Below you find a part of the radio collection George Papaiz - including other related items. antique radios, vintage test equipment, German stereo radios |
Part of the radio collection of George Papaiz. These pictures have been uploaded to the corresponding models by George Papaiz but this is not necessarily all of George Papaiz's collection.
USA: Zenith Radio Corp.; Chicago, IL
1928/29 : Power Unit ZE14 |
USA: Tower Mfg.Co., Boston ,Mass.
1927 : Adventurer |
USA: Olson Radio Corporation, Olson Ele...
1965 ?: AM-253 |
CDN: Grimes Radio Corporation Ltd; Kitc...
1928 ?: Arcadia |
GB: Evershed & Vignoles Ltd; London
1936 : Bridge Megger |
CDN: Electrohome (Dominion Industries, ...
1960 ?: Canterbury I (1) |
USA: Koss Corporation; Milwaukee, WI
1978 ?: CM/1010 |
CDN: Baldwin International Radio of Can...
1926/27 : Concert Grand Cabinet |
GB: Motorola; London
1958 ?: Conquest |
USA: Newcombe-Hawley; St. Charles, IL.
1927 ?: Console Grand Reproducer |
CDN: Electrohome (Dominion Industries, ...
1957 ?: Crescendo IIIA (3A) |
CDN: Electrohome (Dominion Industries, ...
1978 ?: CS400 |
USA: Jensen Radio Manufacturing Co.; Ch...
1929/30 : D7-AC |
USA: Altec Lansing Corp.; Oklahoma City...
1972 ??: Dia-Cone 405A |
USA: Stansi Scientific Company; Chicago...
1947 ??: Dynamic Demonstrator |
CDN: Canadian General Electric (Canada)...
1938/39 : F-40 |
CDN: Canadian General Electric (Canada)...
1937/38 : F62 |
USA: B&K (Precision), Dynascan Corp., C...
1992 : Function Generator 3011A |
USA: Clear-Com LLC; Alameda, CA
1997 ?: GM-9 |
USA: Columbia Phonograph, American / Vo...
1918 ?: Grafonola B? |
USA: Glaser - Steers Co.; Newark
1959 ?: GS- 77 (Revised) |
USA: ESS Electrostatic Sound Systems, I...
1976 ?: Heil amt5a |
USA: Clear-Com LLC; Alameda, CA
1997/98 ?: ICS-2003 |
USA: UCP University Loudspeakers Inc., ...
1961 ?: ID-30 |
J: WACO; Japan
1972 : Lincoln L 1928 Convertible (Japan 611) |
USA: RCA (RCA Victor Co. Inc.); New Yor...
1928 : Loudspeaker 103 |
USA: Technology Instruments Corporation...
1965 ??: M10T-S Potentiometer |
CDN: Canadian General Electric (Canada)...
1934 : M-65 |
CDN: Motorola Canada Ltd., Toronto
1985 ?: ML34TRB1100C |
USA: Aer-A-Dyne Manufacturing Co.; Utic...
1925 : Model-V Lowboy console |
CDN: Canadian Marconi Co. Ltd. (CMC, Es...
1929/30 : Model XVI (16) |
CDN: Motorola Canada Ltd., Toronto
1985 ?: MTPN1136B |
USA: National Company; Cambridge & Mal...
1965 : NCX-5 MKII |
USA: National Company; Cambridge & Mal...
1965 ?: NCX-D |
USA: Supersonic (Spiegel, Inc); Chicago...
1975 ??: NR-20F4 |
USA: Magnavox Co., Commercial Wireless ...
1956 ?: P-232 10" 8 ohms |
USA: Sterling Manuf. Co.; Cleveland, Ohio
1924 ??: Pocket Voltammeter, 35A, 10V |
CDN: Marsland Engineering Ltd.; Waterlo...
1968 ??: Princess Eight |
CDN: RCA Victor (International), Montreal
1930 : R-10 |
CDN: RCA Victor (International), Montreal
1933 : R 37 |
CDN: Rogers-Majestic, Standard Radio Ma...
1927/28 : R-200-A |
CDN: Stewart Warner; Ontario
1941/42 : R-495A |
GB: Garrard Eng. & Mfg. Co. Ltd.; Swin...
1956 ?: RC88 |
GB: Garrard Eng. & Mfg. Co. Ltd.; Swin...
1958 ?: RC 121/Mk. II |
USA: Webster Co., The, Webster-Chicago,...
1945/46 : Record Changer Chassis 56 |
USA: Webster Co., The, Webster-Chicago,...
1950 ?: Record Changer Chassis 364-1 |
CDN: Rogers-Majestic, Standard Radio Ma...
1927/28 : Rogers 220 |
CDN: Rogers-Majestic, Standard Radio Ma...
1934 ??: Rogers R451 |
USA: Yorx Electronics; Totowa, N.J.
1975 ?: S 50 |
USA: ATR Manufacturing Co. Inc.; St. Pa...
1950 ??: Shave-Pak |
Click numbers for additional pages of George
Papaiz's collection of radios and other
collectibles if any.
Our member George Papaiz opened
his/her collection of radios and other related
items on 04.Oct.2011.
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