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Below you find a part of the radio collection Gil Silva - including other related items. Coleciono e reparo Rádios, Televisores e outros aparelhos Antigos. |
Part of the radio collection of Gil Silva. These pictures have been uploaded to the corresponding models by Gil Silva but this is not necessarily all of Gil Silva's collection.
NL: Philips; Eindhoven (tubes internat...
1980 ??: D3210 /00 /01 /02 /10 /11 /14 /20 |
NL: Philips; Eindhoven (tubes internat...
1980 ??: 22AF200 /00E |
NL: Philips; Eindhoven (tubes internat...
1984 ??: 26C1005 /00Z |
NL: Philips; Eindhoven (tubes internat...
1985 ??: Electronic VAΩ Meter PM2505 /04 |
NL: Philips; Eindhoven (tubes internat...
1985 ??: Oscilloscope PM3209 |
NL: Philips; Eindhoven (tubes internat...
1986 : Stereo-Cassettenspieler D6616 Moving Sound |
NL: Philips; Eindhoven (tubes internat...
1987 ??: Ringkern-Stelltrenntransformator - Variable Transformer E7.1 2422 529 00007 |
NL: Philips; Eindhoven (tubes internat...
1993 : Clockradio Cassette Recorder AJ3800 /00 |
NL: Philips; Eindhoven (tubes internat...
1993 : 14AA3324 |
NL: Philips; Eindhoven (tubes internat...
2000 : AZ1114 |
NL: Philips; Eindhoven (tubes internat...
2000 ?: FM/AM Radio Clock AJ 3130 |
NL: Philips; Eindhoven (tubes internat...
2000 ??: Microphone SBC MD100 |
NL: Philips; Eindhoven (tubes internat...
2003 ?: Dynamisches Mikrofon SBC MD110 |
NL: Siera; Eindhoven (NL)
1946 : S130U |
P: CIT - Centro de Instrução Técnica;...
1956–58 ?: Oscilador Mod. K24 Gerador de RF Modelo GS1 |
P: CIT - Centro de Instrução Técnica;...
1965 ??: Analisador de Válvulas K20A |
P: CIT - Centro de Instrução Técnica;...
1965 ??: Pesquisador de Sinais (Signal Tracer) K23 |
P: CIT - Centro de Instrução Técnica;...
1970 ??: Oscillograph TV-3 from my own colection |
P: CIT - Centro de Instrução Técnica;...
1972 ??: Analisador de Válvulas K20E |
P: FM2AM; Porto
2019 : Converter 5:1 |
P: Philips Portugal
1951 : BLN236U 1951 |
P: Philips Portugal
1953 ?: BLN223U |
P: Philips Portugal
1955 : BLN257U |
P: Philips Portugal
1955/56 : B1LN68U/00 |
P: Philips Portugal
1956 : B2LN67U-62 |
P: Philips Portugal
1956/57 : B2LN68U /62 |
P: Philips Portugal
1959 : B0LN95U/00 |
P: Philips Portugal
1960 : B2LN95U |
P: Philips Portugal
1960 : B4LN06T/01 |
P: Philips Portugal
1960 ?: B3LN05U /35 |
P: Philips Portugal
1960/61 : B3LN06T /00 |
P: Philips Portugal
1960/61 : Philitina B0LN15U /01 |
P: Philips Portugal
1964 ?: B3LN36A |
P: Philips Portugal
1965 ??: 19RB370 /35 |
P: Philips Portugal
1983 : 12TX2501/20L |
P: Philips Portugal
1986 : 12TX3501 /00S /02S /16S Ch= TX3 |
P: Philips Portugal
1988 : 22CS5048 /16Z |
P: Radio Escola, Lisboa
1960 ??: Sinfonia (Signal Generator) O1 |
P: Radio Escola, Lisboa
1960 ??: Sinfonia (Signal Generator) O2 |
P: Radio Escola, Lisboa
1965 ??: Sinfonia (Signal Tracer) P3 |
P: Radio Escola, Lisboa
1975 ??: Sinfonia (Signal Generator) O5 |
P: Standard Eléctrica Portuguesa; Lis...
1953 ?: Lusito BM20T |
P: Tecnison; Prior Velho
1997 ?: M38 |
P: Unknown - CUSTOM BUILT: Portugal (P)
1950 ??: Sociedade Eletromecanica Lda 4171 |
P: Unknown - CUSTOM BUILT: Portugal (P)
2010 ??: Rádio Relógio com Calculadora - AM-FM Radio with Time Traveler WF 997C |
PRC: ASA, Aishang Technology Group (ICP...
1990 ??: World Cup Soccer Radio SX-201F |
PRC: Wenzhou Hopesun Instrument (Sunwa)...
1990 ??: Multitester YX-360TRn |
PRC: Philips 飞利浦; ...
1985 ??: World Travel Clock Radio AE4230/00 |
PRC: Philips 飞利浦; ...
1990 ?: 9-Band World Receiver AE 3205/00 |
PRC: Philips 飞利浦; ...
1993/94 : Stereo Cassette Player AQ6421 /00 |
Click numbers for additional pages of Gil
Silva's collection of radios and other
collectibles if any.
Our member Gil Silva opened
his/her collection of radios and other related
items on 29.Jun.2009.
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