Below you find a part of the radio collection Emilio Ciardiello - including other related items. radio tedesche FM, ricevitori militari, strumentazione valvolare dalla II Guerra Mondiale agli anni '60. Valvole speciali. Articoli e scritti tecnici. Vincitore dello 'Stokes Award 2016' della Tube Collectors Association. Una sintesi è presentata nelle pagine del sito FM tube radios, communication and military receivers, tube instrumentation from WWII to mid sixties. Special purpose vacuum tubes. Technical writing. Honored with '2016 Stokes Award' by TCA, Tube Collectors Association. Some serviced equipment as well as vacuum tubes are listed in the pages of the site |
Part of the radio collection of Emilio Ciardiello. These pictures have been uploaded to the corresponding models by Emilio Ciardiello but this is not necessarily all of Emilio Ciardiello's collection.
J: TEAC; Tokyo
1975 ??: A-3440 |
J: TEAC; Tokyo
1975 ??: A-4300SX |
USA: Simpson Electric Co.; Chicago, IL ...
1938–46 : AC-DC Volt-Ohm-Milliammeter 215 (WD-215) This picture shows a 215 GE multimeter. |
GB: Megger Group Limited, Dover,
1990 ??: Analog-Digital Insulation Meter BM80MIN/2 |
USA: MILITARY U.S. (different makers fo...
1952 ??: Antenna Fittizia (Dummy Load) A-5B This A-58 dummy load was built for Italian Army by CETEF, Rome. Italy.. |
I: Marelli (Radiomarelli); Sesto San ...
1939/40 : Anteo Ch= 72 |
USA: Hewlett-Packard, (HP); Palo Alto, CA
1942 ?: Audio Signal Generator 205AG Fully restored set |
D: SABA; Villingen
1950/51 : AV51 |
GB: AVO Ltd.; London
1987 ?: AvoMeter (AVO Meter) 8 (6) |
USA: MILITARY U.S. (different makers fo...
1936–60 : BC-312-M One of the BC-312 owned. This is a BC-312M. |
D: Metz Transformatoren- und Apparate...
1962/63 : belform Konzertgerät 120 LMU |
I: Philips Italy; Milano (MI)
1951–53 : BI700A |
D: SABA; Villingen
1953/54 : Bodensee W3 (W III) |
I: Geloso SA; Milano
1950 ??: Capacitance meter 421 Fig. 1: The capacitance value is read on the two large, coarse and fine, di... |
USA: Saratoga Industries Inc.; Saratoga...
1960 ??: Capacitive Divider GE-138-U |
USA: Tektronix; Portland, OR
1959 : Cathode Ray Oscilloscope 531A |
D: Graetz, Altena (Westfalen)
1956/57 : Comedia 4R416 |
I: Elmer , Pomezia
1970 ??: Communication Receiver SP-520 |
I: Elmer , Pomezia
1970 ??: Communication Receiving System SR11 |
D: Studer GmbH, Willi (ReVox); Löffin...
1984 : Compact Disc Player B 225 |
NL: Philips; Eindhoven (tubes internat...
1986 ?: Compact Disc Player CD960 |
USA: Gertsch Products Inc.; Los Angeles...
1965 ??: Complex Ratio Bridge CBR-4 |
USA: Marantz (Sound United LLC); Vista,...
1978 : Console Stereo Amplifier 1050 |
USA: Systron Donner; Concord CA
1970 ??: Counter/Timer 6152A |
USA: Motorola Inc. (ex Galvin Mfg.Co. C...
1970 ??: D.C. Multimeter |
USA: Tektronix; Portland, OR
1954 ?: Delta Standards S-30 |
USA: Keithley Instruments Inc.; Clevela...
1968 ?: Differential Voltmeter 660A |
USA: Dana Laboratories Inc.; Irvine (CA)
1976 ?: Digital Multimeter 5900 |
USA: Tektronix; Portland, OR
1956 : Dual-Trace Plug-In-Unit 53/54C |
A: AKG Acoustics GmbH; Wien
1980 ??: Dynamic Vocalist Microphone D330BT-MKII |
GB: Megger Group Limited, Dover,
1950 ??: Earth Tester Series 2 |
USA: Hewlett-Packard, (HP); Palo Alto, CA
1963 : Electronic Counter 5245L |
USA: Eppley Laboratory, The; Newport,...
1960 ??: Eplab Students' Cell |
D: Graetz, Altena (Westfalen)
1961/62 : Fantasia 1022 |
D: Graetz, Altena (Westfalen)
1964/65 : Fantasia 1318L poliert |
USA: Heathkit (Brand), Heath Co.; Bento...
1982 : FET Transistor-Tester IT-3120 |
I: VIS Radio; Napoli, Torino
1955 ??: Florida |
USA: MILITARY U.S. (different makers fo...
1942–57 ?: FM Signal Generator I-208 Pict. 1: front panel still showing traces of the intentional hammer smashes... |
USA: Hewlett-Packard, (HP); Palo Alto, CA
1967 : Frequency Divider 5260A |
USA: MILITARY U.S. (different makers fo...
1954 ?: Frequency Meter FR-4/U Front view of the frequency meter S/N 0204, yr. 1957 |
USA: MILITARY U.S. (different makers fo...
1960 ??: Frequency Meter FR-114U |
USA: MILITARY U.S. (different makers fo...
1951 ?: Frequency Meter TS-174B/U |
I: OTC (O.T.C.) De Nigris; Andria, BA
1960 ??: Frequenziometro a lamelle FC15 |
D: SABA; Villingen
1960/61 : Freudenstadt 125 Stereo |
A: NORMA Messtechnik GmbH; Wien
1960 ??: Galvanometer 1705 |
I: Supravox; (where? dove?)
1965 ??: Gamma Stereo Ch= Garrard AT60 |
I: Unaohm Start, Ohm, E. Pontremoli; ...
1965 ?: Generatore BF EM33 |
I: Philips Italy; Milano (MI)
1952/53 : Gran Concerto DI700A |
D: Graetz, Altena (Westfalen)
1951/52 : Gross-Super 156W |
D: SABA; Villingen
1966–70 : HiFi-Studiotonbandgerät 600SH |
Click numbers for additional pages of Emilio
Ciardiello's collection of radios and other
collectibles if any.
Our member Emilio Ciardiello opened
his/her collection of radios and other related
items on 13.Feb.2007.
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