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Günter Heppe, Germany - Radio collection

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ID = 16443
Photo Günter Heppe

Below you find a part of the radio collection Günter Heppe - including other related items.

habe eine Sammlung von ca 300Geräten unterschiedlichsten Alters. Repariere für Kunden vom Radio über Videorecorder bis zum LCD-TV und restauriere auch. Bin seit 1972 im Beruf und noch im Service tätig.
Result: 101 to 104 from 104
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Part of the radio collection of Günter Heppe. These pictures have been uploaded to the corresponding models by Günter Heppe but this is not necessarily all of Günter Heppe's collection.

SU:  Moscow TEMP Radio Works/Plant (ex-...
1975–78 : Sokol - Сокол
308 OIRT, 10 transistors

SU:  Moscow TEMP Radio Works/Plant (ex-...
1976 : Sokol - Сокол
308 CCIR

SU:  Sarapoul Orjonikidze Radio Works
1963 ?: Cosmos Kosmos {Космос}
M {М} MW

SU:  Voronezh POLIUS Radio Works
1976–80 : Alpinist {Алпинист}
407 Olympiada-80

Result: 101 to 104 from 104

Click numbers for additional pages of Günter Heppe's collection of radios and other collectibles if any.

Our member Günter Heppe opened his/her collection of radios and other related items on 27.Mar.2014.


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