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Antonio Dias Rodrigues, Portugal - Radio collection

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ID = 10197
Photo Antonio Dias Rodrigues

Below you find a part of the radio collection Antonio Dias Rodrigues - including other related items.

I collect tube radios since 1998. My favorites are bakelite tabletops of 40s and 50s. I have also a personal site:
Result: 251 to 259 from 259
Sort order:  [ Country / Maker/Brand | Year | Model name | Model number ]

Part of the radio collection of Antonio Dias Rodrigues. These pictures have been uploaded to the corresponding models by Antonio Dias Rodrigues but this is not necessarily all of Antonio Dias Rodrigues's collection.

USA:  Regal; New York (NY)
1949 ?: 7162
Knobs not original. My own collection.
USA:  Regal; New York (NY)
1953/54 : 575
My own collection
USA:  Sonora Radio & Telev. Corp.; Chica...
1938/39 : A-11 Peter Pan
Ch= A

My own collection
USA:  Sylvania (Hygrade, GTE, Nilco); Em...
1953 : 513GR
Ch= 1-601-2

Volume knob not original
USA:  Telechron, Inc.; Ashland (MA)
1948 : Musalarm 8H59
White model. My own collection
USA:  Westinghouse El. & Mfg. Co. - see ...
1945–47 : Little Jewel "Refrigerator"
H-126 Ivory

My own collection.
USA:  Westinghouse El. & Mfg. Co. - see ...
1954 : H-397T5
Ch= V-2184-2

My own collection
USA:  Zenith Radio Corp.; Chicago, IL
1946 : 5D011 Consoltone (5DO11)
Ch= 5C01 Walnut

My own collection
USA:  Zenith Radio Corp.; Chicago, IL
1946 : 6D014Y Consoltone (6DO14Y)
Ch= 6C01 black

Result: 251 to 259 from 259

Click numbers for additional pages of Antonio Dias Rodrigues's collection of radios and other collectibles if any.

Our member Antonio Dias Rodrigues opened his/her collection of radios and other related items on 31.Jul.2010.


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