Below you find a part of the radio collection Günter Kudicke - including other related items. Röhrenradios, Tonbandgeräte und andere Geräte der Firmen Assmann, Uher und Hameg |
Part of the radio collection of Günter Kudicke. These pictures have been uploaded to the corresponding models by Günter Kudicke but this is not necessarily all of Günter Kudicke's collection.
D: Uher Werke; München
1979–83 ?: Netzteil - Power Supply Z141 |
D: Uher Werke; München
1983 ?: Netz-Ladegerät Z145 |
D: Uher Werke; München
1973 ?: Netzgerät Z38 |
D: Telefunken Deutschland (TFK), (Ges...
1957/58 : Partner I Normalserie |
D: Uher Werke; München
1972/73 : Royal de Luxe Mattlack / 40 Transistoren |
USA: Systron Donner; Concord CA
1968 ?: 100A Pulse Generator |
Click numbers for additional pages of Günter
Kudicke's collection of radios and other
collectibles if any.
Our member Günter Kudicke opened
his/her collection of radios and other related
items on 13.Aug.2010.
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