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George Kaczowka, United States of America (USA) - Radio collection

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ID = 15702
Photo George Kaczowka

Below you find a part of the radio collection George Kaczowka - including other related items.

US Shortwave radios of the 30's, European radios 30-50s, Transistor Radios, Ephemera
Result: 1 to 2 from 2
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Part of the radio collection of George Kaczowka. These pictures have been uploaded to the corresponding models by George Kaczowka but this is not necessarily all of George Kaczowka's collection.

USA:  General Household Utilities Co. (G...
1936 : Grunow 733
Ch= 7-M

Front of Grunow model 733. Cabinet was refinished.
GB:  Ekco, E.K.Cole Ltd.; Southend-on-Sea
1990 ??: Replica AD65
This wooden AD65 replica was created by Gerry Wells in 1996. The story of t...
Result: 1 to 2 from 2

Click numbers for additional pages of George Kaczowka's collection of radios and other collectibles if any.

Our member George Kaczowka opened his/her collection of radios and other related items on 09.Mar.2013.


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