Bob Deyoe, USA (Stati Uniti d'America) - Collezione radio

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ID = 24745
Photo Bob Deyoe

Qui sotto trovi parte della collezione di radio e altri apparecchi di Bob Deyoe

Shortly after I bought my second vintage radio, I became quite attached to the amazing and rewarding hobby of vintage radios. Being a professional disc jockey, I had been collecting vintage microphones for many years, but there's something very addictive to finding and restoring old radios! I am now beginning my second year of collecting and restoring radios and have learned quite a bit to get me started. I’ve got so much more to learn and I’m very grateful to those who share their knowledge and experience through websites, forums, books and videos. I'd really like to attend a Vintage Radio Conference where there is a workshop (if there is such a thing) where I could work alongside someone very experienced and go through the entire restoration project with troubleshooting, tube replacement, scope use, alignment, etc., right through repair/repaint of broken Bakelite and/or complete refinishing of a wooden cabinet. That's the kind of workshop I'd do every weekend if there was an educated radio enthusiast willing to educate a newbie! I'm hoping to meet and learn from someone locally. Meanwhile, with this website and others, I'm looking forward to learning more this next year. In my collection, I find myself gravitating towards many of the Art-Deco styles of 50s Bakelite and plastic Motorola, Emerson and many of the Arvin tabletops. I also love my tombstones and hope to one day acquire more large console radios if I can talk my wife into it.
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Parte della collezione di radio di Bob Deyoe. Queste immagini sono state inviate al modello corrispondente da Bob Deyoe:

USA:  Baltimore Hub-Wheel & Mfg. Co.; Ba...
1926 : Baby Grand

This is the original photo of the one that you already have in your collect...
USA:  Motorola Inc. (ex Galvin Mfg.Co. C...
1950 ?: 5R12U
Ch= HS-242 ivory

USA:  Motorola Inc. (ex Galvin Mfg.Co. C...
1951 : 5R13
Ch= HS-254

Cabinet cleaned and lettering and numbers have been touched up.
USA:  RCA (RCA Victor Co. Inc.); New Yor...
1949 : Victrola 9-Y-7
Ch= RC-1057B

USA:  Freed-Eisemann Radio Corp.; New Yo...
1923/24 : NR-5
USA:  Crosley Radio Corp.; Cincinnati (OH)
1923 : Type V
Risultati: 1 a 6 da 6

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Il nostro socio Bob Deyoe ha pubblicato la sua collezione di radio e altri apparecchi il 05.Jan.2016.


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