Below you find a part of the radio collection Dieter Schulte-Kulkmann - including other related items. Radios 1920-1990, Radios aus aller Welt, Schwerpunkt Deutschland, Frankreich |
Part of the radio collection of Dieter Schulte-Kulkmann. These pictures have been uploaded to the corresponding models by Dieter Schulte-Kulkmann but this is not necessarily all of Dieter Schulte-Kulkmann's collection.
GB: Ever Ready Co. (GB) Ltd.; London
1958 : Sky Leader |
D: Isophon, E. Fritz & Co. GmbH.; Ber...
1963 : Stereonetta III |
I: TRL electronic; Lecco
1965 ??: Super TRL Super Gehäuse Kunststoff, Verstärker wie bei TRL Full, Disk-Spielmechan... |
F: Homebrew - RECENT but NOT Replica;...
1999 ??: Superhet Unknown "marriage" of a Ducretet cabinet with a later 5-tube superhet ca. 1... |
USA: Philco, Philadelphia Stg. Batt. Co...
1963 ?: T-911 |
D: AEG (Radios) Allg.Elektricitäts-Ges.
1960–62 : Tambour 61 Stereo eBay-Kauf, |
F: Schneider (Frères, Radio-Télévisio...
1962–64 ??: Tambourin |
F: Grandin, Cristal-Grandin (SFRT); P...
1960 ?: Transat |
F: FAR (F.A.R., FA-R), A. Carlier; Pa...
1959 : Transfar bei dem Foto fehlt gegenüber der Handzeichnung die Bezeichnung Transfar in ... |
D: Grundig (Radio-Vertrieb, RVF, Radi...
1958/59 : Transistor-Box |
NL: Philips; Eindhoven (tubes internat...
1962 ??: Transistor Seven eBay-Kauf |
F: Barthe Radio, Barthe-Audio; Paris,...
1967 ??: Transmaster |
F: Amplivision; Fontenay sous Bois, L...
1960 ??: Transmatic 7 Transistoren |
A: Schrack (Triotron); Wien
1930/31 : Triotron-Carmen |
FIN: Luxor, Helsinki - see also Sweden
1954 ?: Tripp Tragegriff nicht Original, |
USA: Garod Radio Corp.; Brooklyn (NY)
1939 : unknown portable radio |
F: Unknown - CUSTOM BUILT: France (IN...
1940 ??: Valise à 5 lampes lampes américaines |
F: LMT (L.M.T.), Le Matériel Téléphon...
1954 ?: Week-End (Weekend) II |
USA: General Electric Co. (GE); Bridgep...
1947 ??: YRB82-2 eBay-Kauf aus Austria |
USA: General Electric Co. (GE); Bridgep...
1946–48 : 254 Tragegriff nicht Original |
USA: Fada Radio & Electric Co.; Long Is...
1934 ?: 261 B |
USA: Olympic Radio & Television, Inc.; ...
1951 ?: 489 |
Click numbers for additional pages of Dieter
Schulte-Kulkmann's collection of radios and other
collectibles if any.
Our member Dieter Schulte-Kulkmann opened
his/her collection of radios and other related
items on 24.Aug.2007.
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