Repairmen, Repairshops, Radio Repair - and

ID: 141886
Repairmen, Repairshops, Radio Repair - and 
01.Jun.07 12:24

Ernst Erb (CH)
Articles: 5740
Count of Thanks: 31
Ernst Erb

First some examples of Repairshops (repair shops, shop):

Repairshop Region 95XXX San Francisco Bay Area (California)

Repairshop, region 90249 Los Angeles County (California)

Here we list only those who have entered the shop according to this instruction.

First a link to our List of SOURCES / Suppliers for Vintage Radios etc.

Dear Members
I just saw a discussion here about some repairmen in the USA and about quality or guessing about missing quality etc. Since I'm responsible for this forum I can be involved in a law case if we publish negative about someone or some organization. Therefore this is strictly forbidden here. I have put that thread "aside".

Some weeks ago I have posted ( in German ) about how members can publish their possibility for helping others as repairman or for spare parts under certain rules. With my very basic English I will try to do the same here:

It is my aim that members can find possibilities for direct practical help here.
But this has to be organized in a strict way to avoid any misunderstanding. We have to know the fact that humans are very different - clients - and also repairmen. The most important fact is to ensure that both sides have a clear understanding of what they want. This can go from free help, just giving hints or even free repair up to an expensive repair shop.

Such publishing is done with a certain wording in the title of a forum post. In German it is: "Reparaturhilfe Region Zip-Code Place". This ensures that all such shops are found by the SEARCH, entering " reparaturhilfe AND region ". This thread will now turn up also in such case (is linked together).

For English speaking countries you post the following way:
Repairshop Region Zip-code, Place (City) and to find you enter in the SEARCH:

repairshop AND region

Use small letters only except the word AND in capital letters and don't put in anything more.
I have joined the two words to make it clearer (hopefully this is OK).

There  will be no discussion about your own opinion weather a free service is no good or wether an expensive repair shop is no good etc. It is all individual believing which divides instead of unites.

We can post to such thread (of a repairshop) if we are pleased and in which way and what was done - everything which is positive (only). If we have a negative balance of such a shop then you can use the contact form  and state there what you experienced. I will have to find somebody who can negociate this as a mediator. We have nothing to do with such business but in real "bad cases" we would delete the repair shop in the forum as our maximum obligation. You find the contact form on every page within the bottom link "Contact".


Who does like to be known as a "repair shop" shall post in the board "Talk" only.
Such member of Radiomuseum has to publish his conditions and his possibilities openly. One has to know if he does it for fun or for a living!
Contacted by a client he has to tell him beforehand what the client can expect and to which conditions. If possible he has then to make an estimate and show what material and time does cost for the client. He has to state the cost of that estimate beforehand. Collector (client) has to be aware that some parts may be difficult to obtain (or impossible) or be expensive if that is the case.

The title has to be as Repairshop Region Zip-code, Place (City)
Otherwise members don't find the thread because of too many search results and therefore we combine those two words. Don't use them on other posts. Keep in mind that the SEARCH is updated every night only.

You link this thread into your "add" with the sentence:
Click here to see the reasons for this post. (Or something similar).
How to link?
After writing the text you go to this page here and copy the addressline the browser shows you right above. Then you go to the WYSIWYG-Editor again and highlight your text. On the two lines with pictograms will light up one pictogram in green (the 5th in the second row) which you click and paste the address into it.
Why this?
If somebody sees your "add", not reading our "rules" for that then we would soon get into all kind of such postings.

We recommend that you enter your personal photo to your profile and do not hide your address or telephone etc. We also recommend to upload some pictures of your radios to the model, getting a collection page here. It would be wise to post a repair article from time to time in the forum - if particular for a model then via the model page.

For clients

a) (RMorg) has no responsibility about such places for help and/or repair.

Any time you can post to such "add" a thread - if the repairman does allow this.
He might not allow if he feels that he otherwise gets too much to do! Such post should be very factual (too) and can only be done with positive results.

If you are disappointed about a service (by good reasons) then you use the contact form only!
It is a fact that such disappointment can be caused on reasons of either party, on misunderstandings etc. We will try that a mediator will look into the case and try to find a good solution and only in case where it is clear (for instance by having more than one "bad case" for this "shop" we would delete it from our "list" as the maximum of sanctions.


It is now up to you that we can display places in as many regions as possible.
Please begin with such an entrance if you do like to do some repair work - under any conditions. Do persuade such persons you know as being good for such services.

I wonder where we stand with this in a years time - and later. The start is not easy and will only cover some limited regions. Both parties can profitise a lot if this is done properly. Who will write to me to offer help as a mediator in case of difficulties between two parties?

For guests:
The board "Talk" is not visible to guests and therefore you don't get results by searching for repair shops in your aera - but it is easys to become a member. Just click "Membership" on the HP (Search page) and read the conditions. We recommend reading some articles in the forum etc. before you request a membership. Please click also the blue info buttons and the bottom links to understand RMorg.

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03.Jun.07 09:19

Omer Suleimanagich (USA)
Articles: 422
Count of Thanks: 32
Omer Suleimanagich


Is there a possibility that we can create a directory for radio repair in RMorg.

Of course, for legal reasons, RMorg can state that they, "do not sponsor or endorse any repair services that are listed".

In addition, this directory could be open to nonmembers, with advertising that could subsidize RMorg.


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Public or not 
03.Jun.07 10:41

Ernst Erb (CH)
Articles: 5740
Count of Thanks: 33
Ernst Erb

Dear Omer
Thank you for your post.
I believe your first sentence is a question (?).

The dictionary is already there if you use the search with the defined words. But you probably refer to "other repair shops". I hope that in s short time we have our well done own list. This depends on the members who can also persuade an existing shop to be a member.

Our directory will not be public but this thread here will be!
With that also guests are informed about our "services" ... Any intersted person can be a member ;-)

We can discuss such matters but we should use a new thread because I will have to delete here before we move this to public (General).

By the way:
Rüdiger Walz (Officer) has recommended a list of actions to enforce a secure service between repair shop and "client". It is in discussion within the board and I will post the result before going public with this.

We have now about 4000 members from 66 countries - but unfortunately only 342 from the USA. With a bigger share we could also aim to install local groups which would meet from time to time on a scedule as we try to organize now for Germany (with 1824 members).

Even worse is the fact that many (most?) of the 50 000 US models we display are "bones without flesh" and we do not find enough help for bringing in the data or pictures.
I cry for help!

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01.Sep.07 11:49

Ernst Erb (CH)
Articles: 5740
Count of Thanks: 32
Ernst Erb

I decided to put this to a public board before Rüdiger has finished the text. I saw that not all repairshops have included the text below in their thread:

You link this thread into your "add" with the sentence:
Click here to see the reasons for this post. (Or something similar).
How to link?
After writing the text you go to this page here and copy the addressline the browser shows you right above. Then you go to the WYSIWYG-Editor again and highlight your text. On the two lines with pictograms will light up one pictogram in green (the 5th in the second row) which you click and paste the address into it.
Why this?
If somebody sees your "add", not reading our "rules" for that then we would soon get into all kind of such postings.

Please add also a privat photo to your member profile.

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Regional repair shops and 
10.Oct.10 21:36
955 from 19371

Ernst Erb (CH)
Articles: 5740
Count of Thanks: 27
Ernst Erb

This topic has not been addressed here since 3 Years. By now we are 7000 members instead of 4000. Three years ago we had only 342 members from the USA - now there are 935 members and last month more US members than German speaking members joined. Fortunately we could welcome also some quite active members like Alan Douglas (you surely know his books, see his start with 42 models) and Alan Larsen (27 models now) who collects very early (and rare) sets from the United States. They have joined less than a month ago! They did not only upload their own pictures but also original ads or pictures from fliers - and they introduced or enhanced quite some models. Both also were quite critical and have proposed some interesting improvements for programs. I thank for their engagement for the worlds most complete radio site.

When you visit the link "Countries / Brands", you will see that we show now 63 827 US models for 2114 US manufacturers and show 63 944 model pictures and 137 947 schematic pages for US models. But the glass is still only "half full" by quality and quantity ... We show the most complete and well organized radio catalog - growing every day, but we will have much to do to be a complete reference work, our goal.

Here you can see the 164 collections of our US members by selecting USA. I focused here the USA because this thread is about repair shops in regions - and up to now for the English speaking members it is the USA only which responded - but scarcely - here an example from Thomas Albrecht, an other active member. Most active is also Robin Roeckers. He has uploaded 1646 model pictures - most of them by asking guests if they allow to publish their pictures! We also get quite many pictures from guests who use the contact form.

I hope now that the topic "Repairshop in the region" can get new impulses.

To thank the Author because you find the post helpful or well done.

Repairmen, Repairshops, Radio Repair - and 
11.Oct.18 09:06
11212 from 19371

Mike Edwards † 25.10.21 (GB)
Articles: 52
Count of Thanks: 17

RM has been contacted by someone in Monaco who is looking for an expert restorer to carry out a full restoration on  his Stromberg Carlson radio gramophone.

Can you help, what experience have you had, and can you show examples of your work.

Please reply here and I will pass your details on, final arrangements will be made between yourself and the owner of the Stromberg Carlson, RM will have no further responsibility.

If there are no professional restorers in Central Europe the owner is willing to transport the radiogram to the UK




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