Below you find a part of the radio collection Federico Valdameri † 7.2015 - including other related items. radio |
Part of the radio collection of Federico Valdameri † 7.2015. These pictures have been uploaded to the corresponding models by Federico Valdameri † 7.2015 but this is not necessarily all of Federico Valdameri † 7.2015's collection.
F: Radio JD (J.D.), Jouanique et Daga...
1935 ?: Inconnu - Unknown 1 |
F: Radio-Star; Nice
1937 ??: Inconnu - Unknown 2 |
I: Filmagna; Torino
1960 ??: Magnetofono Sconosciuto (Unknown tape recorder) |
I: Mivar (VAR); Milano
1964/65 : Maiorca |
USA: Grigsby-Grunow (-Hinds) Co. (Majes...
1933 : Majestic 49-C, Duo-Modern |
I: Marelli (Radiomarelli); Sesto San ...
1930 : Musagete I |
USA: Music Master; Chicago (1930's)
1934 ??: Music Master |
1999 ?: NAPA WD-40 Can Radio |
F: Pathé Radio, Pathé Frères (Pathéph...
1915 ??: Phonographe |
F: Pathé Radio, Pathé Frères (Pathéph...
1908 ?: Phonographe |
GB: Pye Ltd., Radio Works; Cambridge
1939/39 : PP/AC (Late) |
F: Schneider (Frères, Radio-Télévisio...
1950/51 : Prélude (Prelude) 6 lampes |
I: GBC; Milano
1958 ??: PT/12 export |
I: Marelli (Radiomarelli); Sesto San ...
1932 : Radiofonografo automatico II only case |
I: Phonola SA, FIMI; Saronno (VA)
1939/40 : Roma |
I: Radio Olympic; Italia
1942 ??: Sconosciuto |
I: Minerva (Ital-Minerva); Milano
1965 ??: Sconosciuto |
I: Savigliano, Officine di, SA; Savig...
1940 ?: Sconosciuto manopola lato sx (gamme) non originale |
I: Royal; Italy
1950 ??: Sconosciuto (Unknown) var 1 |
I: Watt Radio; Torino
1940/41 : Stella manopole non originali |
I: CGE, Compagnia Generale di Elettri...
1934/35 : Super Mira 5 Fonodionda knobs incorrect |
I: Mivar (VAR); Milano
1963 ??: Trafem |
1933 ??: Unknown |
1932 ?: unknown |
I: Europhon; Milano
1969 : VOV |
GB: Graves, J.G. Ltd.; Sheffield
1938 ??: Vulcan 3-Waveband Four Valve Battery Superhet |
USA: Champion Radio Labs (Champion Radi...
1933 ?: Wizard Manopole non originali,mia proprieta' |
I: Unknown - CUSTOM BUILT: Italy
1933 ??: 305 |
USA: Stromberg-Carlson Co. ; Rochester ...
1940/41 : 500-H |
I: Aster Radio (A.S.T.E.R.); Milano
1956 ?: 561 no manopole |
Click numbers for additional pages of Federico
Valdameri † 7.2015's collection of radios and other
collectibles if any.
Our member Federico Valdameri † 7.2015 opened
his/her collection of radios and other related
items on 30.Jun.2005.
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