Below you find a part of the radio collection Gary Cowans - including other related items. Below you find a part of the radio collection of Gary Cowans - including other related items. Primarily interested in 1920's TRF's and Australian made radios prior to 1965. |
Part of the radio collection of Gary Cowans. These pictures have been uploaded to the corresponding models by Gary Cowans but this is not necessarily all of Gary Cowans's collection.
GB: GEC-AEI Telecommunications (UK); C...
1968 ?: Mixer & IF Amplifier Assembly (6 GHz) 665729A |
GB: Gent & Co. Ltd., (Gents, Tangent);...
1924 : L. F. Transformer L.F Transformer with box. |
GB: Graham Farish Ltd.; Bromley
1929 ?: Snap 3 |
GB: Igranic Electric Co. Ltd.; Bedford
1924 ??: Low Tension Battery Potentiometer 300Ω Side view. |
GB: Marconi Instruments, Marconi-Ekco ...
1961 : Carrier deviation meter TF791D |
GB: Reactone (Brand) Lewis Harforth & ...
1926 ?: Reactone Low Loss Coils Wireless World Mar 17, 1926, Page A61 |
GB: Sullivan, H.W., London
1940 ??: Precision Variable Condenser X6F Cat No. 0835 Precision Variable Condenser X6F Front |
J: Kenwood, Trio-Kenwood Inc.; Komagane
1982 ??: 15 MHz Dual Trace, Triggered Sweep Oscilloscope CS-1560A MkII |
J: Panasonic, Matsushita, National ナシ...
1972/72 : Toot-a-Loop-Radio R-72 (R72, R-72S) Showing both box & radio |
J: Roland Electronics Co. Ltd., Rotel...
2012 ??: Digital Gateway RT-12 |
J: Sansui Electric Co., Ltd.; Tokyo
1981 ?: Turntable FR-D25 Top view with lid removed |
J: Sharp; Osaka
1960 ??: 2-Band Personal UL-131 |
J: Sony Corporation; Tokyo
1995 : ICF-SW100 |
J: Tech Instruments Co. Ltd.; Tokyo
1967–78 ??: Tradiper TE-15 TE-15, transistor TR1 2SA422 |
J: Unknown - CUSTOM BUILT: Japan
1960 ?: Giant Wristwatch Transistor AM Radio Square face Front with strap folded. |
USA: Atwater Kent Mfg. Co.; Philadelphi...
1935 : E145 |
USA: Freed-Eisemann Radio Corp.; New Yo...
1925 : NR-7 |
USA: Freed-Eisemann Radio Corp.; New Yo...
1926 : 16, "B" and "C" Power Unit power unit Prior to restoration |
USA: Grebe, A.H. & Co.; Richmond Hill (...
1926 : Synchrophase MU1 with chain |
USA: Hewlett-Packard, (HP); Palo Alto, CA
1972 : Coaxial Frequency Meter 537A |
USA: Hewlett-Packard, (HP); Palo Alto, CA
1981 ?: Synthesizer/Level Generator 3336A/B/C |
USA: Mignon Products Corp., Buffalo, Ne...
1925 ??: Junior Audio Transformer Mignon Junior Audio Transformer. Turns ratio 3.5:1. |
USA: Philco, Philadelphia Stg. Batt. Co...
1946 : 46-420 "Hippo" Code 125 |
USA: Pilot Electric Mfg. Co. (Radio Cor...
1928 : Vernier Art-Dial - Deluxe Model Cat No. 1278 |
USA: Pilot Electric Mfg. Co. (Radio Cor...
1929 : A.C. Super-Wasp K-115 Front panel. |
USA: RCA (RCA Victor Co. Inc.); New Yor...
1928 : Radiola 18 AC AR-936 |
USA: Twin Coupler Company Inc., Poughke...
1928 ?: Pilot Wasp Short Wave Plug-In Kit Cat No. 180-4 |
USA: United Motors Service (Delco)
1958–60 : Delco 3748611 Corvette Front panel. |
USA: United Motors Service (Delco)
1961 : Delco 985003 Corvette Front view. |
USA: United Motors Service (Delco)
1965–67 : Delco 986281 Corvette Mounted in a 1965 Corvette |
USA: United Motors Service (Delco)
1972 : Delco 7303211 Corvette |
USA: United Motors Service (Delco)
1973 : Delco 7937571 Corvette Front view of mono 73 Corvette Radio 7937571. |
USA: United Motors Service (Delco)
1974 : Delco 9344661 Corvette 41YFM2 1974 9344661 Corvette radio, top open. |
USA: United Motors Service (Delco)
1978 : Delco GM2700 7899490 Corvette - 81YFMT1 Front panel. Radio dial opens to allow for 8 track cassette insertion. Knob... |
USA: United Motors Service (Delco)
1985–89 : Corvette Delco-Bose Stereo System 16041551 |
USA: Westinghouse El. & Mfg. Co. - see ...
1941 : Portable AC/DC Voltmeter Type PY 5 Style 701334-A |
Click numbers for additional pages of Gary
Cowans's collection of radios and other
collectibles if any.
Our member Gary Cowans opened
his/her collection of radios and other related
items on 28.Nov.2013.
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