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Information - Hilfe 
ID = 2858
Marke: Common type USA tube/semicond.
Typ:  Triode (Hoch-) Vakuum   Endstufe 
Identisch mit 71 = 482A_diffdat = CX71A = 171 = MX171 = DC-171 = UX171
Austauschbar, kleine Unterschiede mögl.
  C-171 ; J71
Heizdaten anders:
Erste Serie May.1926 Saga of the Vacuum Tube, Tyne page 316
Nachfolger 1926   UX171A  

Sockel USA-UX-4-Stift-Sockel (2 dick), ab 1924 (Codex=Bo)
Heizung Uf 5 Volt / If 0.25 Ampere
Beschreibung 71 is actually a later short name - somehow incorrect - but probably found on schematics. Tyne page 315: "The design of the UX171 was started early in 1925. It followed the construction of the UX201A rather closely and had a thoriated tungsten filament operating at 5 volts and 0.5 ampere. At the maximum recommended anode voltage of 180 volts, it would deliver 0.7 watt output. In October 1925 it was adopted by RCA but was not advertised or sold to the public untl June 1926. In November 1926 it was replaced by the UX171A, which had an oxide-coated filament operating with 0.25 ampere at 5 volts." But follows: "At the time the UX171 was brought out (May 1926), RCA also announced a new detector tube, the UX200A, to replace the UX200. 
Literatur Taschenbuch zum Röhren-Codex 1948/49   

s_217_g_2.gif 71: W.Sprick: Austausch-Röhren-Lexikon 1947
Günther Stabe † 19.8.20

Just Qvigstad
71: My schematic collection.
Pier Antonio Aluffi

Verwendung in Modellen 8= 1927? ; 9= 1927 ; 7= 1928 ; 3= 1929 ; 1= 1930?? ; 3= 1930? ; 4= 1930 ; 1= 1931 ; 2= 1932?? ; 1= 1932? ; 4= 1932 ; 1= 1934? ; 1= 1935?? ; 1= 1936? ; 2= 1970??

Anzahl Modelle bei bestückt:48

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