Antique radios, Old Time Radios
Antonio da Silva, South Africa - Radio collection
Below you find a part of the radio collection
Antonio da Silva - including other related items.
I have in total 76 radios ranging from Icom IC 730, Icom Ic R70, Hallicrafters S38E, Yaesu FGR-7, Yaesu FR-50B, Trio 9R-59D, various General Electric valve radios, PYE radios, vast collection of Philips valve radios, vintage Cb Radios Cobras, Unidens, and marine band radios. Also have various vintage testing equipment such as Philips Oscilloscope, and Trio signal generator along with Air band scanners and UHF transceivers .
No radios found with images from this collection.
Click numbers for additional pages of Antonio
da Silva's collection of radios and other
collectibles if any.
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