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Information - Hilfe 
ID = 45168
Marke: Westinghouse El. & Mfg. Co. - see also Canadian W.
Entwickler: General Electric Co. (GE); Bridgeport CT, Syracuse NY 
Typ:  Einweg-Gleichrichter Gasgefüllt   Stromversorgung 
  <1925 sehr selten. ***
Identisch mit S-289415-C
Nachfolger 289415  

Sockel Edison big E27 = 27 mm-Gewinde Obenanschluss-Kappe.
Heizung Uf 2 Volt / If 13.5 Ampere / Direkt

This tube is the Westinghouse "Rectigon" version of the Tungar 2 amp battery charger tube. The type number S-289415-C is stamped into the base and this tube was made about 1920. Later tubes, from 1925-1930 (and onwards) only had the numerals in the type number. TUNGAR is not an individual type, but a trade name to identify a specfic tube series. There are several different Tungar bulbs, identified by 6-digit GE Catalog Numbers. They were made by several companies including Edison - Swan, which appears to have been licensed to use the trade name, and Philips in Holland.

High current low voltage rectifier for AC power supplies.

Tungar is the name given by General Electric to its line of argon-filled rectifiers. According to Tyne, the name appeared in December 1916 in the 'Electrical Review'. These rectifiers, intended for storage battery chargers, where developed by G. S. Meikle, an assistant of Langmuir, assigned to the work on mercury vapor lamps.
Tungar rectifiers included both half-wave and full-wave types.

Literatur -- Original-techn. papers.   Tyne, Saga of Vacuum Tubes, pgs 154-156
-- Collector info (Sammler)   

tungar_sockel_rr.gif S-289415-C: RR
Reinhard Riek

Just Qvigstad
S-289415-C: Vintage Electronic catalog
Geri Meier

Verwendung in Modellen 4= 1927

Anzahl Modelle bei bestückt:4

Sammlung von



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