Below you find a part of the radio collection Edoardo Sigismondo - including other related items. Colleziono e restauro radio d'epoca per hobby. |
Result: 1001 to 1050 from 3019 |
Part of the radio collection of Edoardo Sigismondo. These pictures have been uploaded to the corresponding models by Edoardo Sigismondo but this is not necessarily all of Edoardo Sigismondo's collection.
I: Condor (Ing. Gallo); Milano
1963 ??: GK4810 |
D: Nordmende, Norddeutsche Mende-Rund...
1968–70 : Globetrotter Amateur 968.101B Ch= 8.101B (Ch= 768.101B) |
NL: Philips; Eindhoven (tubes internat...
1975–77 : Globetrotter de Luxe 454 22RR454 /19 |
I: MO.EL.; Milano
1968 ??: Globovox |
D: Lumophon, Bruckner & Stark, Nürnberg
1929/30 : Gloria SW3 |
I: Voxson, FARET (F.A.R.E.T.); Roma
1970 ??: GN208 |
I: Voxson, FARET (F.A.R.E.T.); Roma
1978 : GN 7121 OM-FMS |
I: Philips Italy; Milano (MI)
1968 ??: Goal 19RL160 /00 |
I: Philips Italy; Milano (MI)
1968 : Goal 19RL170 /00L /00R /00X |
I: Philips Italy; Milano (MI)
1968 ??: Goal 150LT |
I: Unknown - CUSTOM BUILT: Italy
1975 ??: Gold Star Music 50W |
D: Schaub und Schaub-Lorenz
1962/63 : Goldy 30 06111 natur |
USA: Lansing, James B. (JBL), Los Angel...
2004 ??: Grand Touring GTO 75.4 |
J: Pioneer Corporation; Tokyo
1988–09 : Graphic Equalizer GR-333 |
J: Pioneer Corporation; Tokyo
1986–88 : Graphic Equalizer GR-470 |
USA: Marantz (Sound United LLC); Vista,...
1992/93 : Graphic Equalizer Spectrum Analyzer EQ515 |
I: Phonola SA, FIMI; Saronno (VA)
1965/66 : Grazia RV6353 |
TW: Unknown - CUSTOM BUILT: Taiwan (RC)
1975 ??: Great CB Transceiver GT210 |
TW: Unknown - CUSTOM BUILT: Taiwan (RC)
1975 ??: Great CB Transceiver GT-838 |
USA: Lafayette Radio & TV Corp; New Yor...
1980 ??: Guardian 6000 99-35065W |
USA: Lafayette Radio & TV Corp; New Yor...
1976 ??: Guardian 6600 |
GB: Marshall (Brand), Marshall, J & T,...
1990 ??: Guitar Ampifier MS-2 |
PRC: Unknown - CUSTOM BUILT: China
2008 ?: Guitar Amplifier AG 15 |
I: Meliconi Spa; Bologna
2000 ?: Gumbody Digital4 |
I: Meliconi Spa; Bologna
2000 ?: GumBodyLight Digital 3 |
I: LESA ; Milano
1960 ??: Gutex |
J: Panasonic, Matsushita, National ナシ...
1985 ??: GX-30 RF-1630J |
J: Panasonic, Matsushita, National ナシ...
1975 : GX300 RF888JB |
J: Panasonic, Matsushita, National ナシ...
1995 : GX500 RF-3500 |
J: Akai Electric Co., Ltd.; Tokyo
1974 ?: GXC-39D |
J: Akai Electric Co., Ltd.; Tokyo
1973 : GXC-46 |
J: Akai Electric Co., Ltd.; Tokyo
1973 : GXC-46D |
D: Blaupunkt (Ideal), Berlin, später ...
1966/67 : Hamburg ab X 776001 |
I: Philips Italy; Milano (MI)
1993 : Handheld Cassette Recorder AQ6390 /00 |
I: INTEK S.p.A.; Milano
1975 ??: Handheld Dynamic Microphone Amplified |
HK: Unknown - CUSTOM BUILT: Hong Kong ...
1983 ??: Handheld Miniature Transceiver Com-Talk CT-998 |
I: Polmar; Milano
1985 ??: Handheld Transceiver (4 Watt - 3 Channel) BC-5802 |
EU: Unknown Europe
1940 ??: Hanseat 2000 |
A: Philips - Österreich
1977 ??: Happy 90AL070 /00R |
ZZ: Unknown to us - Worldwide
1980 ??: Harver 40 channel PLL AM/FM CB Transceiver CB 240 |
I: Voxson, FARET (F.A.R.E.T.); Roma
1956/57 : Harvey 619 |
TW: Unknown - CUSTOM BUILT: Taiwan (RC)
1980 ??: Harvey Graphic Equalizer Booster |
USA: Lafayette Radio & TV Corp; New Yor...
1991 : Hawaii |
USA: Lafayette Radio & TV Corp; New Yor...
1972 : HB-23-A |
D: Sennheiser Electronic (Labor W); W...
1998 ?: HD201 |
D: Sennheiser Electronic (Labor W); W...
2009 ?: HD 205 |
D: Sennheiser Electronic (Labor W); W...
2012 ??: HD 218 |
D: Sennheiser Electronic (Labor W); W...
1998 ?: HD 437 |
D: Sennheiser Electronic (Labor W); W...
1998 ?: HD 457 |
D: Sennheiser Electronic (Labor W); W...
1994 : HD520 II |
Result: 1001 to 1050 from 3019 |
Click numbers for additional pages of Edoardo
Sigismondo's collection of radios and other
collectibles if any.
Our member Edoardo Sigismondo opened
his/her collection of radios and other related
items on 14.Dec.2010.
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