Collection de Danny Maurissens, Suisse

Information - Aide
ID = 2478
Photo Danny Maurissens

Vous pourrez trouver ci-dessous la collection d'appareils de Danny Maurissens

Collectors profile: I started collecting old radios from the age of twelve. At that time (1970) radios were found near the garbage can. The transistor radio was getting very wide spread and was banning the bulky old tube radio sets from home. I am collecting radio sets from 1920 to 1970, as long as the set is attractive from a technical point of view or when it has a special cabinet. I am particularly fond of portable tube sets from the fifties, just before the mass introduction of the transistor radios. Transistor radios are figuring in my collection as well, especially the ones with a round dial. As much as possible, I try to restore the old beauties to their original functional state. With or without schematic. I am interested in the history of radio. Hence I collect old books about radio and electronics. Finally, one needs measuring equipment to restore the old sets. Old measuring instruments as such are also quite interesting collectors items. Originating from Belgium, I know a lot about Belgian radios. Recently, I live partially in Switzerland, so I know somewhat of that market too. �
Résultats: 1 à 1 de 1
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Extrait de la collection de Danny Maurissens. Les images ci-dessous ont été téléchargées sur les modèles correspondants par Danny Maurissens.

D:  Klenk & Co.; Stuttgart
1931 ?: 

Résultats: 1 à 1 de 1

La page de collectionneur de Danny Maurissens est une page personnelle sur RMorg. En tant que membre de, Danny Maurissens expose des modèles de sa collection. Chaque membre peut aussi apporter sa contribution et télécharger des informations.



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