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George Matthis, United States of America (USA) - Radio collection

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ID = 33025
Photo George Matthis

Below you find a part of the radio collection George Matthis - including other related items.

I've been fascinated by anything vacuum tube related since 6-7 years old and even had a few radios that I found way back then. They are sadly long gone, but that hasn't stopped me from finding more over the years! I'm particularly interested in late 30's - 40's USA produced sets since that's what I seem to have seen the most of in my early days. I frequent local auctions, estate sales and the like always on the hunt for that unusual set. And, yes, I too also peruse eBay and other online sources. I have also tinkered with old Hammond organs in the past and have a garage full that I'd really like to re-home, lol! A lot more radios could better fill that space, or maybe even a car or two.
Result: 1 to 4 from 4
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Part of the radio collection of George Matthis. These pictures have been uploaded to the corresponding models by George Matthis but this is not necessarily all of George Matthis's collection.

USA:  Montgomery Ward & Co. (Wards, Airl...
1938/39 : Airline
62-363 Order= P162 A 363

Found this one last year.
USA:  RCA (RCA Victor Co. Inc.); New Yor...
1959 ?: SHP-8
Ch= RS-171

Front of the unit
USA:  Arvin, brand of Noblitt-Sparks Ind...
1947 : 444AM
Ch= RE200M

Back view - missing back cover.
USA:  Arvin, brand of Noblitt-Sparks Ind...
1955/56 : 950T2
Ch= RE391 or 1.43400

An example of the radio (except for color) that I listened to in my tree ho...
Result: 1 to 4 from 4

Click numbers for additional pages of George Matthis's collection of radios and other collectibles if any.

Our member George Matthis opened his/her collection of radios and other related items on 25.Jun.2022.


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