Below you find a part of the radio collection Gary Berg - including other related items. WWI era radio, WWII communications receivers, WWII and Cold War spy receivers. |
Resultado: 1 a 28 de 28 |
Este es un extracto de la coleccion de radio de Gary Berg. Estas imágenes han sido aportadas en sus correspondientes modelos por Gary Berg:
B: SAIT (S.A.I.T.) Electronics, Radio...
1923 ??: Récepteur - Radio Receiver Type 3 |
CDN: MILITARY Canada (different makers ...
1918–20 ??: R.C.A.F. Aircraft Spark Key 10A/556 |
D: Lorenz; Berlin, Zuffenhausen u.a.
1928 : ERKT II 282R |
D: Seibt, Dr. Georg (Nachf.); Berlin,...
1915 : Summersender Typ 2 |
D: Seibt, Dr. Georg (Nachf.); Berlin,...
1916 ??: Summersender 3 |
D: Telefunken Deutschland (TFK), (Ges...
1917 ?: Wellenmesser KW61 |
F: LMT (L.M.T.), Le Matériel Téléphon...
1917 : Buzzerphone P 1917 |
GB: Marconi's Wireless Telegraph Co. L...
1923/24 ?: 2 Valve Short Wave Receiver |
GB: MIM, Marconi International Marine;...
1900–25 ??: Bearing Corrector |
I: Marconi Italiana (Marconifono), Of...
1930 ??: Ricevitore onde corte - Short wave receiver 180D |
S: Unknown - CUSTOM BUILT: Sweden
1944/45 ?: Svenskesuperen MA 444 |
USA: Cardwell Mfg. Corp., The Allen D.:...
1925–28 ?: Radio Transmitter Type BC-114 |
USA: General Electric Co. (GE); Bridgep...
1934 : B-52 Meteor Documentation showing the GE B-52 in an automobile or the home. |
USA: International Radio Telegraph Co.;...
1917 ?: U.S. Navy 1/2 K.W. Radio Transformer CE 612 |
USA: Lowenstein Radio Company; Brooklyn...
1914–20 ?: Quenched Spark Gap A-16-G |
USA: Marconi Wireless Telegraph Co. of ...
1916–18 ?: Flame Proof Hand Key 1/2 K.W. SE-86 |
USA: MILITARY U.S. (different makers fo...
1945 ?: SSR-5-A (WW II Spy Radio) |
USA: Natrometer Corporation; Washington...
1922 ?: Natrometer Model C |
USA: National Electric Signaling Co. (N...
1928–31 : Radio Receiver Type BC-152 |
USA: Omnigraph Manufacturing Company; N...
1903 ?: Omnigraph Transmitter No. 1 Backside |
USA: Omnigraph Manufacturing Company; N...
1920 ?: Omnigraph No. 2 |
USA: RCA (RCA Victor Co. Inc.); New Yor...
1920–24 ?: Radio Telegraph Type SCR-105 (BC-53-A) |
USA: Sears, Roebuck & Co.; Chicago (IL)
1918 ??: Navy Type Loose Coupler Another version of the Sears Navy Type Loose Coupler. It has a coiled sprin... |
USA: Signal Electric Mfg. Co.; Menomine...
1939 : Heavy Duty R-64 |
USA: St. John, Thomas M.; East Windham,...
1912 ??: St. J Wireless Codegraph |
USA: Thordarson Electric Mfg. Co. ; Chi...
1915 ??: Spark Gap Transformer 2355 |
USA: Wireless Specialty Apparatus Co.; ...
1922 : Faradon Receiving Condenser UC-1819 |
USA: Wireless Specialty Apparatus Co.; ...
1922 : Faradon Transmitting Condenser UC-1831 |
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Nuestro miembro Gary Berg ha decidido
hacer pública su colección de radios y equipo
relacionado el 22.Aug.2022.
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