Below you find a part of the radio collection George Papaiz - including other related items. antique radios, vintage test equipment, German stereo radios |
Part of the radio collection of George Papaiz. These pictures have been uploaded to the corresponding models by George Papaiz but this is not necessarily all of George Papaiz's collection.
J: Panasonic, Matsushita, National ナシ...
1972 : IC FET FM/AM 4 CHannel Stereo RE-8840C |
USA: Clear-Com LLC; Alameda, CA
1997/98 ?: ICS-2003 |
USA: UCP University Loudspeakers Inc., ...
1961 ?: ID-30 |
USA: Meissner Mfg. Div., Maguire Indust...
1940 ??: IF Interstage Transformer 16-6659 |
USA: Weston Electrical Instrument Co.; ...
1932 ?: Illumination Meter 603 |
D: Nordmende, Norddeutsche Mende-Rund...
1965/66 ?: Isabella C Stereo Ch= 6/683 |
J: Kenwood, Trio-Kenwood Inc.; Komagane
1969/70 ?: JR-310 |
J: Unknown - CUSTOM BUILT: Japan
1967 ??: Julian Solid State Cassette Tuner Pack JF-44 |
J: Luxman, Lux Corp.; Kinsuido of Osaka
1988 : K-111 |
D: Grundig (Radio-Vertrieb, RVF, Radi...
1957/58 : Konzertgerät 4077 |
USA: Heathkit (Brand), Heath Co.; Bento...
1959–65 : Laboratory Oscilloscope O-12 (0-12) |
D: Funkwerk Leipzig, VEB, - vorm. Kör...
1960 ?: Lautsprecherchassis L2259PBO |
USA: Federal Radio Corp. / Federal Tele...
1921 : Liberty Headphones 53-W |
J: WACO; Japan
1972 : Lincoln L 1928 Convertible (Japan 611) |
USA: RCA (RCA Victor Co. Inc.); New Yor...
1928 : Loudspeaker 103 |
USA: Technology Instruments Corporation...
1965 ??: M10T-S Potentiometer |
CDN: Canadian General Electric (Canada)...
1934 : M-65 |
CDN: Canadian General Electric (Canada)...
1949 ?: Magnetic Phonograph Cartridge RPX050 |
CDN: Rogers-Majestic, Standard Radio Ma...
1930 : Majestic 588 Ch= 833 Combination |
CDN: Canadian Marconi Co. Ltd. (CMC, Es...
1928/29 : Marconi Model XII (12) |
USA: Freshman Co. Inc., Chas.., (Polydy...
1925 : Masterpiece 5F4 window dials no C-battery |
USA: Clear-Com LLC; Alameda, CA
1997/98 ?: Matrix Plus Master Station ICS-2110 |
CDN: The Source (Radio Shack, Realistic...
1986 : Micronta Digital Multimeter 22-195 |
USA: Radio Shack (Tandy, Realistic, Mic...
1975 ??: Micronta Signal Injector 22-4032 |
USA: Turner Co. (The); Cedar Rapids (IA)
1959 ??: Microphone SR90D |
CDN: Motorola Canada Ltd., Toronto
1985 ?: ML34TRB1100C |
USA: Aer-A-Dyne Manufacturing Co.; Utic...
1925 : Model-V Lowboy console |
CDN: Canadian Marconi Co. Ltd. (CMC, Es...
1929/30 : Model XVI (16) |
GB: BSR (Monarch); Great Britain
1960 ?: Monarch UA14 (Philco M-60) |
GB: BSR (Monarch); Great Britain
1957 ?: Monarch Record Changer UA8 |
CDN: The Source (Radio Shack, Realistic...
1993 ?: MPA-35 32-2022 |
USA: Radio Shack (Tandy, Realistic, Mic...
1993 : MPA-45 32-2035 |
USA: Fisher Radio; New York (NY)
1985 : MT-730 |
CDN: Motorola Canada Ltd., Toronto
1985 ?: MTPN1136B |
J: Sanwa Electric Instrument Co., Ltd...
1972 ??: Multimeter SH-63TR-DII |
J: Kyoritsu Electrical Instrument Wor...
1960 ??: Multimeter TK-90A |
J: Pioneer Corporation; Tokyo
1990 ?: Multi-Play Compact Disc Player PD-M435 |
CDN: De Forest (DeForest) Crosley Radio...
1926 : Musicone Headphone |
J: Yamaha Co.; Hamamatsu
2004 ?: Natural Sound Compact Disc Player CDC-E500 |
J: Yamaha Co.; Hamamatsu
2003 ?: Natural Sound Stereo Receiver RX-E400 |
USA: National Company; Cambridge & Mal...
1965 : NCX-5 MKII |
USA: National Company; Cambridge & Mal...
1965 ?: NCX-D |
USA: Bogen (-Presto), David Co., Inc.; ...
2014 ?: N.E.A.R. (NEAR) A2 |
USA: Supersonic (Spiegel, Inc); Chicago...
1975 ??: NR-20F4 |
USA: Radio Shack (Tandy, Realistic, Mic...
1993 ??: Optimus Omnidirectional Dynamic Microphone 33-7057 |
GB: Telequipment Ltd.; London
1967 ?: Oscilloscope D43 |
USA: Tektronix; Portland, OR
1953 ?: Oscilloscope 315D |
D: Nordmende, Norddeutsche Mende-Rund...
1959/60 : Othello High Fidelity U320 Ch= 0/632 Export |
D: Nordmende, Norddeutsche Mende-Rund...
1961/62 : Othello-Stereo Z320 Ch= 2/632 |
USA: Magnavox Co., Commercial Wireless ...
1956 ?: P-232 10" 8 ohms |
Click numbers for additional pages of George
Papaiz's collection of radios and other
collectibles if any.
Our member George Papaiz opened
his/her collection of radios and other related
items on 04.Oct.2011.
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