Below you find a part of the radio collection Christian Grolms - including other related items. Röhrenradios, Röhrenverstärker, Messgeräte, |
Result: 1 to 12 from 12 |
Part of the radio collection of Christian Grolms. These pictures have been uploaded to the corresponding models by Christian Grolms but this is not necessarily all of Christian Grolms's collection.
D: Loewe-(Opta); Deutschland
1947 ?: Regelgerät 4112 |
H: Orion; Budapest
1951 : 222 KW 13,5 - 30m, KW 30 - 90m, MW H_ORION_TYP222 aus eigener Sammlung - C. Grolms |
D: Vollmer , Heinrich KG ; Kefferhaus...
1955 ??: Stufentransformator VTR3 |
D: PEK, Paul E. Klein Electronic; Tet...
1968 ??: Netzteil 36012.93 |
J: Panasonic, Matsushita, National ナシ...
1970 ??: National Stero Modulator VP-7632A |
D: Siemens (& Halske, -Schuckert Werk...
1975 ?: Digital-Multimeter A M09005 |
D: Brunner Elektronik, bE; (wo?)
1980 ??: Tonhoehenschwankungsmesser (Wow & Flutter Meter) TSM1002 |
D: Elektrik, Dresden
1985 ??: Schutztransformator St250/24WA |
SU: Vilnius Plant of Radio Measurement...
1990 : Осциллограф С1-112А Oscilloscope S1-112A |
CH: Lenco; Burgdorf
1992 ?: Digital Stereo Full Amplifier FA-3402 |
CH: Lenco; Burgdorf
1992 ?: Surround Sound full Amplifier FA-3401 |
PRC: Spark Electronic Equipment Co., LT...
2002 ??: Integrated Tube Stereo Amplifier A-88T |
Result: 1 to 12 from 12 |
Click numbers for additional pages of Christian
Grolms's collection of radios and other
collectibles if any.
Our member Christian Grolms opened
his/her collection of radios and other related
items on 31.Oct.2009.
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