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Below you find a part of the radio collection Emil Selig - including other related items. Meine Radios: Braun SK2/2 ok. Braun SK25 ok. Braun Atelier 11 Radio ok, Tonabnehmer defekt. VE301W ok. Seibt Roland 3L, in Arbeit, ist sehr verbastelt, falscher Trafo drin. Nora W3L, ok. Nora W69, ok. Nora Netzanode, ungeprüft. Nora Lautsprecher L27, ok Mende E38 = ok, mit L27 und DW58. Wescha Detektor, ok. Pfalz Detektor, ok. Philips 836A, ok. Mende 138W, ungeprüft. Mende Dynamo DW 58, ok. AT-Super 660 Wk3, ungeprüft ca. 180 Röhren. diverse alte Originalkondensatoren und Widerstände. |
Result: 1 to 5 from 5 |
Part of the radio collection of Emil Selig. These pictures have been uploaded to the corresponding models by Emil Selig but this is not necessarily all of Emil Selig's collection.
D: Braun; Frankfurt
1933–38 : Volksempfänger VE301W |
D: EAW, Elektro-Apparate-Werke, VEB, ...
1950–53 : AT-Super 660Wk3 Magisches Auge mittig |
D: Mende - Radio H. Mende & Co. GmbH,...
1930/31 : Mende 38 E38N AC, Bakelit, Lüftungsgitter |
D: Nora, Aron, Heliowatt; Berlin
1931/32 : W3L eckig, Bakelit |
D: Nora, Aron, Heliowatt; Berlin
1939/40 : Linz W69 |
Result: 1 to 5 from 5 |
Click numbers for additional pages of Emil
Selig's collection of radios and other
collectibles if any.
Our member Emil Selig opened
his/her collection of radios and other related
items on 15.Sep.2023.
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