Below you find a part of the radio collection Fabricio Colvero - including other related items. My father is 79 years old and still performs restorations on old equipment. We have some items like Philips Matador radio, Mullard 5225A, Philips BR-438A, Stewart Warner Air-Pal, Radio 531AE Teleunion, Philips NG-1130, some valve testers like Incatest 5992-C, Precision 912, Labo PV-11, Morato RD-250A transmitter, as well as some self-made equipment, numerous valves, etc. I would like to contribute by sending photos, diagrams, manuals and information about some equipment. |
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Part of the radio collection of Fabricio Colvero. These pictures have been uploaded to the corresponding models by Fabricio Colvero but this is not necessarily all of Fabricio Colvero's collection.
BR: Eletrônica Morato Ltda. (ELMO); Sã...
1978 : Transmissor de Radiodifusão RD-250A |
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Click numbers for additional pages of Fabricio
Colvero's collection of radios and other
collectibles if any.
Our member Fabricio Colvero opened
his/her collection of radios and other related
items on 06.Feb.2020.
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