Below you find a part of the radio collection Giuseppe Feniello - including other related items. COLLEZIONE RADIO e TV d'epoca, STRUMENTI DI MISURA |
Part of the radio collection of Giuseppe Feniello. These pictures have been uploaded to the corresponding models by Giuseppe Feniello but this is not necessarily all of Giuseppe Feniello's collection.
I: Marelli (Radiomarelli); Sesto San ...
1959 : RV501X |
I: Marelli (Radiomarelli); Sesto San ...
1970 ??: RV640 |
I: Magnadyne Radio; Torino
1950–54 : S29 Magnadyne S29 mobile piccolo |
I: Mivar (VAR); Milano
1959/60 : Samo UCM591/1 |
I: Philips Italy; Milano (MI)
1961 ?: Sassari 19TI240U /01 19TI240U |
I: PASO S.p.A.; Lainate (MI)
1993 ??: Series 7000 Integrated Amplifier T 7060 |
GB: Farnell A.C. Ltd.; Leeds
USA: Sylvania (Hygrade, GTE, Nilco); Em...
1951 ??: Signal Generator 500 |
I: Silco (Sil.Co, Silvio Costa); Italy
1965 ?: Silcophon Expander Silco Expander |
I: Watt Radio; Torino
1935 : Sirena Fono |
I: Siemens Italia; Milano
1955 : SM1764TV Front |
I: Siemens Italia; Milano
1954 : SM6134 Siemens SM6134 |
I: Voxson, FARET (F.A.R.E.T.); Roma
1968 : Sprint 711 |
I: Telefunken Italia, Milano
1965 ??: Spyder R441 |
J: Pioneer Corporation; Tokyo
1981/82 : Stereo Amplifier SA-620 |
I: Outline; Flero
1977 ?: Stereo Amplifier SA 2060 |
J: Tensai (brand)
1980 ?: Stereo Amplifier TA-2125 |
J: Pioneer Corporation; Tokyo
1974–76 : Stereo Cassette Tape Deck CT-3131A Pioneer CT3131A |
D: Grundig (Radio-Vertrieb, RVF, Radi...
1968 : Stereo Concert-Boy Transistor 4000 stereo-solid-state Skala ohne Sendernamen |
J: Luxman, Lux Corp.; Kinsuido of Osaka
1992 ?: Stereo Integrated Amplifier A-311 |
J: Sansui Electric Co., Ltd.; Tokyo
1995 ?: Stereo Integrated Amplifier AU-α607MRX - AU-A607MRX |
J: Mitsubishi Electric Corporation
1980 ?: Stereo Integrated Amplifier DA-U210 |
J: Sanyo Electric Co. Ltd.; Moriguchi...
1982 : Stereo Integrated Amplifier JA 300 |
J: Technics (brand)
1980 ?: Stereo Integrated DC Amplifier SU-V4A |
J: Sansui Electric Co., Ltd.; Tokyo
1980/81 : Stereo Power Amplifier B-77 |
B: Velleman, SA; Legen Heirweg Gavere...
2006 : Stereo Power Amplifier K4040 |
USA: Gemini Sound Products Corp.; Carte...
1998 ?: Stereo Power Amplifier XG-2000 |
J: Sansui Electric Co., Ltd.; Tokyo
1980 ?: Stereo Preamplifier C-77 |
I: Revac s.r.l; Torino
1981 ?: Stereo Preamplifier SP 81 |
USA: Fisher Radio; New York (NY)
1978 : Stereo Receiver RS-1056E |
J: Pioneer Corporation; Tokyo
1978/79 : Stereo Receiver SX-880 |
J: Pioneer Corporation; Tokyo
1979 : Stereo Tuner TX-608 TX 608 |
J: Tensai (brand)
1980 : Super Ten - Stereo Pre Amplifier TP-2500 |
USA: Sencore; Sioux Falls (SD)
1960 ??: Sweep Circuit Trouble Shooter SS105 |
TW: Emperor Electronics Ltd., Taipei
1990 : Swing CTV-400 |
I: Indesit; Ancona
1977 ?: T12SI |
I: Telefunken Italia, Milano
1953/54 : T33-B Rfs |
J: Yamaha Co.; Hamamatsu
1982 : T-320 T320 |
I: Voxson, FARET (F.A.R.E.T.); Roma
1970 : T1101 |
I: Telefunken Italia, Milano
1968 : Telecolor T479 t479 |
I: Irradio; Milano
1958 ?: Telerad 22T96 |
NL: Philips; Eindhoven (tubes internat...
1972/73 : Téléviseur Couleur MultiStandard X26K221 /00 /16 /29 /66 Ch= KM1L |
I: Magnadyne Radio; Torino
1954 : Televisore TV634 TV634 |
I: Ultravox; Milano
1968 ?: Televisore 12" Junior L |
CH: Mediator; La Chaux-de-Fonds
1973 ?: Televisore 31T312 /16S |
I: SRE - Scuola Radio Elettra, Torino
1980 ??: televisore portatile bn 14" SRE_14" |
I: Philips Italy; Milano (MI)
1954 ?: TI1721A /05 TI1721A |
I: CGE, Compagnia Generale di Elettri...
1968 : TPC279/11 |
J: Panasonic, Matsushita, National ナシ...
1968 ?: TR-205 |
I: Nuova Elettronica; Bologna
1975 : Tracciacurve LX 130 |
Click numbers for additional pages of Giuseppe
Feniello's collection of radios and other
collectibles if any.
Our member Giuseppe Feniello opened
his/her collection of radios and other related
items on 18.Sep.2011.
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