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Below you find a part of the radio collection Alberto Sanna-Alonso - including other related items. Coleccion de libros y aparatos de radio. Coleccion de buscapersonas. http://www.museodelbuscapersonas.com Coleccion de Candiles. |
Part of the radio collection of Alberto Sanna-Alonso. These pictures have been uploaded to the corresponding models by Alberto Sanna-Alonso but this is not necessarily all of Alberto Sanna-Alonso's collection.
E: Teltronic, S.A. Zaragoza
1992 ??: Portatil VHF PR-300 |
E: Teltronic, S.A. Zaragoza
1995 ??: Transceptor movil P-256-S |
E: Teltronic, S.A. Zaragoza
1995 ??: Transceptor movil VHF P-256-SH |
E: Teltronic, S.A. Zaragoza
2000 ??: Repetidor UHF RP-30SU |
E: Teltronic, S.A. Zaragoza
2000 ??: Repetidor VHF RP-30 |
E: Teltronic, S.A. Zaragoza
2000 ??: Repetidor VHF RP-30SV |
E: Vanguard; Hospitalet de Llobregat
1968 ??: Mini Samos |
E: Yebenes, Radio Yebenes: Valencia
1940 ??: Receptor |
EU: Teleton Gruppe
1975 ??: HiFi-Amplifier GA-203 |
EU: Teleton Gruppe
1978 ??: T-300 |
EU: Teleton Gruppe
1985 ??: Stereo Hi-Fi Amplifier A390B |
EU: Teleton Gruppe
1985 ??: Stereo Hi-Fi Cassette Deck C390B |
EU: Teleton Gruppe
1985 ??: Stereo Hi-Fi Tuner T390B |
F: Bouyer, Paul (Harmonic Radio); Mon...
1970 ??: Fidex Intercom Microfone FMR-2 |
F: Chauvin & Arnoux; Paris
1960 ??: Malette universelle 2 MD 208 |
F: Eurelec - Institut Européen d'Élec...
1958 ??: generateur |
F: Eurelec - Institut Européen d'Élec...
1970 ??: 3 Gammes d'ondes Transistorisé Kit |
F: Familial Radio, G. Dubois; Fourmie...
1940 ?: Inconnu - Unknown 1 |
F: Familial Radio, G. Dubois; Fourmie...
1952 ??: Luck 635 |
F: Golden Radio; Paris
2000 ??: PA reproductor cassette PA-30C |
F: Institut Électro-Radio / Électrora...
1955 ??: Générateur RF Modulé |
F: Philips France; Paris
1956–58 : B4F60A - BF460A |
F: Pierron Asco & Celda; Remelfing
2000 ??: Voltmètre MT1301 |
F: Radiola (marque)
1960 : Radiolo RA119A |
F: Radio-Océan; Neuilly-sur-Seine
1988 ??: Radiotelephone VHF Marine Fil 2000 |
F: Technique Service (Services); Paris
1965 ?: Lampemètre en kit TS66 |
F: Télémesure, Radio-Comptoir du Sud-...
1940 ??: Générateur H.F. 50-P |
F: Unknown - CUSTOM BUILT: France (IN...
1933 ??: Parisette |
GB: AOR Manufacturing Ltd.; Matlock, ...
1988 ??: P-Text II TNC printer AR-1200 |
GB: Eagle Products, Eagle Internationa...
1978 : Volt-Ohm-Milliammeter K-1400 |
GB: Eddystone (Brand), Stratton and Co...
1963–69 : 830/2 (S830/2) |
GB: Heathkit (UK) by Daystrom
1961/62 : RF Signal Generator RF-1E |
GB: Levell Electronics Ltd ; Barnet ,H...
1964 : Transistor Decade Oscillator (RC-Generator) TG-66A |
GB: Marconi Co. (Marconiphone, Marconi...
1947–49 : Personal Receiver P17B |
GB: Multitone; London
1975 ??: VHF Tone-Voice Pager RA-106 |
GB: Philips Electrical, Lamps, Industr...
1960 ?: F5G94A |
GB: Standard Telephones and Cables Ltd...
1968 : STC Star Radiotelephone UHF |
GB: Steepletone Products Ltd; Northamp...
2007 ??: Stereo World Receiver MBR-305DK |
GB: Telequipment Ltd.; London
1969 : Oscilloscope D54 |
HK: Sandasonic, Hong Kong
1972 ??: Transceptor CB Transceiver Morse |
HK: Sandasonic, Hong Kong
1985 ??: Transceptor con radio AM 8382 |
HK: Universal Appliances Ltd.; Hong Kong
1980 ??: Morse code walkie talkie 1275/WT402 |
I: CTE International S.r.l.; Mancasal...
2002 ??: Alan SWR meter K150 |
I: Geloso SA; Milano
1965 ??: G1/1020A |
I: Minerva (Ital-Minerva); Milano
1940/41 : 415S |
I: Pantec, Division of Carlo Gavazzi
1995 ??: Multifunction Counter Pan-F1000-N |
I: Telsy Elettronica e Telecomunicazi...
1985 ??: Mic-speaker scrambler TX-820 |
I: Telsy Elettronica e Telecomunicazi...
1989 ?: Mic-Speaker Scrambler TX-1020C |
I: Unaohm Start, Ohm, E. Pontremoli; ...
1990 ??: Signal Generator & Sinad Meter SG-123 |
IND: Radart, Eastern Electronics Pvt. L...
1955 ??: Unknown |
Click numbers for additional pages of Alberto
Sanna-Alonso's collection of radios and other
collectibles if any.
Our member Alberto Sanna-Alonso opened
his/her collection of radios and other related
items on 26.Feb.2010.
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