Foxhole Radio (generic)

Unknown to us - Worldwide

  • Year
  • 1944 ??
perfect model
  • Category
  • Detector-Radio (Crystal or diode, without tubes/transistors)
  • ID
  • 244158

 Technical Specifications

  • Main principle
  • Crystal or Solid State Detector; 1 AF stage(s)
  • Tuned circuits
  • 1 AM circuit(s)
  • Wave bands
  • Wave Bands given in the notes.
  • Power type and voltage
  • No Power needed
  • Loudspeaker
  • - only for Earphone!
  • Material
  • Various materials
  • from
  • Model: Foxhole Radio - Unknown to us - Worldwide
  • Shape
  • Design Radio or Novelty / Gadget - fancy or unusual shape.
  • Notes
  • All such self constructed crystal sets using a razor blade are unique. Here are examples of different origin and time.
    Pictures of all such models are welcome, originals and replica/homebrews. Please give data as far as available into the picture legend. Do NOT ALTER this PAGE.

    The "Foxhole Radio" was a generic term for improvised radios used by troops of all nationalities in WW2 and in  later conflicts including Vietnam. Many used detectors based upon a safety razor blade being touched by a piece of graphite from a pencil or battery central core to create a semi-conducting junction. It is also thought that areas of corrosion on the blade might have  enhanced the efficiency of the detector. Various wavebands, including shortwave, were used.

  • Author
  • Model page created by Clive Forder. See "Data change" for further contributors.

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