Below you find a part of the radio collection Gwyn Griffiths - including other related items. Eclectic interest in valve receivers from late 1920s to 1975. Collection includes military and civil sets, tabletop and portables. Interest is in restoration and the bringing back to life of old sets. |
Result: 1 to 50 from 53 |
Part of the radio collection of Gwyn Griffiths. These pictures have been uploaded to the corresponding models by Gwyn Griffiths but this is not necessarily all of Gwyn Griffiths's collection.
USA: Motorola Inc. (ex Galvin Mfg.Co. C...
1941/42 : A-1 |
GB: Philco Radio & Television Corp. of...
1956 : A3782 |
GB: Taylor Electrical Instruments Ltd....
1958 : AF/RF Signal Generator 68A Early model |
GB: Taylor Electrical Instruments Ltd....
1959 ?: AF/RF Signal Generator 68A Late model Note the frequency coverage to 240MHz in contrast to 220MHz for the early m... |
GB: Roberts Radio Co.Ltd., East Molese...
1989–93 : AM/FM 5-Band Radio R727 |
GB: Black Star; St. Ives
1992 ??: Apollo - Universal Counter-Timer 100 |
GB: K.W. Electronics Ltd.; Dartford
1970 ?: Atlanta The Atlanta complete with its power supply unit. |
GB: Philips Electrical, Lamps, Industr...
1956 : B3G63A |
GB: Eddystone (Brand), Stratton and Co...
1948–54 : Cabin Set 670 (S670) |
GB: Pye Ltd., Radio Works; Cambridge
1959 ?: Caribbean P152BQ |
J: Star Co. Ltd.; Tokyo
1962 ?: Communication Receiver SR-550 |
GB: Amplion (Brand), Alfred Graham & C...
1929 ??: Cone Speaker AC4 |
GB: Dibben, (Cromwell, Monarch); South...
1928 ?: Cromwell III |
D: Heimfunk GmbH, Hamburg
1928 ?: Doppelröhren-Empfänger |
NL: Philips; Eindhoven (tubes internat...
1985 ??: Dual Time Base Oscilloscope 100 MHz PM 3065 |
GB: Sangamo Weston Limited; Enfield (M...
1954 ?: Dynamometer AC/DC Voltmeter S6B |
GB: Eddystone (Brand), Stratton and Co...
1969–75 : EC-10 Mark II (2) |
GB: Thurlby Thandar Instruments
1985 ?: Frequency Meter TF200 |
GB: Grundig Ltd., London
1955 : Hastings 2035W/3D/GB Together with the Majestic Baton emphasis control, here with 3D sound and O... |
GB: Ekco, E.K.Cole Ltd.; Southend-on-Sea
1931 ?: H.T Unit D.C. 15/25 |
F: Sonneclair, Hannecart & Dannay; Fo...
1959 ?: Île de France clavier, bois |
F: Herald; Vanves
1937 ??: Inconnu - Unknown 1 The dial is a reproduction as the original had almost completely faded away... |
GB: LLoyd Instruments; Southampton
1975 ??: Inductance Box L1 |
GB: K.W. Electronics Ltd.; Dartford
1962 ?: KW77 Outer metal case has been repainted, the colour is not quite the original. |
USA: Drake, R.L. Miamisburg, Ohio
1970–80 ??: Low Pass Filter TV-3300-LP |
GB: Avo (Brand), Automatic Coil Winder...
1984 ??: LRC Universal Meter B183 |
GB: Marconi Co. (Marconiphone, Marconi...
1936 : Marconiphone 238 The front panel is not original, I had to strip the veneer, replace with ne... |
GB: Vidor Ltd.; Erith (Kent)
1955 : My Lady Anne CN430 |
GB: Vidor Ltd.; Erith (Kent)
1954 : My Lady Margaret CN429 |
USA: National Company; Cambridge & Mal...
1964 : NCX-5 NCX-5 transceiver (left) with NCX-A Power Supply (right). |
USA: Stromberg-Carlson Co. ; Rochester ...
1925 : Neutrodyne 1-B Without the wooden sleeve case. |
GB: GEC, General Electric Co Ltd., GEN...
1930 : Osram New Music Magnet Four (4) |
GB: Pye Ltd., Radio Works; Cambridge
1954 : P75A |
GB: Pye Ltd., Radio Works; Cambridge
1955 : P178A The wavechange knob is missing on the right hand side. |
GB: Pye Ltd., Radio Works; Cambridge
1944 : P.C.R. Ignore the label on the set, this is a PCR model. |
GB: Ormond Engineering Co. Ltd.; London
1929 : Popular Loudspeaker |
GB: Roberts Radio Co.Ltd., East Molese...
1984–93 : RFM3 |
GB: Gould Advance Ltd.; Hainault
1982 ??: RF Signal Generator SG200 |
GB: Racal Engineering / Instruments / ...
1981 ?: R.M.S. Voltmeter 9300B |
GB: Farnell A.C. Ltd.; Leeds
1968 ?: Sine/Square Oscillator LFM2 |
GB: Ever Ready Co. (GB) Ltd.; London
1958 : Sky Baronet |
GB: Sobell Ind., Slough
1949 : Sobellette 439 cream My set is in a non-original colour, it has been spray painted a metallic si... |
GB: ST Valve, S.T. Limited, John Scott...
1932 : ST300 Battery |
USA: MFJ Enterprises; Starkville (MS)
1991 ?: Versa Tuner 2 MFJ-941E |
GB: Bush Radio; London
1956 : VHF90 |
GB: K.W. Electronics Ltd.; Dartford
1960–65 ??: Viceroy SSB Transmitter Mark IV |
D: Braun; Frankfurt
1937 : Volksempfänger VE301Wn |
GB: CROPICO, Croydon Precision Instrum...
1958 ??: Wheatstone Bridge PW2 Portable The power supply in the lid is not original, but a later addition. |
USA: RCA (RCA Victor Co. Inc.); New Yor...
1948 : 75X14 Ch= RC1050A |
GB: Philips Electrical, Lamps, Industr...
1946 : 186A In an unrestored state, with tear in loudspeaker cloth. |
Result: 1 to 50 from 53 |
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Griffiths's collection of radios and other
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Our member Gwyn Griffiths opened
his/her collection of radios and other related
items on 27.Oct.2010.
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