Below you find a part of the radio collection Benis Berti - including other related items. Radiomarelli, Radio di tutti i generi, TV, Radio a transistor, Valvole |
Result: 1 to 24 from 24 |
Part of the radio collection of Benis Berti. These pictures have been uploaded to the corresponding models by Benis Berti but this is not necessarily all of Benis Berti's collection.
H: Orion; Budapest
1950 ?: Néprádió 115U |
I: Atlantic Electric S.p.A. (Amaco); ...
1965/66 : 565 Foto proveniente dalla mia collezione personale |
I: CGE, Compagnia Generale di Elettri...
1932 : Superette R7A |
I: Marelli (Radiomarelli); Sesto San ...
1930 : Musagete I |
I: Marelli (Radiomarelli); Sesto San ...
1931/32 : Chiliofono I (1) |
I: Marelli (Radiomarelli); Sesto San ...
1932–34 : Argirita 33 |
I: Marelli (Radiomarelli); Sesto San ...
1932–34 : Filomele Tipo 34 |
I: Marelli (Radiomarelli); Sesto San ...
1932–34 : Kastalìa 32 |
I: Marelli (Radiomarelli); Sesto San ...
1934 : Damayante 9 |
I: Marelli (Radiomarelli); Sesto San ...
1934 : Sulamite 16 |
I: Marelli (Radiomarelli); Sesto San ...
1934/35 : Nepente Ch= 20 |
I: Marelli (Radiomarelli); Sesto San ...
1934/35 : Tamiri Lusso Ch= 20 |
I: Marelli (Radiomarelli); Sesto San ...
1935/36 : Fonovertumno 11 |
I: Vega, BP Radio, Brionvega, Brion &...
1954 ??: 717 Esemplare in mio possesso |
NL: Philips; Eindhoven (tubes internat...
1967 : X25K121 /08 Ch= K6 SB |
NL: Philips; Eindhoven (tubes internat...
1967 ?: X25K121 /09 Ch= K6 |
USA: Atwater Kent Mfg. Co.; Philadelphi...
1933 : 155 2nd type above 7086900 |
USA: Thompson Manufacturing Co., R.E.
1925 : Grandette V50 |
USA: United American Bosch (Magneto Cor...
1932 : Personal 200C Bombay Treasure Chest |
USA: United American Bosch (Magneto Cor...
1932 : 236A Personal Radio Vibro Power |
USA: United American Bosch (Magneto Cor...
1932 ?: Personal 36A |
USA: United American Bosch (Magneto Cor...
1933 : 501 Vibro-Power |
USA: United American Bosch (Magneto Cor...
1933 ?: Treasure Chest 144-A |
USA: United American Bosch (Magneto Cor...
1934 : 402 ED 3 |
Result: 1 to 24 from 24 |
Click numbers for additional pages of Benis
Berti's collection of radios and other
collectibles if any.
Our member Benis Berti opened
his/her collection of radios and other related
items on 17.Jan.2010.
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