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Below you find a part of the radio collection Emilio Focosi - including other related items. Amateur and Commercial radio Receivers, Transmitters, Transceivers, Tubes and Lab equipments manufactured since year 1916. |
Part of the radio collection of Emilio Focosi. These pictures have been uploaded to the corresponding models by Emilio Focosi but this is not necessarily all of Emilio Focosi's collection.
EU: Unknown Europe
1900–35 : Spule veränderbar, Variometer, Schiebespule Old "variometre self emetteur" model L210 (probably manufactured by Péricau... |
ZZ: Memorabilia - Erinnerungsstücke
1900–99 : Coins - Münzen - Monete |
ZZ: Memorabilia - Erinnerungsstücke
1900–99 : Konzessionen - Authorizations |
ZZ: Memorabilia - Erinnerungsstücke
1900–99 : Leuchtreklame, Thekenaufsteller - Illuminated Signs, Presentation Stands, Counter Displays |
ZZ: Memorabilia - Erinnerungsstücke
1900–99 : Photos - Fotos 3 Amateur radio station site of 1979 expedition of 1S1DX- Spratly Island on p... |
ZZ: Memorabilia - Erinnerungsstücke
1900–99 : Photos - Fotos 4 Photo of Joseph Focosi (Chicago 1905-1980) and unknown friend over a Broad... |
ZZ: Memorabilia - Erinnerungsstücke
1900–99 : Promotional Stamps Werbemarken |
ZZ: Memorabilia - Erinnerungsstücke
1900–99 : Radio related Pins |
ZZ: Memorabilia - Erinnerungsstücke
1900–99 : Radios on Matchboxes |
ZZ: Memorabilia - Erinnerungsstücke
1900–99 : Sonstiges und Kuriositäten |
ZZ: Memorabilia - Erinnerungsstücke
1900–99 : Toys - Spielzeuge Fireman Car with Transceiver on board (see antenna) manifactured by LEGO (R... |
ZZ: Memorabilia - Erinnerungsstücke
1900–99 : Verkaufsstellen - Sales Philco Radio sale about WWII era in Chicago; from private collection of Jos... |
ZZ: Memorabilia - Erinnerungsstücke
1900–99 : Werbetafeln, Reklameschilder Reklameschilder of 1920's Amrad Shortwave Receiver; from private collection... |
ZZ: Stamps - Briefmarken - Francobolli
1900–10 : Stamps - Briefmarken Italy |
USA: Murdock, WM.J. Co.; Chelsea
1916–22 ??: Variable Condenser 23 plates A368 Front of Murdock tuning condenser with engraved metal scale. |
USA: Brandes Products Corp.; Newark (NJ...
1920 ??: Superior Matched Tone |
ZZ: Memorabilia - Erinnerungsstücke
1920–11 : Sticker - Decals - Aufkleber |
USA: Freshman Co. Inc., Chas.., (Polydy...
1922 : Grid Leak Assembly Variable |
USA: Weston Electrical Instrument Co.; ...
1922 ??: Jewell Wavemeter Pattern No. 90 Version 4 |
USA: Electrical Research Laboratories I...
1923 : Audio Frequency Transformer |
USA: Electrical Research Laboratories I...
1923 : Fixed Crystal Detector |
USA: Electrical Research Laboratories I...
1923 : QuadSix Schematic on right bottom of image |
USA: Electrical Research Laboratories I...
1923 : Synchronizing RF Transformer Duo-Reflex 1 |
USA: Freshman Co. Inc., Chas.., (Polydy...
1924 : Double Adjustable Crystal |
USA: Electrical Research Laboratories I...
1924 : Duo-Reflex Four Tube Kit Duo-Reflex receiver designed from Erla about 1923 from private collection o... |
USA: Electrical Research Laboratories I...
1924 : Selectoformer Type A |
USA: Research Laboratories, Inc.; Des M...
1924 ??: Kleer-Tone |
USA: Atwater Kent Mfg. Co.; Philadelphi...
1924–36 : Audio Interstage Transformers for replacement AFT 4779. Primary DC resistance about 1.7 kOhms; secondary DC resistance ab... |
USA: Clearco Crystal Co.; Milwaukee (WI)
1925 : Crystal Steel Galena Straight Type Steel Galena Radio Crystal |
USA: Electrical Research Laboratories I...
1925 : S-11 |
USA: Mignon Products Corp., Buffalo, Ne...
1925 ??: Audio Frequency Transformer Giantone |
USA: Mignon Products Corp., Buffalo, Ne...
1925 ??: Audio Frequency Transformer SP |
1925 ??: Crystal set before 1930 Homebrew crystal set made into White OWL cigar box; Radio a galena autocost... |
RA: Homebrew - ORIGINAL; Argentinia
1925 ??: Crystal set before 1930 Homebrew Crystal Set built in Argentina about 1929 by Alberto Giorgi (Buoen... |
I: VAAM (Vannes Ambrosi); Milano
1925 ??: Cuffia |
GB: MILITARY U.K. (different makers fo...
1925 ??: Morse Key WT 8 AMP |
USA: Carter Manufacturing Co., The; Eas...
1925 ??: Variable Air Capacitor - Inductor Assembly |
USA: U.S.Tool Co Inc, Newark, New Jersey
1925 ??: Variable Condenser 17 plates Celron |
USA: United Radio Corporation (Peerless...
1928 ?: 7-B Peerless Magnetic Reproducer |
USA: General Radio Company; Cambridge (...
1928 ??: Wavemeter 358 |
USA: Pacent, New York City
1929 : Rheostat |
USA: Cannon, C.F.,Co., Springwater, N.Y.
1930 ??: Dixie |
I: Homebrew - ORIGINAL; Italy
1935 ??: Crystal Set 1930 - 1945 WW_II Foxhole Razor Blade |
EU: Homebrew - ORIGINAL, Europe others
1935 ??: Miscellaneous 1930-1945 Homebrew 3 Watts CW amateur transmitter for 40 meters band built in EU abo... |
USA: Brush Development Co. / Clevite El...
1938 ??: Headset piezoelectric |
USA: Philco, Philadelphia Stg. Batt. Co...
1938/39 : TP-12 Transitone |
CDN: Philco Products Ltd.; Toronto
1939 ?: 207 (chassis) Code 121 Receiver on working condition at 657 KHz with Tunable Loop Antenna and exte... |
GB: MILITARY U.K. (different makers fo...
1939 ??: Morse Key WT 8 AMP NO 2 MKII |
1941 : Ammeter H.F. - Thermocouple FGX2 Ammeter H.F. 350 M.A. No. 1 |
USA: MILITARY U.S. (different makers fo...
1941 ??: Crystal (Quartz) CR-1A/AR |
Click numbers for additional pages of Emilio
Focosi's collection of radios and other
collectibles if any.
Our member Emilio Focosi opened
his/her collection of radios and other related
items on 30.Dec.2010.
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