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Below you find a part of the radio collection Alain Dufour - including other related items. Surtout radios fabriqués au Canada. 1930 à 1960. Surtout les cabinets en bois. Appareils d'enregistrement (wire recorder, tape recorder) My mother tongue is FRENCH but I read and write ENGLISH Ma langue maternelle est le FRANÇAIS mais je peux lire et écrire l'ANGLAIS |
Result: 1 to 50 from 70 |
Part of the radio collection of Alain Dufour. These pictures have been uploaded to the corresponding models by Alain Dufour but this is not necessarily all of Alain Dufour's collection.
CDN: Addison Industries, Ltd.;Toronto
1946/47 : A11 Dansatone |
CDN: Addison Industries, Ltd.;Toronto
1953 ?: 61 |
CDN: Canadian Marconi Co. Ltd. (CMC, Es...
1938 ??: 132 |
CDN: Canadian Marconi Co. Ltd. (CMC, Es...
1940 ?: 184 |
CDN: Canadian Marconi Co. Ltd. (CMC, Es...
1941/42 : 214 |
CDN: Canadian Marconi Co. Ltd. (CMC, Es...
1948 ?: 236A |
CDN: Canadian General Electric (Canada)...
1940 : JK51 |
CDN: Canadian General Electric (Canada)...
1940 : JK53 |
CDN: Canadian General Electric (Canada)...
1946/47 : C-220 |
CDN: Canadian General Electric (Canada)...
1952 ??: C400 |
CDN: Canadian General Electric (Canada)...
1952/53 : C851 |
CDN: Canadian Admiral Co. Ltd; Long Bra...
1949 ??: 5S2X Knobs not original Les boutons ne sont pas d'origine |
CDN: Canadian Admiral Co. Ltd; Long Bra...
1950 ?: 6A23X Ch= 6A2 |
CDN: Canadian Admiral Co. Ltd; Long Bra...
1953 ?: Super Aeroscope 5S23X |
CDN: Canadian Westinghouse, Hamilton
1948/49 : FM-894 Knobs may not be originals |
CDN: Canadian Westinghouse, Hamilton
1953 : 5T106 |
CDN: De Forest (DeForest) Crosley Radio...
1934/35 : Voyager Ch= 1622 La console est jolie mais elle aura besoin d'être réparée. Le meuble est f... |
CDN: De Forest (DeForest) Crosley Radio...
1936/37 : Saturn Ch= 6D531 |
CDN: Electrohome (Dominion Industries, ...
1947/48 : Lindsay 80 Ch= LU1-4516 |
CDN: Emerson Canada; Toronto
1957 ?: 874 |
CDN: Electrical Products Mfg. Co. Ltd.;...
1951 ??: Fleetwood 27-51 |
CDN: Hallicrafters Canada Ltd., The; To...
1954 ?: TW-500C |
CDN: Northern Electric Co. Ltd.; Montre...
1949 ?: Audograph B1C4P |
CDN: Philco Products Ltd.; Toronto
1931/32 : 50 (50B) Philco 50 Canada |
CDN: Philco Products Ltd.; Toronto
1950/51 : 104 |
CDN: Philips Canada
1948 ??: CM33A Le tissu n'est pas d'origine Grill cloth not original |
CDN: Philips Canada
1956 : P143-3 |
CDN: RCA Victor (International), Montreal
1939 ?: 94BT-1 |
CDN: RCA Victor (International), Montreal
1941 ?: VR-44 Seems Identical to VR145 |
CDN: RCA Victor (International), Montreal
1946 : B417 |
CDN: RCA Victor (International), Montreal
1946 ?: BP-4 Speaker is oval |
CDN: RCA Victor (International), Montreal
1949/50 : 9JY |
CDN: RCA Victor (International), Montreal
1950 : X600 |
CDN: Rogers-Majestic, Standard Radio Ma...
1960 ??: All-Transistor RG-6059-T |
CDN: Sonora Corp. of Canada Ltd.; Toron...
1931/32 : D50 Model D50 was made as table top and console |
CDN: Sparton of Canada; London, ON
1950 ??: 149 LP |
CDN: Stromberg Carlson Telephone Mfg. C...
1948 : 4061 |
D: Elektroakustik Hartmannsdorf, EAH,...
1961–63 : Rossini Stereo 6002 Gehäuse eckig, CCIR 6002 model but different cabinet (straight lines) and layout of the front p... |
D: Nordmende, Norddeutsche Mende-Rund...
1966/67 : Turandot C 968.120.E Ch= 768.120.E 1966 |
D: Philips Radios - Deutschland
1967/68 : EL 3302 10 Transistoren |
D: Telefunken Deutschland (TFK), (Ges...
1961/62 : Concerto 5296 WK Vue du tourne-disques (section de droite) La radio est à gauche |
F: Mazzanti Radio; Boulogne sur Seine
1936 ??: Inconnu - Unknown |
GB: Advance Electronics / Components L...
1948 ?: Signal Generator D1 |
HK: Maninc, (where?)
1970 ??: Solid state De Luxe U2/907 |
J: Crown Radio Corp.; Tokyo
1959 ?: TRP-10 |
J: Showa Tsushinki Mfg. Co., Ltd.; (w...
1965 ??: King 8 Transistor K-806 (Japan 709) |
J: Sony Corporation; Tokyo
1969–71 : 6R-22 |
J: Sony Corporation; Tokyo
1985 ?: Watchman FD-40A |
J: United Royal Radio & Electronics M...
1962 ??: Cambridge Allegro Transistor 10 1001 |
J: Unknown - CUSTOM BUILT: Japan
1962 ??: Symphonic 8 Transistor NTR-850 |
Result: 1 to 50 from 70 |
Click numbers for additional pages of Alain
Dufour's collection of radios and other
collectibles if any.
Our member Alain Dufour opened
his/her collection of radios and other related
items on 03.Sep.2008.
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