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Below you find a part of the radio collection Carlo Cossa - including other related items. Radio |
Part of the radio collection of Carlo Cossa. These pictures have been uploaded to the corresponding models by Carlo Cossa but this is not necessarily all of Carlo Cossa's collection.
I: Telefunken Italia, Milano
1965 ??: Kid II R542 |
I: Telefunken Italia, Milano
1965 ??: Spyder R441 |
I: Trans Continents (Prandoni); Milan...
1950 ??: PD14 |
I: Trans Continents (Prandoni); Milan...
1952 : PD24 |
I: Tungsram; Milano
1962 ?: MI-3020A |
I: Unaohm Start, Ohm, E. Pontremoli; ...
1950 ??: Generatore EP49 |
I: Unda Radio; Como, Dobbiaco
1952 : R56/4 valvole miniatura |
I: Unda Radio; Como, Dobbiaco
1960 : Haway 74/6 |
I: Unknown - CUSTOM BUILT: Italy
1960 ??: Elettrocoba 7 Transistor Radio |
I: Unknown - CUSTOM BUILT: Italy
1970 ??: Calypso |
I: Vega, BP Radio, Brionvega, Brion &...
1955–57 : 5210 |
I: La Voce del Padrone; Milano
1952 : Marconi 1531 (Ch= 1531.1) |
I: Voxson, FARET (F.A.R.E.T.); Roma
1961 : Symphony 753 |
I: Voxson, FARET (F.A.R.E.T.); Roma
1963/64 : Explorer Special 811P |
I: Voxson, FARET (F.A.R.E.T.); Roma
1964 ?: Zephyr 4 755 SE |
I: Voxson, FARET (F.A.R.E.T.); Roma
1973 ?: Junior 901 |
I: Voxson, FARET (F.A.R.E.T.); Roma
1974 ??: Sonar GN104-SR |
IND: Philips; India
1983 ??: D1066 /00 |
J: Aiwa Co. Ltd.; Tokyo
1964 : 8 Transistor Portable Radio AR-853 (Japan 101) |
J: Aiwa Co. Ltd.; Tokyo
1980 ??: FR-C10 |
J: CBC Charles Brown (Browni, Magnon,...
1965 ??: Browni 6 Transistor 2 Band 6TP-602L |
J: Hitachi Ltd.; Tokyo
1965 ??: Hi-Phonic WH-898 |
J: Hitachi Ltd.; Tokyo
1965 ??: WH-888-R |
J: Panasonic, Matsushita, National ナシ...
1965 ??: National Panasonic All Transistor R-122 |
J: Sanyo Electric Co. Ltd.; Moriguchi...
1965 ??: Solid state 8 Transistor Super Het 9 volts |
J: Standard Radio Corp. (SR), Tokyo
1961/62 : SR-H107 |
J: Tensai (brand)
1982 ??: 4-Band Stereo Radiorecorder RCR342 |
J: Tokyo Transistor Industry Co., LTD...
1962 ??: Candle PTR-62 B |
J: Yashima Electric Industrial Co., L...
1966 ??: Capital YT 158 |
NL: Philips; Eindhoven (tubes internat...
1937 ?: Prelude 456A |
NL: Philips; Eindhoven (tubes internat...
1938/39 : 470A-19 |
NL: Philips; Eindhoven (tubes internat...
1964 ?: L3X32T /02G |
NL: Philips; Eindhoven (tubes internat...
1973 ?: IC Radio 50IC103 /01S |
NL: Yoko Electronics, Allied Electroni...
1975 ??: Sonovox - Radiophono |
PL: Unitra DIORA - Radiowerk Dzierzoni...
1947 : Pionier U T9 |
S: Luxor Radio AB; Motala
1939 ?: 1500W |
SGP: Unknown - CUSTOM BUILT: Singapore ...
1975 ??: Bevox solid state multi band |
SU: Leningrad NOVATOR Works
1975 : Leningrad {Ленинград} 002 |
USA: RCA (RCA Victor Co. Inc.); New Yor...
1924 : Radiola Superheterodyne AR-812 "Semi-Portable" |
USA: Soundesign Corporation; Jersey Cit...
1968 ??: 1120C |
ZZ: Unknown to us - Worldwide
1969 ??: Stefi |
Click numbers for additional pages of Carlo
Cossa's collection of radios and other
collectibles if any.
Our member Carlo Cossa opened
his/her collection of radios and other related
items on 17.Aug.2009.
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