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Heiko Goettlich, Germany - Radio collection

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ID = 14729
Photo Heiko Goettlich

Below you find a part of the radio collection Heiko Goettlich - including other related items.

[Stn]> KWZ-30 - TEN TEC RX-340 [ANT]> HDLA-3 mit Fenu Loop [Zubehör]> Timewave 599zx - LINGUA{DX21 - SP8+bhi-DSP [Soft]> ZL 11.4 - Radiocom 6.4
Result: 1 to 1 from 1
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Part of the radio collection of Heiko Goettlich. These pictures have been uploaded to the corresponding models by Heiko Goettlich but this is not necessarily all of Heiko Goettlich's collection.

D:  Kneisner + Doering Elektronik GmbH...
1996 ?: DSP-Receiver

Result: 1 to 1 from 1

Click numbers for additional pages of Heiko Goettlich's collection of radios and other collectibles if any.

Our member Heiko Goettlich opened his/her collection of radios and other related items on 21.Apr.2012.


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