Below you find a part of the radio collection Giuseppe Tedesco - including other related items. valvole, transistors, radio, tv , magnetofoni, strumentazione |
Part of the radio collection of Giuseppe Tedesco. These pictures have been uploaded to the corresponding models by Giuseppe Tedesco but this is not necessarily all of Giuseppe Tedesco's collection.
D: Emud, Ernst Mästling; Ulm
1954/55 : Record (Rekord) 3D 200W Holzgehäuse |
A: Minerva-Radio (Radiola-Radioappara...
1955 : Record W 566 mit EM80 und 6 Tasten |
GB: Roberts Radio Co.Ltd., East Molese...
1984–93 : RFM3 |
TW: Good Will Instruments Co., Ltd.; ...
1970 ??: RF-Signal Generator GRG-450B |
I: Raymond (marca / brand) - see also...
1960 ??: RG2022 |
D: Opta-(Spezial) (siehe auch Loewe-O...
1952/53 : Rheinkrone 4853W |
I: Nuova Elettronica; Bologna
1998 : Ricevitore Meteosat/Polari LX-1375 |
D: TechniSat Digital GmbH, Daun ("neu...
1993 ?: Ricevitore Radio Digitale ST 5000 DSR |
D: Blaupunkt (Ideal), Berlin, später ...
1954–56 : Riviera H2154 |
NL: Philips; Eindhoven (tubes internat...
1974 ??: RL047 |
CS: EMPO, Severoceska Tovarna El., Sp....
1941/42 : Robur 412 |
I: CGE, Compagnia Generale di Elettri...
1964/65 : Rondine RF342 |
D: Elektroakustik Hartmannsdorf, EAH,...
1961–63 : Rossini Stereo 6002 Gehäuse abgerundet |
USA: Zenith Radio Corp.; Chicago, IL
1967 ?: Royal 94 Inter-Oceanic Multiband Ch= 11NT44Z8 |
USA: Zenith Radio Corp.; Chicago, IL
1968 ??: Royal C25 |
GB: Roberts Radio Co.Ltd., East Molese...
1993 : RP28 |
YU: RR Zavodi (Radio Röntgen), Заводи ...
1955 ?: RR-430 loctal tubes |
D: Grundig (Radio-Vertrieb, RVF, Radi...
1981 : RR750 |
I: CGE, Compagnia Generale di Elettri...
1963–65 : RV333 (RV 0333) |
I: Magnadyne Radio; Torino
1949 : S28 |
I: Mivar (VAR); Milano
1962 ?: Samar UCML644 |
J: AOR Ltd., Tokyo
1995 ??: Scanner AR 2700 |
D: QUELLE GmbH (Universum); Fürth und...
1964 : Simonetta-Allwellen-Super Art.-Nr. 07562 Ch= GW2120 |
D: QUELLE GmbH (Universum); Fürth und...
1963 : Simonetta Autokoffer Luxus BT941 Art.-Nr. 08534 Ch= 91897 Endstufentransistoren OC74 |
D: QUELLE GmbH (Universum); Fürth und...
1964 : Simonetta Vollsuper W3126 Art.-Nr.07563 |
J: Sony Corporation; Tokyo
1958 : Six Transistor TR-610 |
J: Sanyo Electric Co. Ltd.; Moriguchi...
1960 ?: Six Transistor Super Het 6C-022 |
GB: Ever Ready Co. (GB) Ltd.; London
1958 : Sky Leader |
J: Standard Radio Corp. (SR), Tokyo
1964 ??: Solid State SR-F408L |
P: Unknown - CUSTOM BUILT: Portugal (P)
1976 ??: Solid State Pocket Radio Standard |
I: CTE International S.r.l.; Mancasal...
1990 ??: Speedy |
I: Vega, BP Radio, Brionvega, Brion &...
1982 ?: Spot 2 16-TVC |
J: Standard Radio Corp. (SR), Tokyo
1961/62 : SR-F205L |
J: Standard Radio Corp. (SR), Tokyo
1962 : SR-J100F |
J: Standard Radio Corp. (SR), Tokyo
1962 : SR-Q832FL |
I: SRE - Scuola Radio Elettra, Torino
1965 ?: Stereo 865 |
J: TEAC; Tokyo
1986 : Stereo Double Reverse Cassette Deck W-990RX |
D: Grundig (Radio-Vertrieb, RVF, Radi...
1966–68 : Stereo-Konzertschrank Rossini Ch= CS300 |
D: Grundig (Radio-Vertrieb, RVF, Radi...
1965/66 : Stereomeister 35 |
USA: BIC America; Cleveland (OH)
1990 ??: Stereo Mixer/ Equalizer MX-909 |
J: Sony Corporation; Tokyo
1995 ??: Stereo Power Amplifier XM-3520 |
J: Akai Electric Co., Ltd.; Tokyo
1973 : Stereo Tape Deck X201D |
D: Stern-Radio Berlin, VEB, RFT, (Kom...
1956–58 : Super Potsdam W |
J: Sony Corporation; Tokyo
1970 ??: Super Sensitive Solid State TR-6500 |
I: ICE, (I.C.E.); Milano
1969–85 ?: Supertester 680R |
I: CTE International S.r.l.; Mancasal...
1990 ??: SWR Power Modulation Meter HQ 1000 |
J: Diamond Antenna Co.; Tokyo
1992 ??: SX-400 |
GB: Racal Engineering / Instruments / ...
1977/78 : Synthesised Signal Generator 9081 |
I: Telefunken Italia, Milano
1956 ?: T23 / T23 RSF |
I: Telefunken Italia, Milano
1940/41 : T531 |
Click numbers for additional pages of Giuseppe
Tedesco's collection of radios and other
collectibles if any.
Our member Giuseppe Tedesco opened
his/her collection of radios and other related
items on 23.Jun.2012.
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