Below you find a part of the radio collection Bob Isaac - including other related items. Collector 20 years, mostly pre-war US table tops, but recently been acquiring French and German post-war sets. Also have 15 consoles. I was taught basic radio trouble-shooting from a retired radio & television repairman in Cedartown, Georgia, USA. This gentleman had been the radio operator on a B-17 in WWII. My education was further expanded by a variety of radio and electronics courses I attended courtesy of the US Army. I'm constantly trying to continue my education with regards to electronic circuitry. In addition to radio, I am also interested in 1950s televisions and vacuum tube amplifiers. I'm currently building an exact replica of a Fender Blackface Twin-Reverb. An interesting part of my collection is a group of vacuum tubes I collected in Iraq. They are all Soviet-made, and include a group of 6L6s, 4 of which will go inside my Twin-Reverb amp! Спасибо тебе, товарищ! |
Result: 1 to 50 from 68 |
Part of the radio collection of Bob Isaac. These pictures have been uploaded to the corresponding models by Bob Isaac but this is not necessarily all of Bob Isaac's collection.
USA: Emerson Radio & Phonograph Corp.; ...
1937/38 : AM-169 Ch= AM |
USA: Emerson Radio & Phonograph Corp.; ...
1938/39 : AX-235 "Little Miracle" This particular radio was produced for the French market featuring a France... |
USA: RCA (RCA Victor Co. Inc.); New Yor...
1950/51 : B-411 Ch= RC-1098A Late Production |
USA: RCA (RCA Victor Co. Inc.); New Yor...
1940–42 : BP-10 Personal |
D: Graetz, Altena (Westfalen)
1957/58 : Canzonetta 515 Front with power on. |
D: Nordmende, Norddeutsche Mende-Rund...
1955/56 : Carmen 56/3D Ch= 513 mit Klangregister |
USA: Clarion, Transformer Corp. of Amer...
1930 : Clarion Jr AC60 |
RO: Radio Popular; București - Bucharest
1959 ?: Concert S-591A |
D: Nordmende, Norddeutsche Mende-Rund...
1955/56 : Elektra 56 Ch= 500 |
F: Sonora-Radio; Paris, Puteaux
1947/48 : Excellence 302 |
F: SNR (S.N.R.), Société Nouvelle de ...
1951/52 : Excelsior 52 type européen alternatif, rimlock, EM4, 1BF |
F: SNR (S.N.R.), Société Nouvelle de ...
1955 ?: Excelsior 55 GZ41 |
USA: Atwater Kent Mfg. Co.; Philadelphi...
1929 : F4A table speaker |
D: Nordmende, Norddeutsche Mende-Rund...
1957/58 : Fidelio 58 3D Ch= 5713x All original and still works perfectly! |
D: SABA; Villingen
1958/59 : Freudenstadt 9 |
USA: Zenith Radio Corp.; Chicago, IL
1950 : G725 Ch= 7G01 |
USA: General Electric Co. (GE); Bridgep...
1938 : GD-60 Mirrored Cabinet |
USA: General Electric Co. (GE); Bridgep...
1940 : GE54 |
D: Philips Radios - Deutschland
1960/61 : Gemma 303 B3D03A dunkel |
USA: RCA (RCA Victor Co. Inc.); New Yor...
1948/49 : Globe-Trotter 8BX6 (Globetrotter) Ch= RC-1040C |
A: Kapsch & Söhne (KS), Telephon- und...
1967 ?: Interpret Front with power on. |
D: Telefunken Deutschland (TFK), (Ges...
1957/58 : Jubilate 8 |
USA: Wurlitzer Co., The Rudolph; North ...
1950–52 : Jukebox 1250 "Twelve Fifty" Ch= 510 The jukebox in its original condition, the day I bought it. |
CS: Tesla; Praha, Bratislava etc.
1947/48 : Klasik |
D: Metz Transformatoren- und Apparate...
1949/50 : Konsul A66 |
D: Blaupunkt (Ideal), Berlin, später ...
1941/42 : KW741 |
USA: Westinghouse El. & Mfg. Co. - see ...
1945–47 : Little Jewel "Refrigerator" H-126 Ivory |
F: SMG (S.M.G.); Paris
1950 : Little King LK No. 2 |
D: Loewe-(Opta); Deutschland
1957/58 : Luna 2741W Front side, power on. |
D: Telefunken Deutschland (TFK), (Ges...
1966–68 : Magnetophon 204 M-204 |
D: Nordmende, Norddeutsche Mende-Rund...
1957/58 : Othello 58/3D Ch= 5714x |
D: Nordmende, Norddeutsche Mende-Rund...
1953/54 : Othello Ch= 306 |
D: Philips Radios - Deutschland
1956/57 : Philetta 263 BD263U |
A: Eumig, Elektrizitäts und Metallwar...
1960 : Phono Eumig 3D 386W |
USA: Garod Radio Corp.; Brooklyn (NY)
1947/48 : Portable Radio Model 4A1 |
USA: Porto-Server (-Products) Inc.; Chi...
1947/48 : Porto-Baradio PB-520 Ch= 9008-B new version, walnut |
USA: Affiliated Retailers, Inc.; New Yo...
1949 : R-1046M-U |
USA: Motorola Inc. (ex Galvin Mfg.Co. C...
1955 ?: Roto-Tenna 600 (Charcoal) 66L1 Ch= HS-515 |
USA: Motorola Inc. (ex Galvin Mfg.Co. C...
1955 ?: Roto-Tenna 600 (Suntan) 66L2 Ch= HS-515 |
D: SABA; Villingen
1940–42 : S-460WK 460WK |
USA: Sears, Roebuck & Co.; Chicago (IL)
1953–55 : Silvertone 3007 Ch= 757.120 Order=57D 03007 |
F: Radio Test; Paris
1953 ??: Sonatine |
USA: Sparks-Withington Co., (Sparton); ...
1931 : Sparton 10 |
F: Radio-Star; Nice
1950 : Starlet 30 Européen |
F: Océanic, ITT Océanic; Paris
1956 : Surcouf |
USA: Philco, Philadelphia Stg. Batt. Co...
1949 : Transitone "Flying Wedge" 49-506 |
USA: Zenith Radio Corp.; Chicago, IL
1958 : Trans-Oceanic (TransOceanic) A600 Ch= 6A41 brown leather |
A: Zerdik; Wien
1938–45 : Volksempfänger VE301 Dyn W |
D: Körting-Radio; Leipzig, später Gra...
1933–38 : Volksempfänger VE301W |
USA: Motorola Inc. (ex Galvin Mfg.Co. C...
1948/49 : 5A7A Ch= HS-62A |
Result: 1 to 50 from 68 |
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Isaac's collection of radios and other
collectibles if any.
Our member Bob Isaac opened
his/her collection of radios and other related
items on 08.Apr.2010.
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