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Below you find a part of the radio collection Detlef Kraus - including other related items. Röhrenradios, Bauelemente, Mess- und Prüfgeräte vor 1960 |
Result: 51 to 58 from 58 |
Part of the radio collection of Detlef Kraus. These pictures have been uploaded to the corresponding models by Detlef Kraus but this is not necessarily all of Detlef Kraus's collection.
D: Uher Werke; München
1974–82 : CR210 Stereo Typenschild Uher CR210 Stereo, Bj. 1975 |
D: Technisch-Physikalische Werkstätte...
1975 ??: Trennstelltrafo ST240/4 |
J: Sanyei Corporation; Tokyo
1976 ??: GPM-7600 |
USA: Tektronix; Portland, OR
1980 ?: Oscilloscope 465B44 mit Multimeter DM 44 |
D: Kontaktbauelemente Luckenwalde, VE...
1985–87 : LTR21 |
D: ITT Schaub-Lorenz
1986 : SL730 |
DK: Rauff & Sørensen A/S (Shipmate); S...
1987 ??: Shipmate RS6000 |
D: Messgerätewerk Zwönitz, VEB; Zwöni...
1988 ?: Vorschalttrafo VST400 ergänzend auch dieser Hersteller |
Result: 51 to 58 from 58 |
Click numbers for additional pages of Detlef
Kraus's collection of radios and other
collectibles if any.
Our member Detlef Kraus opened
his/her collection of radios and other related
items on 11.Apr.2006.
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