcast band only probably 540 to 1600 kHz IF = ? Tuner chassis 8076, Amp = 8078 (PSU)
Tubes, functions 51 RF, orig = 551 27 osc., orig = 127 51 1st det, mixer (translator)
51 1st IF 51 2nd IF 27 2nd det 24 amp
4 x 47 output 2 x 80 rectifier push-pull-parallel output Speaker field, output transformer for 3 possible loudspeakers. No remote possible.
400 Chippendale Ch= 8076, 8078 PSU; Capehart Corp.; Fort (ID = 1315555) Radio 400 Chippendale Ch= 8076, 8078 PSU; Capehart Corp.; Fort (ID = 1315556) Radio 400 Chippendale Ch= 8076, 8078 PSU; Capehart Corp.; Fort (ID = 1315557) Radio For the layout of the tuner chassis, amplifier chassis and for the wiring see this model 400 Chippendale.

Rider's Page 192-B: Pictural schematic for RF tuner chassis 8076.
Rider's Page 192-C: Pictural underside fo PZ amplifier chassis 8078.
Rider's Page 192-D: Wiring diagram between the components. For more information see the
"Overview about Rider's schematics for Capehart and Farnsworth-Capehart".

A = 1932/33

Capehart 400A series (2 unit construction)
Rider's Capehart Page 4-1 to 4-3, copyrighted 1934. Changer 16-E-2 = ?

Bands Broadcast only 14 Tubes (7 + 7) 3-gang tuning, 8 tuned circuits
Output ? 2 Speakers ? size? ?
Power ? Watts 50 or 60 cycles 115 Volts
Changer 16-E-2 78 + 33.3 RPM Straight Magnetic 40 MOhm at 1000 cycles

Tuner and Amplifier chassis: Tuning meter!

Broadcast band only probably 540 to 1600 kHz IF = 180 kHz Tuner / Amplifier chassis W-820, drawn June 19, 1933.
Tubes, functions 58 RF 56 osc. 58  1st det, mixer (translator)
58  1st IF 58  2nd IF 55 2nd det 57 AVC amp.
56 amp. 4 x 47 push-pull-parallel output 2 x 80 rectifier Speaker field, output transformer for 3 possible loudspeakers for 6 ohms. Aladdin remote possible.


B = 1933/34

Capehart 400B series (2 unit construction)
Rider's Capehart Page 4-2 and 4-3, Changer 16-E-2 = ?

Bands Broadcast only 17 Tubes (8 + 9) 3-gang tuning, 7 tuned circuits
Output ? 1 Speaker 14"
Power ? Watts 50 or 60 cycles 115 Volts
Changer 16-E-2 78 + 33.3 RPM Straight Magnetic 40 MOhm at 1000 cycles

Tuner chassis: Tuning meter!

Broadcast band only probably 540 to 1600 kHz IF = 180 kHz Rider's schematics have no number.
Tubes, functions 58 RF 58  osc. 58  1st det, mixer (translator)
2 x 58  1st + 2nd IF 55 2nd det 57 AVC amp. 58  amp.

Amplifier chassis:

Tubes 56 2 x 56 amp. 4 x 2A5 push-pull-parallel output
    Aladdin remote possible. Speaker field, output transformer for 3 possible loudspeakers for 6 ohms.


400B Chippendale Ch= W-836 or W-839, W-837, 16-E-2; Capehart Corp.; Fort (ID = 1307268) Radio 400B Chippendale Ch= W-836 or W-839, W-837, 16-E-2; Capehart Corp.; Fort (ID = 1307264) Radio    

Capehart 300B series 8-tube tuner chassis, 6-tube AF amp chassis, 1 speaker 12", Broadcast only, Chamger 16-E-2 for 78 and 33.3 RPM, magnetic. No Aladdin possible. Total of 14 tubes.

C = 1934/35 (Schematics missing! - is not W-839 but very similar)

It might be that my post "Variants for Capehart Series 400B, chassis changes" could be the missing schematics for the Capehart 400C series!

The same tuners were used in the 300 and 400 C series sets.

Capehart 400C series (Aladdin possible) Two chassis possible: BC only or Long Waves, Broadcast and Short Waves. Changer 16-E-2 for 78 and 33.3 RPM.

The 400CAW models, AW stands for "All Wave": (2 unit construction, total 16 tubes)

Bands LW 140 to 350 kHz Broadcast 540 to 1500 kHz Police etc. 1.4 to 3.5 MHz; SW 3.4
SW 1 from 3.4 to 8.5 MHz SW 2 from 8.3 to 20 MHz 3-gang tuning? IF 465 ?
Power 270 Watts 50 or 60 cycles 115 Volts
Changer 16-E-2 78 + 33.3 RPM Straight Magnetic 40 MOhm at 1000 cycles

Tuner chassis with 8 tubes and Tuning meter:

All Wave model: 8 tubes Tuning meter! Rider's schematics existant ?
Tubes, functions 58 RF 2A7 56
57 2 x 58 56 56

Amplifier chassis with 8 tubes:

Tubes 2 x 2A6 4 x 2A5 push-pull parallel output 2 x 5Z3
  1 electrodynamic speaker Aladdin remote possible. Speaker field, output transformer.


405C All Wave Chippendale ; Capehart Corp.; Fort (ID = 1325438) Radio 405C All Wave Chippendale ; Capehart Corp.; Fort (ID = 1325420) Radio 405C All Wave Chippendale ; Capehart Corp.; Fort (ID = 1325415) Radio 405C All Wave Chippendale ; Capehart Corp.; Fort (ID = 1325412) Radio
405CAW for bigger pictures and details..

Capehart 300C series (no Aladdin possible) Two chassis possible: BC only or Long Waves, Broadcast and Short Waves. Changer 16-E-2 for 78 and 33.3 RPM.

The "All Wave" model came with a headphone jack and a switch to turn off the cabinet speakers so one could DX at night and not wake the family.  The 300C series have a small amplifier with a pair of 2A5 tubes and one 5Z3 rectifier.

D = 1935/36

Capehart 400D series (3 unit construction) Tuning meter!
Rider's Capehart Page 7-4 and 7-5 (copyrighted 1936), Changer 16-E = 78 RPM.

Bands LW, broadcast and three short wave bands. 21 Tubes (9+8+4) 4-gang tuning, 10 tuned circuits
Output ? 3 Speakers bass 15" and two treble 5"
Power 325 Watts 50 or 60 cycles 115 Volts
Changer 16-E 78 RPM Straight Magnetic

Tuner chassis W-877, drawn Nov. 1935: IF = 465

Long wave (green) 150 to 350 kHz Broadcast (black) 540 to 1500 kHz SW 1 (orange) 1.5 to 4.25 MHz SW 2 (blue) 4.25 to 12 MHz; SW 3 (red) 12 to 20 MHz
Tubes, functions 6K7 1st RF 6K7 2nd RF 6C5 osc.
6L7 mixer 6K7 IF 6K7 IF 6H6 AVC and 2nd det.
6C5 AVC amp. 6C5 AF Tuning meter! Details for the controls see 406D

Two AF amplifiers:
W-876 for 8 tubes from Nov. 1935: bass amplifier: 2 x 6F5 2nd AF, 4 x 6F6 output, 2 x 5Z3 rect.
W-868 for 4 tubes from Nov. 1935: treble amplifier: 6F5 2nd AF, 2 x 6F6 output, 5Z3 rect.
Aladdin remote possible. Speakers: 1 bass, two treble speakers.

406D Adam Ch= W-877, W-867, W-868, 16-E; Capehart Corp.; Fort (ID = 1324325) Radio 406D Adam Ch= W-877, W-867, W-868, 16-E; Capehart Corp.; Fort (ID = 1324336) Radio 406D Adam Ch= W-877, W-867, W-868, 16-E; Capehart Corp.; Fort (ID = 1324326) Radio 406D Adam Ch= W-877, W-867, W-868, 16-E; Capehart Corp.; Fort (ID = 1324338) Radio 406D Adam Ch= W-877, W-867, W-868, 16-E; Capehart Corp.; Fort (ID = 1324332) Radio 406D Adam Ch= W-877, W-867, W-868, 16-E; Capehart Corp.; Fort (ID = 1324324) Radio
tuner chassis - all pictures from 406D bass amp lay out bass amp treble amp layout treble amp loudspeakers and amp chassis etc.

Capehart 300D series (2 unit construction) 15 tubes (9 + 6) for LW, BC and SW, 16-E for 78 RPM, straight magnetic, Aladdin remote possible.

50D and 51D have chassis 300D series but no record changer, radio only.
60D and 61D have chassis 400D series but no record changer, radio only.

E = 1936/37

Capehart 400E series (3 unit construction) 24 tubes
Rider's 10-7 & 10-8, W-890 from Sept. 1936 for tuner and W-892 for 5-tube treble amp.
Chassis are made by Howard Radio Company.
Where is the schematic for the 9 tube bass amp, probably W-891?

Bands LW, broadcast and two SW bands 24 Tubes (10+9+5) 4-gang tuning, 10 tuned circuits
Output ? 3 Speakers ? 14", 12"
Power ? Watts 50 or 60 cycles 115 Volts
Changer 16-E 78 RPM Straight Magnetic, head shell is articulate!

Tuner chassis:

Long wave Broadcast SW 1 SW 2
Tubes, functions 6K7 1st RF .6K7 2nd RF 6C5 osc.
6L7 mixer 6G5 magic eye 6K7 1st IF 6K7 2nd IF
6H6 2nd det. 6H6 AVC 6C5 AVC amp.  
      Rider's 10-7 + 10-8, W-890 from Sept. 16, 1936

Aladdin remote possible. Speakers: Bass 14", treble 12" with a has an exceptionally light and stiff cone for reproducing higher frequencies.
Model pages: Capehart 404E Chateau, 405E Chippendale, 406E Adam, 407E Neo-Classic/Modern, 500E Empire, the 1600E Plain Cabinet Concealed, 60E Modern and 61E 18th Century:

Two AF amplifiers,
W-891 for 9 tubes:
6C6, 2 x 6C5, 2 x 6F5, 2 x 6L6 push pull, 2 x 5Z3.
W-892 for 5 tubes: 2 x 6C5, 2 x 6L6 push-pull, 5Z3 rectifier.
Radio part No. 1957 is for 400 and 500 series E, 1960 is for 304 and 305 cabinets and No. 1961 for 50, 51, 60 and 61 cabinets.

406E Adam Ch= W-890 + amp W-891, W-892; 16-E; Capehart Corp.; Fort (ID = 1317012) Radio 404E Chateau Ch= W-890 + amp W-891, W-892; 16-E; Capehart Corp.; Fort (ID = 1306486) Radio 406E Adam Ch= W-890 + amp W-891, W-892; 16-E; Capehart Corp.; Fort (ID = 1317018) Radio 404E Chateau Ch= W-890 + amp W-891, W-892; 16-E; Capehart Corp.; Fort (ID = 1306512) Radio 406E Adam Ch= W-890 + amp W-891, W-892; 16-E; Capehart Corp.; Fort (ID = 1317017) Radio 406E Adam Ch= W-890 + amp W-891, W-892; 16-E; Capehart Corp.; Fort (ID = 1317004) Radio
10-tube tuner (incl. mag. Eye + 6C5 1st AF). 9-tube bass amp, 5-tube treble amp. See 406E + 404E.

Capehart 500E series (4 unit construction, 3 loudspeakers) 29 tubes (10+9+5+5). Added to the 400 series is one more treble amp and a 18" woofer.

Capehart 300E series (2 unit construction) 19 tubes (10 + 9), same tuner chassis, but only the 9 tube amplifier chassis and one loudspeaker.

Capehart 200E series (2 unit construction) 12 tubes (7 + 5) 7 tube tuner chassis plus the 5 tube amplifier chassis and also one loudspeaker.

500-E & 500-ER Empire Ch= W-890 + amp W-891, W-892; 16-E; Capehart Corp.; Fort (ID = 1384171) Radio 500-E & 500-ER Empire Ch= W-890 + amp W-891, W-892; 16-E; Capehart Corp.; Fort (ID = 1384189) Radio 500-E & 500-ER Empire Ch= W-890 + amp W-891, W-892; 16-E; Capehart Corp.; Fort (ID = 1384183) Radio 304-E Modern ; Capehart Corp.; Fort (ID = 1384804) Radio 204-E Modern, series 200E changer= 16-E; Capehart Corp.; Fort (ID = 1384856) Radio 204-E Modern, series 200E changer= 16-E; Capehart Corp.; Fort (ID = 1384874) Radio
10-tube tuner for E-series (except 200E series) Amplifier "ET" for 500E and 400E series etc. Amplifier "E-B" for 500E, 400E and 60E series. Amplifier "E-1" for 300E series. 7-tube tuner chassis for 200E series Amplifier "E-2" for 200E series

50E and 51E have chassis 300E series but no record changer, radio only.
60E and 61E have chassis 400E series but no record changer, radio only.

F = 1937/38

Capehart 400F series (LW, BC, SW) (3 unit construction), 23 tubes (12+7+4)
400-F tuner schem. 12 tubes: 2 x 6K7 RF, 6C5 osc, 6L7 mix, 2 x 6K7 IF, 6H6 det, 6G5 mag, 6J7, 6H6, 5Z4. IF 465 kHz, 4 gang tuning, 6 ZF filters, 4 bands. W-918 Aug. 1937.

400-F series treble amp N-919, 4 tubes: 6F6, 2 x 6L6, 5Z3 and 400-F bass amp N-920, 7 tubes: 6N7,2 x 6C5, 6F6, 2 x 6L6, 83. 3 LS outputs, 6 or 8 ohms? Two loudspeakers: 14" and 12". Aladdin remote posssible. Changer: True tangent, crystal.

400F DeLuxe series & 1600F De Luxe plain cabinet general, samples & unknown; Capehart Corp.; Fort (ID = 1343314) Radio 400F DeLuxe series & 1600F De Luxe plain cabinet general, samples & unknown; Capehart Corp.; Fort (ID = 1343312) Radio 400F DeLuxe series & 1600F De Luxe plain cabinet general, samples & unknown; Capehart Corp.; Fort (ID = 1343316) Radio 400F DeLuxe series & 1600F De Luxe plain cabinet general, samples & unknown; Capehart Corp.; Fort (ID = 1343317) Radio 400F DeLuxe series & 1600F De Luxe plain cabinet general, samples & unknown; Capehart Corp.; Fort (ID = 1343310) Radio 400F DeLuxe series & 1600F De Luxe plain cabinet general, samples & unknown; Capehart Corp.; Fort (ID = 1343311) Radio
Tuner F all wave Type F-B bass Type F-M mid Type F-T treble Receiver F-1 Type F-1

You find the full documentation on model 400F
Amplifiers type "F-B bass" and "F-T" (treble) are for models 500F/FR, 405F/FR, 406F/FR, 407F/FR, 408F/FR, 415F, 416F, 417F, 418F, 1600FR, 60F, 61F. 500F/FR have also the type F-M middle. Amplifier type F-1 is for models 304F, 305F, 314F, 315F, 50F & 51F. Tuner F all wave is for all models except for the one unit models 204F and 205F which use the receiver F-1. But for "tuner chassis F all wave" is no notice for the models 415F, 416F, 417F, 418F - only for the amplifiers F-B and F-M!

Capehart 500F/FR series (4 unit construction) 27 tubes (12+7+4+4), 3 loudspeakers, 18", 14" and 12") Added to the 400 series is an amplifier F-M middle with seems to be the same as the treble amplifier. Added is also a 18" woofer.

Capehart 300F series (2 unit construction) 19 tubes (12+7), one LS 12", LW, BC, SW, changer 16-E)

Capehart 200F series (1 unit construction) 12 tubes, (BC and SW only, no changer, one chassis).  Fred Rice: "I have a 205F with the identical cabinet as the 305E but a with a 12 tube single chassis unique to the 205F."
Model 200-F schem. W-921, Aug. 1937, 12 tubes: 6K7 RF, 6C5 osc, 6L7 mix, 2 x 6K7 IF, 6H6, 6G5, 6N7, 6C5, 2 x 6V6, 5Z3, IF 465 kHz, 3 + 6 circuits, output for two LS but has only one speaker 12". See also changes 11-5.

50F, 51F, 60F and 61F cabinets.

304F Modern ; Capehart Corp.; Fort (ID = 1327104) Radio 304F Modern ; Capehart Corp.; Fort (ID = 1327105) Radio 304F Modern ; Capehart Corp.; Fort (ID = 1327083) Radio 304F Modern ; Capehart Corp.; Fort (ID = 1327098) Radio    
chassis of the 300F series


G = 1938/39

The first series 100 (only with 110G) was called Panamuse. From about season K, the drop type changer was introduced for (2 digit name) Panamuse and the models with the turn-over changer became the suffix "DeLuxe".

Capehart 400G series (3 unit construction), 23 tubes (8+11+4): Rider's 10-13 = W-947 (drawing date Oct. 1938) = 400G 8-tube tuner schematic: 6K7 RF, 6L7 mix, 6J5 osc, 2 x 6K7 IF, 6H6, 6G5 mag, 6J5 AFC. 465 IF, 3-gang tuner, 9 circuits. Page 10-14 = W-949 (Oct. 1938) 400G bass amp, 11 tubes: 6N7, 3 x 6C5G, 6F6G, 4 x 6V6G, 2 x 5Z3 and page 10-15 = W-948 400-G treble amp, 4 tubes: 6F6G, 2 x 6V6G, 5Z3.

Capehart 500G series (4 unit construction) 27 tubes (8+11+4+4) LS 18", 14", 12"

Capehart 300G series (2 unit construction) 19 tubes12" (8+11), LS 12", BC, SW, 16-E

Capehart 100G series (2 unit construction), Total 11 tubes (6+5). LS = 12". No Aladdin remote posssible.

Rider's 10-5 = W-940 (March 1938), 110G Panamuse schematic, tuner 6-tubes: 6K7 RF, 6A8 osc mix, 2 x 6K7 IF, 6H6, 6G5 mag., IF 465 for BC + 2 x SW. Amplifier 5-tubes: W-941, March 1938, signed G.F. Hofer: 6N7, 6C5, 2 x 6V6G, 5Z3.

The "R-3 Sheraton Record Cabinet" for $ 59 is belonging to the series 400G.


Treble amp 410G AF treble AF treble sticker


H = 1939/40

Capehart 400H series (3 unit construction) 22 tubes (8+8+6) BC and SW, 2 LS:14" + 12", 16-E 78 RPM, true tangent crystal. Extended or Remote possible.

Capehart 500H series (4 unit construction) 28 tubes (8+8+6+6) BC and SW, 3 LS:18" + 14" + 12", 16-E 78 RPM, true tangent crystal. Extended or Remote possible.

Capehart 300H series (2 unit construction) 16 tubes (8+8), BC and SW, LS 12", 16-E 78 RPM, true tangent crystal. No remote possible.

Capehart 100H series (2 unit construction) 12 tubes (6+6), BC and SW, 2 LS 12" + 12", 16-E 78 RPM, true tangent crystal. No remote possible. This is a given number of tubes but the actual chassis is 14 tubes, 6 for the receiver, 8 for the amplifier.

K = 1940/41

Capehart 400K series (3 unit construction), 30 tubes (12+9+9), 2 LS, 14" and 12".
Rider's 20-21 to 20-31: 400 Watts, 117 - 105-125 Volts AC 60 cycles.  Extended or Remote control possible., 16-E 78 RMP True Tangent, Crystal.
Rider's Farnsworth; Changer 16-E = Rider's
RCD.CH. Farnsworth 19-11 to 19-44.

Tuner chassis:

BC 540 to 1600 kHz SW 5.4 to 18 MHz FM 41,9 to 51 MHz 3-gang tuning condenser
9 AM and 9 FM tuned circuits
IF = 455/4300 Hz Rider's 20-25 + 20-26 = schematic no number given Rider's 20-21 list only.
Tubes, functions 6AB7 RF amp. 6SA7 Converter 6J5GT Oscillator
6SK7 1st AM+FM IF 6SK7 2nd FM IF 6SJ7 limiter FM 6N7 eye amp.
6SJ7 AVC amp, 6H6 discriminator FM 6SQ7 silencer FM 6SQ7 2nd det. & 1st audio
6AF6G tuning eye   10 push buttons: Reject, Phono, station 1 to 6, Radio and Off.

Two type A-7 AF amplifiers of 9 tubes each:
Rider's pages 20-21 list, 20-28 schematic: 6J5 voltage amplifier, 6SC7 (metal) duo driver (shows the list on the same page where the tube lay out shows the 6C8G - which we carry on the model pages and is in the schematic),
4 x
6V6G push-pull-parallel output, 3 x 5Y3G rectifiers.

406K Adam ; Farnsworth (ID = 567603) Radio 406K Adam ; Farnsworth (ID = 1318104) Radio 406K Adam ; Farnsworth (ID = 567604) Radio 406K Adam ; Farnsworth (ID = 1318105) Radio
12 tube tuner, 2 x 9 tube amplifiers - see 406K Adam.

Capehart 500K series (4 unit construction) 36 tubes (12+9+9+6), 3 LS: 18" + 14" + 12". 16-E 78 RMP True Tangent, Crystal.

Capehart 100K series 2FM (2 unit construction) 20 tubes (11+9), 2 LS: 12" + 12", BC, SW and FM, 16-E 78 RMP True Tangent, Crystal. No remote control. See model 113K2FM.

Rider's Farnsworth; Changer 16-E = Rider's RCD.CH. Farnsworth 19-11 to 19-44.

Bands ? 20 Tubes (11 + 9) ?-gang tuning
Output ? Watts Speakers 12" woofer, 12" treble
Power ? Watts 50 or 60 cycles 117 volts = 105 to 125
Changer 16-E 78 RPM True Tangent Crystal

Tuner chassis 100K-FM:

IF = 455/4300 Hz Rider's ? no number given Rider's ..,.. ?
Tubes, functions 6SK7 RF amp. 6SA7 Converter 6SJ7 Oscillator
6SK7 1st IF 6SK7 2nd FM IF 6SJ7 limiter FM 6H6 discriminator
6J5GT tuning eye amp. 6J5GT tuning eye amp. 6Q7 2nd det. AM, AVC & 1st audio 6AF6G tuning eye
    7 push buttons:  

Amplifier "2"

Rider's Farnsworth ? Chassis ? no schematic date Rider's ?
Tubes, functions 6J5 Voltage amp. 6C8G duo drivers 4 x 6V6G power output
3 x 5Y3G rectifier push-pull-parallel output    



Capehart 100K series 3FM (2 unit construction) 17 tubes (11+6), 1 LS: 12", BC, SW and FM, 16-E 78 RMP True Tangent, Crystal. No remote control. Same tuner chassis as K2FM - but see less powerful amplifier below.

Capehart 100K series 2 (AM) (2 unit construction), 15 tubes (6+9), 2 LS: 12" + 12", BC and SW, 16-E 78 RMP True Tangent, Crystal. No remote control.

Tube line up ?

Capehart 100K series 3(AM) (2 unit construction), 11 tubes (5+6 ?) (I think 12), 1 LS: 12", BC and SW, 16-E 78 RMP True Tangent, Crystal. No remote control.


The "R-4 Record Cabinet" for $ 59 is belonging to the 400K series.

M = 1941/42
Capehart 400M series
(3 unit construction, like the 400K series), 31 tubes (13 +9+9). Some did not count the magic eye and list 30 tubes!
Rider's Farnsworth 19-34 to 54; Changer 16-E = Rider's RCD.CH. Farnsworth 19-11 to 19-44.

Bands 3 + FM 31 Tubes (13 + 2 x 9) 3-gang tuning, ? AM tuned circuits
Output 40 Watts (2 x 20) Speakers 14" woofer, 12" treble
Power 400 Watts 50 or 60 cycles 117 volts = 105 to 125
Changer 16-E 78 RPM True Tangent Crystal

Tuner chassis:

411M Regency Series 400M; Farnsworth (ID = 1310341) Radio

411M Regency Series 400M; Farnsworth (ID = 1310337) Radio    
See tube layout here (411M) also chassis photo notes


BC 540 to 1600 kHz SW 5.4 to 18 MHz band spread 25 + 31 m FM 41,9 to 51 MHz
IF = 455/4300 Hz Rider's 19-51/52 no number given no date, Rider's 19 = 1949
Tubes, functions 6AB7 RF amp. 6SA7 Converter 6J5 Oscillator
6SG7 1st IF 6SG7 2nd IF FM 6SJ7 limiter FM 6SN7 eye amp.
6SJ7 AVC amp, 6B8 2nd IF and AVC AM 6H6 Discriminator FM 6SN7 silencer FM
6Q7 2nd det. AM & 1st audio 6AF6G tuning eye 10 push buttons: Reject, Phono, station 1 to 6, Radio and Off.

Has a mains transformer for the heaters, but gets the plate voltage from the amplifiers.
Sep. IF channels for FM for air core IF transformers for minimal drift and maximum gain.

Amplifier chassis 1 and 2 = 2 x A-10, each 9 tubes:

411M Regency Series 400M; Farnsworth (ID = 1310345) Radio      

Rider's Farnsworth 19-46 Chassis A-10 no schematic date Rider's 19 = 1949
Tubes, functions 6R7 Voltage amp. 6C8G duo drivers 4 x 6V6G power output
3 x 5Y3G rectifier push-pull-parallel output    

12" treble electrodynamic (81-72)  with 450 ohm field, 8 ohm voice coil at 400 cycles.
14" bass electrodynamic (81-73) with the same parameters.
Baffle and cabinet design for high fidelity reproduction.

Extended or remote possible. 400M series models are not adaptable for 25 cycle operation.
All of the desirable functions of the "K" series are also incorporated in the "M" series, but improved. The tuner has retained the motor driven selector switch to permit extended and remote control, separate bass, master and treble volume control, the latter being used in conjunction with a high fidelity switch.
New is the electric play control, improved broadcast and SW reception, superior FM performance with a squelch circuit to prevent inter-station noise. This is done by a 6SN7GT tube, one section bing used as an oscillator operating at 200 kHz and the other section is a grid controlled rectifier and controller of the squelch voltage applied to the first audio grid.
New design of the motor driven selector.
Improved push button setting of any desired frequency within the broadcast band.
The first audio stage is located in the tuner chassis including a bass and treble network. The audio amplifiers use inverse feedback for lowering the plate impedance of the push-pull-parallel tubes to contribute over-all noise and hum reduction.

The Capehart 16-E Record Changer has a play control feature for playing a determined number of records and then stop and shut off the instrument.
Capehart 16-E, fully automatic with record capacity of 16 to 18 records either 10" or 12", turntable speed 78 RPM (gear reduction unit),Pickup: Light weight Crystal unit with needle pressure of 1 1/4 oz., true tangent tone arm, electric play control unit. Heavy cast turntable for constant speed.
On page 5 is noted 20 records as maximum versus 16 to 18 in the specification on page 1. The explanation is that Capehart recommends 16 to 18 only because of variations in thickness and warpage, but nominal it is 20. Intermixed 10" or 12".

Capehart 100M series 2 (AM) (2 unit construction), 15 tubes (6+9), 2 LS: 12" + 12", BC and SW, 16-E 78 RMP True Tangent, Crystal. No remote control.

Capehart 100M series 2FM (2 unit construction) 20 tubes (11+9), 2 LS: 12" + 12", BC, SW and FM, 16-E 78 RMP True Tangent, Crystal. No remote control.


Capehart 112M2FM George II ; Farnsworth (ID = 1318673) Radio

    Capehart 112M2FM George II ; Farnsworth (ID = 1318666) Radio
Tuner chassis 112M2FM also chassis photo rear of 112M2FM

Capehart 100M series 3 (AM) (2 unit construction), 12 tubes (6+6)?, 1 LS: 12", BC and SW, 16-E 78 RMP True Tangent, Crystal. No remote control.

Capehart 100M series 3FM (2 unit construction) 17 tubes (11+6), 1 LS: 12", BC, SW and FM, 16-E 78 RMP True Tangent, Crystal. No remote control.


Capehart-Panamuse Sheraton 19M3FM Ch= M3FM and A-9; Farnsworth (ID = 1329512) Radio

    M3 amplifier chassis for 110M3 and Panamuse M3 (111M3FM and 19M3FM etc.)  


N = 1945-48

Capehart 400N series (2 unit construction) 28 tubes (17 + 11) for the models 414N, 413N and 406N.

"400N has a single loudspeaker (from military-sponsored design to produce the best of sound-reproducing units. It is a two cone-unit. Both coils are driven by a 4 ohms voice coil. 5 pounds of alnico metal with a power capacity in excess of the 30 watts. The speaker needs a full enclosure not less than 2.5 nor more than 4 cubic feet with suitable absorbent material." Can you imagine that in the military "the best sound" was necessary?

"Radio & TV Retailing", January 1947 for the N chassis of series 400: "With 18.5 watts undistorted output. Changer handles up to 20 discs, 10" and 12" intermixed, plays both sides continously. Radio with 17 tubes. Separate amlifier unit has another 8 tubes. Auditorium type 15" low frequency speaker plus one horn type speaker for treble. Capehart units start at $ 965. This is for N3, not N2.

See Rider's Farnsworth 18-16 to 18-44 - without changer. 41-E 78 RPM, 16 records 10" or 12", Pickup = "Capehart True timbre".  External FM antenna with feeder of 300 ohms possible.

Bands BC, SW + FM 28 Tubes (17 + 11) 3-gang tuning, 10 FM and 9 AM tuned circuits
Output 40 Watts Speakers Altec 600B speaker? (see 400P)
Power 245 Watts, fuse 2.16 Amp. 60 cycles, 50 cycle operation possible with modifications. 117 volts = 105 to 125
Changer 41-E 78 RPM Curved arm Crystal pic-up

Tuner chassis N = 17 tubes for 400N and 100N: 
Travel-light dial. 400 series is a vertical scale, rest horizontal.

BC 540 to 1600 kHz SW 9.4 to 15.4 MHz FM 88 to 108 MHz IF = 455/10700 kHz, Loop antenna (BC) plus folded dipole for FM (SW) Switch on rear.
Tubes, functions 6AG5 FM RF 6SK7 AM RF 6AG5 FM mixer
6SA7 AM mixer 6C4 FM osc. 6J5 AM osc. 6SK7 FM 1st IF
6SK7 FM 2nd IF 6SK7 AM 1st IF 6SK7 AM 2nd IF 6SK7 FM 3rd IF
6H6 ratio det. 6H6 AM det, AVC 6SN7 tuning ind. amp. 6AF6 Magic Eye
6J7 phono pre amp. 6SN7 1st AF amp. Rider's lists 6SN7GT ?, Sams 6SN7 Sams omits the AM 1st IF in the list (front page)

It seems that this was kept also for P - except the 2nd AM detection!
Rider's notes 15 tubes in the tube complement list (without naming the magic eye), omitting the 3rd FM IF amp. It calls the 6H6 for FM disc. in the layout instead of (2nd det) ratio detector.

Amplifier chassis 400N(1) series - 11 tubes (same as 400P) = 40 watts undistorted:

Tubes, functions 6J5 2nd AF amp. 6J5 phase inverter 2 x 6J5 driver
4 x 2A3 power output 5Y3GT bias rectifier 2 x 5U4G rectifier 40 Watts, for 4 ohms voice coil.


414N Chippendale N-1; Farnsworth (ID = 1305162) Radio

413N Chippendale N1; Farnsworth (ID = 1327893) Radio 414N Chippendale N-1; Farnsworth (ID = 1305160) Radio  
413N1 tuner chassis 413N1 tuner tube layout 414N1 amp chassis  


Capehart 100N series (2 unit construction) 25 tubes (17 + 8) for models 114N2 and 112N2.

The tuner chassis uses the same tubes as 400N sereies, the 8-tube amplifier chassis N2 has 2 x 6L6G as power output instead of 4 x 2A3 and no bias rectifier. Consumption is 225 Watts, 117 Volts, 60 cycles. 18 Watts undistorted power output for 8 ohms voice coil. Alnico two cone loudspeaker 15" and 5" coaxial. The combined voice-coil impedance of the 2 units is 8 ohms.

Turn-over record changer 41-E for 78 RPM curved, crystal for 400N and 100N series.


Capehart 112N2 George II ; Farnsworth (ID = 1304736) Radio

413N Chippendale N1; Farnsworth (ID = 1327893) Radio Capehart 112N2 George II ; Farnsworth (ID = 1304784) Radio  
400N + 100N tuner chassis (at 112N2) 400N + 100N tuner tube layout N2 amp chassis  


Panamuse N models (drop-down changer)

Rider's Farnsworth 18-39 shows an N3 amplifier with 7 tubes:
6J5 audio amp., 6J5 inverter, 2 x 6J5 drivers, 2 x 6V6G power output, 1 x 5U4G rectifiers. This is for the Panamuse 19N3 Sheraton. "Has a 81149 speaker, which consists of 12" bass speaker and 6" treble (alnico) speaker assembly." This means N2 has 15 + 6" and N3 has 12 + 6".

Models with N4 amplifier:

According to SAMS Photofact Folder Date 7-49, 4913-3, set 65, folder 3, the following 13 Capehart models were made by the Capehart division of Farnsworth Television and Radio Corp., Fort Wayne, Indiana and use the same chassis: 19N4, 24N4, 26N4, 31N4 with record changer P-63; 21P4, 24P4,  29P4, 30P4,  31P4 with record changer P-71 (Rider's); 114N4, 116N4, 116P4 (see video there) and 118P4 (see video there) with 41-E turn-over changer. Jensen 11 3/8" PM speaker ST-673 mod. P12-Q and built in 5" ST-589 mod. Q8-P coaxial within the big one - maybe only in "P" models.

Capehart 24N4 Hepplewhite ; Farnsworth (ID = 1297338) Radio

Capehart Panamuse 31N4 Sheraton ; Farnsworth (ID = 1281966) Radio Panamuse 21N2 Chippendale ; Farnsworth (ID = 352192) Radio Panamuse 21N2 Chippendale ; Farnsworth (ID = 352190) Radio
24N4 one chassis for tuner and amp. 31N4 tube layout 21N2 tuner chassis Panamuse N2 amp (21N2)


P = 1948-50 - last series

Capehart 400P series (2 unit construction) 28 tubes (17 + 11) BC, SW, FM. ? LS.

Data according to SAMS Photofact Aug. 1949, set 67, folder 6.

Bands BC, SW + FM 28 Tubes (17 + 11) 3-gang tuning, 10 FM and 9 AM tuned circuits
Output 40 Watts ? Speakers Altec 600B speaker? (see 400P)
Power fuse 2.16 Amp. 50 or 60 cycles 117 volts = 105 to 125
Changer 41-E 78 or 78 + 33.3 RPM Curved arm Crystal pic-up

Tuner chassis: 

BC 540 to 1600 kHz SW 9.4 to 15.4 MHz FM 88 to 108 MHz IF = 455/10700 kHz, Loop antenna
Tubes, functions 6AG5 FM RF 6SK7 AM RF 6AG5 FM mixer
6SA7 AM mixer 6C4 FM osc. 6J5 AM osc. 6SK7 FM 1st IF
6SK7 FM 2nd IF 6SK7 AM 1st IF 6SK7 AM 2nd IF 6SK7 FM 3rd IF
6H6 ratio det. 6SR7 AM det, AVC, phono 6SN7GT tuning ind. amp. 6AF6 Magic Eye
6J7 phono pre amp. 6SN7GT 1st AF amp. Rider's lists 6SN7GT ?, Sams 6SN7 Sams omits the AM 1st IF in the list (front page)

Amplifier chassis 400P series:

Tubes, functions 6J5 2nd AF amp. 6J5 phase inverter 2 x 6J5 driver
4 x 2A3 power output 5Y3GT bias rectifier 2 x 5U4G rectifier  

Capehart 100P2 series (2 unit construction) 25 tubes (17 + 8) BC, SW, FM. 2 LS: 15" + 5". The tuner chassis uses the same tubes as 400P sereies, the amplifier chassis has 2 x 6L6G as power output instead of 4 x 2A3 and no bias rectifier. Consumption is 225 Watts, 117 Volts, 60 cycles.

Capehart 115P2-BQ Modern Bisque ; Farnsworth (ID = 1324947) Radio

Capehart 115P2-BQ Modern Bisque ; Farnsworth (ID = 1324930) Radio    
Tuner chassis 115P2 amplifier chassis P2 photo picture
Tubes for the Amplifier: 4 x 6J5 2 x 6L6G 2 x 5U4G


Capehart 100P4 series (single unit construction!)

Bands BC & FM 11 tubes all together 3-gang tuning,
Tubes 6AG5 6SB7Y 6SA7
6SG7 6SF7 6H6 6SC7
6SL7GT 2 x 6V6GT 5Y3GT push-pull output
117 Volts = 105 to 125 2 Jensen speakers of same size.    
Changer 41-E 78 or 78 + 33.3 RPM Curved arm Crystal pic-up


Capehart 116P4 Sheraton ; Farnsworth (ID = 1329121) Radio

  The same chassis for Panamuse models xxP4!  
116P4 one unit chassis 11 tubes   29P4 (yet without chassis picture)  


Turn-over record changer 41-E - either for 78 RPM or for 78 RPM plus 33.3 RPM, both curved, crystal for 400P and 100P series.


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