Below you find a part of the radio collection Antonio Martins-Pais - including other related items. Radios and equipments of measure and repair. |
Part of the radio collection of Antonio Martins-Pais. These pictures have been uploaded to the corresponding models by Antonio Martins-Pais but this is not necessarily all of Antonio Martins-Pais's collection.
CH: Mediator; La Chaux-de-Fonds
1958 ?: MD6561T /62 |
F: Médiator; Paris
1958/59 : MD6581T |
CS: Microphona (Mikrofona), Bratri Kno...
1936/37 : Popular MK206 |
GB: Mullard Wireless, London (see also...
1958 ?: Sapphire MKU 2043 |
GB: Nombrex Ltd., Exmouth
1969 : RF-Signal Generator Model 41 |
USA: Fordson Radio Mfg. Corp.; Detroit,...
1936 ?: NT |
P: Radio Escola, Lisboa
1967 ??: Sinfonia (Signal Generator) O3 |
P: Radio Escola, Lisboa
1975 ??: Sinfonia (Signal Generator) O4 |
GB: Pye Ltd., Radio Works; Cambridge
1957 : FM-AM Piper P117 |
GB: Pye Ltd., Radio Works; Cambridge
1949–51 : P28 |
P: Radio Escola, Lisboa
1965 ??: Sinfonia (Signal Tracer) P3 |
GB: Pye Ltd., Radio Works; Cambridge
1953 : PYE P75 |
GB: Pye Ltd., Radio Works; Cambridge
1959 ??: PE88 |
GB: Pye Ltd., Radio Works; Cambridge
1957 ?: PE99 |
NL: Philips; Eindhoven (tubes internat...
1980 ?: Automatic Digital Multimeter PM 2523 |
NL: Philips; Eindhoven (tubes internat...
1978 ??: 25 MHz Dual Channel Oscilloscope PM3214 |
I: Mivar (VAR); Milano
1968 : R34 |
I: Mivar (VAR); Milano
1971 : R48 |
F: SU-GA (Suga); Paris, Asniéres
1939 ?: R5 AZ1 |
F: Radiola (marque)
1958/59 : Radiolo RA137A |
F: RD Radio, Éts. R. Dehay et Cie; Ch...
1957 ?: RD11 |
GB: Heathkit (UK) by Daystrom
1973 ?: Signal Generator RF-1U |
D: Grundig (Radio-Vertrieb, RVF, Radi...
1976–78 : Musikgerät RF420 Ch= RC420 |
I: Siemens Italia; Milano
1961 ??: Elettra RR6944 |
B: Siera; Belgien
1951 : S 267A |
USA: Hallicrafters, The; Chicago, IL an...
1946–50 : S-38 |
B: Siera; Belgien
1947/48 : S194A, S194A -20 |
B: Siera; Belgien
1949/49 : S221U /20 |
B: Siera; Belgien
1950 : S256V |
NL: Siera; Eindhoven (NL)
1951/52 : S270U |
D: Siemens (& Halske, -Schuckert Werk...
1950/51 : Spezialsuper 51 SB502W |
D: Emud, Ernst Mästling; Ulm
1952/53 ?: Super Record (Rekord) SE-W |
F: Schneider (Frères, Radio-Télévisio...
1949 ??: SF157 bakélite |
J: Belco, Tokyo
1970 ??: Signal Generator SG-2030 |
D: LTP, Apparatewerk Lennartz & Bouck...
1949/50 : Zauberflöte 2 SU6 mit magischem Auge und Klangschalter |
J: Panasonic, Matsushita, National ナシ...
1965–67 : National Panasonic World-Wide 4-Band 9-Transistor T-100D |
PL: Unitra DIORA - Radiowerk Dzierzoni...
1947 ?: Pionier U T6 |
GB: Pilot Radio Ltd.; London
1951 : Little Maestro T68 |
GB: Murphy Radio Ltd.; Welwyn Garden C...
1953 ??: TA192 |
GB: Murphy Radio Ltd.; Welwyn Garden C...
1952/53 : TA208 |
USA: Sprague Electric Company; North Ad...
1963 ?: Tel-Ohmike - Capacitor Analyzer TO-6A |
J: Panasonic, Matsushita, National ナシ...
1969–71 : National At Home TP-36NU Ch= N-32E |
P: Radio Escola, Lisboa
1960 ??: Sinfonia (Transistor Tester) TRM-2 |
CH: Jura; La Chaux-de-Fonds (eigentlic...
1938 ?: TS51A |
GB: Murphy Radio Ltd.; Welwyn Garden C...
1951 ?: TU152 |
D: Schaub und Schaub-Lorenz
1955/56 : VIOLA 56 III P type 3227 GW |
D: Schaub und Schaub-Lorenz
1962 ?: Weekend T20 Type 41481 |
GB: Murphy Radio Ltd.; Welwyn Garden C...
1954 : U198H |
GB: Ekco, E.K.Cole Ltd.; Southend-on-Sea
1946 ?: U29T |
GB: Ekco, E.K.Cole Ltd.; Southend-on-Sea
1948 ?: U83 |
Click numbers for additional pages of Antonio
Martins-Pais's collection of radios and other
collectibles if any.
Our member Antonio Martins-Pais opened
his/her collection of radios and other related
items on 31.May.2006.
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