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Bruce Morgenstern, Canada - Radio collection

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ID = 14971
Photo Bruce Morgenstern

Below you find a part of the radio collection Bruce Morgenstern - including other related items.

My interest in radio began in the latter half of the 1950’s while visiting a friend that enjoyed working with electronics and radios. As time went on and the visits continued, I developed a keen interest in the radio and electronics field. This led me to take some advanced courses in electronics which were an asset later on in other fields of endeavor. Along the way I earned my Advanced Radio Amateur License, call sign VE7LBM. For a long period of time I did very little in the hobby part of this field, but as time went on, I again got back into the hobby.
Result: 51 to 51 from 51
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Part of the radio collection of Bruce Morgenstern. These pictures have been uploaded to the corresponding models by Bruce Morgenstern but this is not necessarily all of Bruce Morgenstern's collection.

USA:  Tower Mfg.Co., Boston ,Mass.
1927 : Adventurer
Result: 51 to 51 from 51

Click numbers for additional pages of Bruce Morgenstern's collection of radios and other collectibles if any.

Our member Bruce Morgenstern opened his/her collection of radios and other related items on 29.Jan.2012.


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