The death of Konrad Birkner brought it home to me that I suddenly lost my best friend. Today is his funeral and today Radiomuseum is in mourning.
As you now probably feel helpless, so do I. Konrad joined as member number 1146 and with that was not among the first
ones. But he soon became one of the most important and most reliable members.
Not only was he in technical matters exceedingly well versed, his human side was
equally admirable. If problems arose with members, we could always discuss them
in a constructive manner. Even at the lowest point we remained steadfastly
We shared very similar views on life, be it in political
matters, philosophically, religious aspects or in music. He had a deep knowledge
of classical literature but was also a skilled craftsman. We were in almost
daily contact via Skype, these would be more likely brief but quite intensive
Now I am at a loss to envisage how we can substitute for the
enormous volume of work he handled as a model administrator. And that at a time
when guests and many members seem to see us more as a self-serve place rather
than realizing how much work goes on behind the scene to make Radiomuseum as
successful as we have become.
divIt's not at all infrequent that I am made
aware of a member's disability brought on by an unhealthy life style. These
so-called civilization illnesses have been of special interest to me for some
time. The reason is my own health record, call it my medical fate, that led me
to a deeper understanding of how what we eat governs our general well-being.
This is my new project on which I plan to spend more time:
(Sorry, most content still in German)
Please do not contact me directly but use the link "Contact" if and when you
decide to make yourself available to assume any of the responsibilities
connected with the administration of RMorg. At the same time give an indication
of how much time you are willing and able to apply to the job. What we need are
entrepreneurial types, not procrastinators. Means self-starters, people who take
the initiative, have the required knowledge and possess a sense of humanity.
Administrators are needed for all sections covered at RMorg, that includes for
instance models, manufacturers, language to assist guests and members, and
more... It has become mandatory that a part of my activities has to be assumed
by others. The alternative is to curtail services provided.
Members do
not need to be friends - but getting along with each other in a friendly way is
a must. Still, here are some thoughts on the idea of
Aristoteles (384 B.C. - 322 B.C.) differentiated between three motives:
character (type), benefit and lust. Let me talk here only about friendship based
on character. Only that can be true friendship. Pursuing the same hobby or an
ideology can lead to a collegial association. However, real friendship requires
apart from congeniality also unquestioned trust. Friendship proves its
authenticity in the challenge. And: only a catastrophe will reveal the true
character of a person.
True friendship exists only between people at the
same level. They develop a relationship of trust in which they willingly share
personal secrets. Friendship is unthinkable without mutual respect and exchange
of innermost thoughts.
As a true friend one always knows that the other
will act in a positive way even if such action is not immediately fully
understood. Differences are brought out in the open and discussed.
Friendship prospers in a contemplative atmosphere - that is to say in
tranquillity and by giving attention to each other. Self-centred people (Dr.
Fritz Künkel) will not achieve it. They feel any slight criticism or comment as
a personal attack, while a true friend sees something positive even if at first
he perceives something as not completely friendly. Hurt or even anger, can only
arise from his own nature, but with the chance to enter into a true friendship
situation comes the ability for self analysis, honest exchange of views and
A friend does not expose weaknesses to the outside world, but
will work with him to resolve matters. This helps ultimately to a happier life,
increased rationality and virtues and gives life force. Virtues you can only
build up if you take care.
We all have received a certain character at
birth and early life. But after a certain age we are responsible for our
character. With high awareness, reflection, contemplation and genuine friendship
we can develop our character along the lines of a good wine that will mature
with time and eventually reach its fullness rather than turning into