Dave Brown, Canada - Radio collection

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ID = 7814
Photo Dave Brown

Below you find a part of the radio collection Dave Brown - including other related items.

Tube radio's are new to me, I am an appliance technician that has been looking for a hobby, this past spring I picked up my first tube set, it was a hi fidelity Electrohome. The sound produce was very impressive, my interest began at that point. My birthday this summer I aquired my first Grundig SO-112 US, stereo, very impressed with the sound. I was hooked, since then I have 4 more Grundig's and 6 other tube radio's Westinghouse 1933, Pye 1949,Zeneth 1944, to mention a few.At this point a plan on focusing on Grundig radio sets.
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Part of the radio collection of Dave Brown. These pictures have been uploaded to the corresponding models by Dave Brown but this is not necessarily all of Dave Brown's collection.

D:  Grundig (Radio-Vertrieb, RVF, Radi...
1957/58 : Musikschrank

USA Grundig Majestic. out of console
J:  Pioneer Corporation; Tokyo
1960 ?: Receiver

D:  Grundig (Radio-Vertrieb, RVF, Radi...
1961 ?: Majestic Stereo Console

Result: 1 to 3 from 3

Click numbers for additional pages of Dave Brown's collection of radios and other collectibles if any.

Our member Dave Brown opened his/her collection of radios and other related items on 26.Dec.2007.


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