Below you find a part of the radio collection Antonio Bellavitis - including other related items. radio a valvole,strumenti di misura |
Result: 1 to 7 from 7 |
Part of the radio collection of Antonio Bellavitis. These pictures have been uploaded to the corresponding models by Antonio Bellavitis but this is not necessarily all of Antonio Bellavitis's collection.
I: Crezar; Milano
1952–54 ??: Mod. W R3 radio da comodino CREZAR,fabbrica milanese di TV |
I: Europhon; Milano
1958/59 : Personal Europhon Personal a valvole alimentazione a batterie |
I: Irradio; Milano
1950–54 ??: EN32 radio portatile a valvole Irradio ad alimentazione mista |
I: Winner; Saronno (VA)
1953 ??: Poker |
J: Crown Radio Corp.; Tokyo
1959 ?: Personal Radio PR-535C Crown-Radio pr535 |
J: Tokai Wireless Co.,Ltd., Tokyo
1955 ?: Million P-46 schema elettrico all interno della radio |
USA: Allied Radio Corp. (Knight, Roamer...
1963 ?: Knight Wireless Intercom Kit Cat. No. 83Y941-J interfono a valvole |
Result: 1 to 7 from 7 |
Click numbers for additional pages of Antonio
Bellavitis's collection of radios and other
collectibles if any.
Our member Antonio Bellavitis opened
his/her collection of radios and other related
items on 06.Mar.2015.
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