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Information - Hilfe 
ID = 45384
Grossbritannien (UK)
Marke: Newmarket Transistors Ltd. Newmarket Suffolk.
Entwickler: Newmarket Transistors Ltd. Newmarket Suffolk. 
Typ:  Transistor   Universal 
Identisch mit Yellow_Circle

Beschreibung The early transistors of Newmarket Transistors Ltd, a subsidary of Pye, had no name. Later types were called "Yellow Circle" and numbered 1 to 5 - for instance for Pye Radio Q3, Q4 and the early Q6. We do not distinguish (yet) the different numbers - by lack of further information. Maybe it is just a number in the schematic ... 
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to_22_sams~~35.png Yellow_Circle: SAMS
Günther Stabe † 19.8.20

Verwendung in Modellen 2= 1959 ; 1= 1960

Anzahl Modelle bei bestückt:3

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