Below you find a part of the radio collection Egon Strampe - including other related items. Sammle und repariere alte Radios,ca 100 Vorkriegsröhren,Halbleite rsammlung Trans. IC,ca800 verschiedene,mehrere Röhrenbücher ab 1930. |
Part of the radio collection of Egon Strampe. These pictures have been uploaded to the corresponding models by Egon Strampe but this is not necessarily all of Egon Strampe's collection.
D: Stabo; Hildesheim
1989 : Magnum M |
D: Hescho - Keramische Werke Hermsdor...
1974–77 : Minett |
D: Pan International GmbH, Pan Elektr...
1992 : Multi-Top FM LCD |
SU: Leningrad NOVATOR Works
1965 ?: Sonata {Соната} |
D: Stern-Radio Berlin, VEB, RFT, (Kom...
1969 ?: Stern Rubin |
D: Stern-Radio Berlin, VEB, RFT, (Kom...
1969/70 : Stern Solitär |
J: Homer Radio; Tokyo
1970 ??: Telephone Amplifier |
USA: Vector Electronic Co., Inc.; North...
1975 ??: Vector VI |
USA: Sentinel Radio Corp., Evanston, Il...
1956 : 1U355P |
Click numbers for additional pages of Egon
Strampe's collection of radios and other
collectibles if any.
Our member Egon Strampe opened
his/her collection of radios and other related
items on 03.Oct.2007.
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