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Below you find a part of the radio collection Emilio Focosi - including other related items. Amateur and Commercial radio Receivers, Transmitters, Transceivers, Tubes and Lab equipments manufactured since year 1916. |
Part of the radio collection of Emilio Focosi. These pictures have been uploaded to the corresponding models by Emilio Focosi but this is not necessarily all of Emilio Focosi's collection.
A: Schaub Lorenz International; Wien
2000 ??: 7" Colour TFT LCD TV SL LT750H |
AUS: Homebrew - RECENT but NOT Replica;...
1999 ??: Test Equipment Radio Frequency Sampler manufactured in '90s era using an unpainted aluminu... |
B: Homebrew - RECENT but NOT Replica ...
1999 ??: Amateur Equipment Board to apply at "KEY" point of 100w 2200m TX (see schematic at I.D. 70808... |
CDN: Hammond Manufacturing Guelph, Onta...
1970 ??: Regulated Power Supply LR-47177 |
CDN: MINS Technology; Nanaimo
2000 ??: Beverage Balun BV50-239 |
CDN: MINS Technology; Nanaimo
2000 ??: Beverage Termination Resistor 450ohm |
CDN: Philco Products Ltd.; Toronto
1939 ?: 207 (chassis) Code 121 Receiver on working condition at 657 KHz with Tunable Loop Antenna and exte... |
D: Albrecht (Marke), Lütjensee
1995 ??: Handheld Microphone Plus Multi |
D: Albrecht (Marke), Lütjensee
1995 ??: Handheld Microphone T059 |
D: Blaupunkt (Ideal), Berlin, später ...
1986–88 ??: Colour Television 24" Receiver FM100-30-DU |
D: Grundig (Radio-Vertrieb, RVF, Radi...
2004 ??: City Boy 52-PR5102 |
D: Grundig (Radio-Vertrieb, RVF, Radi...
2006 ?: Mini Boy 62 |
D: Hartig & Helling, H&H; Essen und B...
1998 ??: TV/FM Indoor Amplified Antenna 75 PLUS N |
D: Spinner GmbH; München
1960 ??: Dummy Load BN694400 |
E: Llaves Telegraficas Artesanas; Inca
1999 ??: Iambic Morse Key CRI |
E: Sony España; Hispano Sony; Kosmos ...
1990 ??: Trinitron Colour TV KV-21T1A |
EU: Homebrew - RECENT but NOT Replica,...
1999 ??: Amateur Equipment Toneburst 1750 Hz, built in EU about 1980 by Emilio Focosi, based on a IC ... |
EU: Homebrew - RECENT but NOT Replica,...
1999 ??: Antenna Loop antenna dimensions 280 x 280 mm with separately variable condenser for... |
EU: Homebrew - RECENT but NOT Replica,...
1999 ??: Audio Amplifier Audio power amplifier class B built in EU by Emilio Focosi about 1980 with ... |
EU: Homebrew - RECENT but NOT Replica,...
1999 ??: FM-Adapter / Receiver Homebrew one tube FM tuner for 88-108MHz broadcast band, built in EU by Em... |
EU: Homebrew - RECENT but NOT Replica,...
1999 ??: Miscellaneous Receiver Dial Calibrator buil in EU by Emilio Focosi about 1980 based on on... |
EU: Homebrew - RECENT but NOT Replica,...
1999 ??: Test Equipment Active RF probe built in EU by Emilio Focosi I5EFO about 1970 for RCA VTVM ... |
EU: Homebrew - RECENT but NOT Replica,...
1999 ??: Transmitter Homebrew 160 meter amateur band QRPP CW transmitter; built in EU by Emilio ... |
EU: Homebrew - ORIGINAL, Europe others
1935 ??: Miscellaneous 1930-1945 Homebrew 3 Watts CW amateur transmitter for 40 meters band built in EU abo... |
EU: Homebrew - ORIGINAL, Europe others
1950 ??: Miscellaneous after 1945 Homebrew Tone Decoder for CW demodulation from audio signal of any receiver... |
EU: Homebrew - ORIGINAL, Europe others
1950 ??: more than 4-tube TRF after 1945 Homebrew TRF five 01A tubes medium-wave receiver built about 1950 by G. Fo... |
EU: Homebrew - ORIGINAL, Europe others
1950 ??: 1-tube Receiver after 1945 Homebrew regenerative Medium Wave receiver built in EU about 1950 with 6C4 ... |
EU: Homebrew - ORIGINAL, Europe others
1950 ??: 2-tube Receiver after 1945 Homebrew regeneration receiver built in EU about 1950 with one tube 6C4 and... |
EU: Homebrew - REPLICA, Europe others
1999 ??: Amateur Equipment Homebrew Mark/Space tuning and Squelch circuit for RTTY/Packet Radio recept... |
EU: Homebrew - REPLICA, Europe others
1999 ??: Antenna Homebrew Antenna off-center-fed dipole, with Hertz element excited via a si... |
EU: Homebrew - REPLICA, Europe others
1999 ??: Audio Amplifier Homebrew Audio Amplifier built in EU about 1995 by Emilio Focosi; based on ... |
EU: Homebrew - REPLICA, Europe others
1999 ??: Microphone Replica of Yaesu MH-1B8 Handheld microphone with Fast, Up, Down, PTT knobs ... |
EU: Homebrew - REPLICA, Europe others
1999 ??: Miscellaneous Homebrew transceiver VOX replica of MK775 kit by TEA-Ravenna built in EU ab... |
EU: Homebrew - REPLICA, Europe others
1999 ??: Receiver, Solid State Homebrew Solid State Receiver replica of Elettronica Sestrese model RS16, b... |
EU: Homebrew - REPLICA, Europe others
1999 ??: Test Equipment Homebrew portable audio tone generator for test any transceiver by microphi... |
EU: Unknown Europe
1900–35 : Spule veränderbar, Variometer, Schiebespule Old "variometre self emetteur" model L210 (probably manufactured by Péricau... |
EU: Unknown - CUSTOM BUILT: Europe - s...
1999 ??: Wegavox Monaco 3 TX |
F: Homebrew - RECENT but NOT Replica;...
1999 ??: Test Equipment Radio Frequency Sampler manufactured in France in '90s era , Maximum input ... |
GB: Eberline Instrument Company Ltd.; ...
1995 : Ion Chamber Radiation Meter RO-2 |
GB: EMI; Hayes, Middlesex
1990 ??: Photo Multiplier Tube Housing E-258 |
GB: ERA, Enterprise Radio Applications...
1990 : Microreader Mk2 |
GB: Homebrew - RECENT but NOT Replica GB
1999 ??: Amateur Equipment |
GB: Homebrew - RECENT but NOT Replica GB
1999 ??: Test Equipment Homebrew Coaxial RF Sampler manufactured on Great Britain about year 2000 u... |
GB: Homebrew - RECENT but NOT Replica GB
1999 ??: Transmitter Medium Frequency 100 Watts Output class D Power Amplifier for 472 kHz (630 ... |
GB: Homebrew - REPLICA, GB
1999 ??: Power Supply Rechargeable /- 45V 250mAh battery Pack made on Great Britain about year 2... |
GB: Microwave Modules Ltd.; Liverpool
1980 ??: Converter 144 MHz MMC144/28 |
GB: Microwave Modules Ltd.; Liverpool
1980 ??: Converter 432 MHz MMC432/28 |
GB: MILITARY U.K. (different makers fo...
1925 ??: Morse Key WT 8 AMP |
GB: MILITARY U.K. (different makers fo...
1939 ??: Morse Key WT 8 AMP NO 2 MKII |
GB: MILITARY U.K. (different makers fo...
1973 ?: Scintillation Dose Rate Meter NIS 295B |
Click numbers for additional pages of Emilio
Focosi's collection of radios and other
collectibles if any.
Our member Emilio Focosi opened
his/her collection of radios and other related
items on 30.Dec.2010.
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