Below you find a part of the radio collection Danko Tkalec - including other related items. collecting and restoring radios and collecting tubes |
Part of the radio collection of Danko Tkalec. These pictures have been uploaded to the corresponding models by Danko Tkalec but this is not necessarily all of Danko Tkalec's collection.
A: Eumig, Elektrizitäts und Metallwar...
1959–62 : Okay 331 (331/1) |
D: Sachsenwerk Niedersedlitz, VEB El...
1957/58 : Olympia 573W/L |
CS: Metra Blansko; Blansko
1982 ??: Omega 3 |
YU: Iskra; Kranj, Ljubljana
1960 ?: Opatija deluxe |
J: Sharp; Osaka
1980 ??: Optonica RT-5100 |
YU: Ei, Elektronska Industrija; Niš - ...
1964/65 : Orfej Tranzistor |
D: Siemens (& Halske, -Schuckert Werk...
1964 ?: Oscillarzet 05 |
D: HAMEG GmbH, Frankfurt
1979 ?: Oscilloscope HM307-3 |
USA: Tektronix; Portland, OR
1960 ?: Oscilloscope RM 16 |
J: Hitachi Ltd.; Tokyo
1983 : Oscilloscope V-550B |
USA: Tektronix; Portland, OR
1973 : Oscilloscope 475 |
D: Blaupunkt (Ideal), Berlin, später ...
1963–65 : Oslo 23 150 |
NL: Philips; Eindhoven (tubes internat...
1954 : Oszilloskop GM5659 |
D: Grundig (Radio-Vertrieb, RVF, Radi...
1973 : Oszilloskop GO10 |
YU: Iskra; Kranj, Ljubljana
1963 ?: Oszilloskop MA 4040 |
D: Blaupunkt (Ideal), Berlin, später ...
1957/58 : Palma 2435 |
J: Panasonic, Matsushita, National ナシ...
2000 ?: Panasonic Mini Cassette Recorder RQ-L31 |
J: Panasonic, Matsushita, National ナシ...
1997 : Panasonic Stereo Cassette Player RQ-P45 |
J: Panasonic, Matsushita, National ナシ...
2002 ?: Panasonic Stereo Cassette Player RQ-SX56 |
D: Dual, Gebr. Steidinger; St. George...
1956–59 : Party 295 |
J: Denon (Marke / brand)
1989 ??: PCM Audio Technology / Compact Disc Player DCD-920 |
ZZ: Unknown to us - Worldwide
1990 ??: PC shaped miniature Radio |
D: Varta Accumulatoren-Gesellschaft m...
1935 : Pertrix Duplex Stabbatterie Nr.259 |
D: Philips Radios - Deutschland
1966/67 : Philetta 12RB263 |
D: Philips Radios - Deutschland
1961/62 : Philetta 213 B2D13A |
D: Philips Radios - Deutschland
1956/57 : Philetta 263 BD263U |
D: Philips Radios - Deutschland
1959 ?: Philetta 283 BD283U/71 |
D: Philips Radios - Deutschland
1959/60 : Philetta de Luxe B2D94A wechselstrom |
D: Philips Radios - Deutschland
1957/58 : Philetta de Luxe BD274U |
D: Grundig (Radio-Vertrieb, RVF, Radi...
1969/70 : Phono-Boy |
D: Graetz, Altena (Westfalen)
1958/59 : Phono-Super Potpourri 528 |
D: Akkord-Radio + Akkord Elektronik (...
1969–71 : Pinguette 220 |
D: Akkord-Radio + Akkord Elektronik (...
1958/59 : Pinguin M58 |
YU: RIZ, Radio Industrija Zagreb; Zagreb
1958 : Pionir BU458 |
YU: RIZ, Radio Industrija Zagreb; Zagreb
1958 ?: Pionir 58 |
YU: RIZ, Radio Industrija Zagreb; Zagreb
1960 : Pionir 60 |
I: Autovox SPA; Roma
1971 : Piper RA312 (RM312) Knobs are probably not original. |
YU: Iskra; Kranj, Ljubljana
1969–73 ?: Planica SSN2060 |
YU: Iskra; Kranj, Ljubljana
1969–73 ??: Planica MG SSM2070 |
YU: RIZ, Radio Industrija Zagreb; Zagreb
1964 : Plattenspieler EG4-Super |
YU: RIZ, Radio Industrija Zagreb; Zagreb
1966 ??: Plattenspieler ERO |
D: Grundig (Radio-Vertrieb, RVF, Radi...
1978 : Plattenspieler PS 1020 |
A: Philips - Österreich
1988 ??: Pocket Memo 292 Mini |
NL: Philips; Eindhoven (tubes internat...
1967 ?: Pocket Memo Cassette - Minicassette LFH 0001 - 0005 - 0007 |
J: Sharp; Osaka
1967–76 : Pocket Radio BP 102B |
D: Simeto, PGH; Klingenthal (Sachsen)
1966 : Polyzet IV (4) |
D: Elta GmbH, Rödermark
2005 ?: Portable CD/MP3 Disc Player 5786M |
J: Technics (brand)
1985–87 : Portable CD Player SL-XP5 |
J: Technics (brand)
1985 : Portable CD Player SL-XP7 |
J: Sony Corporation; Tokyo
2003 : Portable CD Player XP-EV600 |
Click numbers for additional pages of Danko
Tkalec's collection of radios and other
collectibles if any.
Our member Danko Tkalec opened
his/her collection of radios and other related
items on 27.May.2007.
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