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Below you find a part of the radio collection Heiko Harry Hacker - including other related items. a) Radios aus der ehem. Sowjetunion b) Radios aus Grossbritannien c) kommerzielle und militärische Funktechnik aus dem ehem. Ostblock d) ein paar andere Geräte |
Part of the radio collection of Heiko Harry Hacker. These pictures have been uploaded to the corresponding models by Heiko Harry Hacker but this is not necessarily all of Heiko Harry Hacker's collection.
SU: Aleksandrov Radio Works (ARZ)
1955–71 : Beta R-312 {Р-312} |
SU: Aleksandrov Radio Works (ARZ)
1958–71 ?: Omega R-311 {Р-311} |
SU: Aleksandrov Radio Works (ARZ)
1961–78 : Shoroh R-326 {Р-326} |
SU: Aleksandrov Radio Works (ARZ)
1962 ?: Kompaniefunkgerät R-126 {Р-126} |
SU: Aleksandrov Radio Works (ARZ)
1963–80 : Tsifra R-323 {Р-323} |
SU: B-8865 (V8865) post box Nr. plant,...
1964–84 ?: Tornisterfunkgerät R-109M {Р-109М} |
SU: B-8865 (V8865) post box Nr. plant,...
1964–84 ??: Leistungsverstärker UM-2 {УМ-2} |
SU: B-8865 (V8865) post box Nr. plant,...
1965 ??: UKW-Funkgerät R-107 {Р-107} |
SU: Berdsk Radio Works
1968 ??: Vega {Вега} |
SU: Berdsk Radio Works
1974 : Meteor R-313M2 {Р-313М2} |
SU: Berdsk Radio Works
1975 : Vega {Вега} 402 app-IV-2 |
SU: Berdsk Radio Works
1978 : Vega {Вега} 404 |
SU: Berdsk Radio Works
1987 : Vega {Вега} RP-341-1 {РП-341-1} |
SU: Dnepropetrovsk Radio Works {Днепро...
1964–67 : Ûpiter {Юпитер} [Jupiter ] |
SU: Dnepropetrovsk Radio Works {Днепро...
1967 : Mriâ (Mrija) {Мрия} |
SU: Grodnenskij "Radiopribor" Works; G...
1987 : Okean {Океан} RP-222 {РП-222} |
SU: Grodnenskij "Radiopribor" Works; G...
1990 : Okean Veras {Океан Верас} RP-225 {РП-225} |
SU: Grozny SINTAR Radiotechnical Works
1967 : Surpris - Sûrpriz - Сюрприз |
SU: Grozny SINTAR Radiotechnical Works
1968 : Гиала Giala, Gjala |
SU: Grozny SINTAR Radiotechnical Works
1973 : Gjala (Giala) - Гиала 404 |
SU: Grozny SINTAR Radiotechnical Works
1977–79 : Gjala (Giala) - Гиала 407 |
SU: Grozny SINTAR Radiotechnical Works
1980 : Gjala (Giala) - Гиала 410 |
SU: Grozny SINTAR Radiotechnical Works
1986 : Gjala (Giala) - Гиала 310 |
SU: Industrial Union Start ("50 years ...
1983 : Volhova {Волхова} |
SU: Industrial Union Billur, Gianja, A...
1987 : Merkurij {Меркурий} RP-210 {РП-210} |
SU: Industrial Union Poliot, Cheliabinsk
1974–82 : Rossiâ {Россия} 303 |
SU: Industrial Union Poliot, Cheliabinsk
1984 : Rossiâ {Россия} 203 |
SU: Industrial Union Proton; Charkov (...
1948–81 : Kit - whale R-250M - Р-250М |
SU: Irkutsk Radio Works
1953 : Rekord {Рекорд} 53 |
SU: Kamensk-Uralsk Radio Works
1972 : Nejva {Нейва} [Neywa] 401 |
SU: Kamensk-Uralsk Radio Works
1979 : Nejva {Нейва} [Neywa] 402 |
SU: Kamensk-Uralsk Radio Works
1985–89 : Signal 304 Export |
SU: Kamensk-Uralsk Radio Works
1985–90 : Сигнал 304 Signal 304 |
SU: Kamensk-Uralsk Radio Works
1986–89 : Nejva {Нейва} [Neywa] 2 (2 bands; OIRT 64-73 MHz) |
SU: Kamensk-Uralsk Radio Works
1987/88 : Nejva {Нейва} [Neywa] 304 |
SU: Kamensk-Uralsk Radio Works
1990/91 : Nejva {Нейва} RP-205 {РП-205} |
SU: Kation, Industrial Union, Chmelnit...
1987 : P-SK-D-5-1 (П-СК-Д-5-1) |
SU: Kishtim Radio Works
1972 : Kvarc {Кварц} [Quartz] 402 |
SU: Kishtim Radio Works
1973–81 : Kvarc {Кварц} [Quartz] 404 |
SU: Kishtim Radio Works
1980–85 : Kvarc {Кварц} [Quartz] 406 |
SU: Kishtim Radio Works
1982 ?: Kvarc {Кварц} 302 |
SU: Kishtim Radio Works
1988 : Kvarc {Кварц} RP-209 {РП-209} |
SU: Kishtim Radio Works
1989 : Кварц РП-206 Quartz RP-206 |
SU: Kishtim Radio Works
1991/92 : Kvarc {Кварц}, Quartz RP-12 {РП-12} |
SU: Krasny Oktyabr, Orsha, Belarus
1983 : Svirel' {Свирель} |
SU: Kurganpribor Works, Kurgan
1984 : Aèlita - Аэлита 102 |
SU: Leningrad CKB Technology and Machi...
1979 : Maksimka {Максимка} |
SU: Leningrad CKB Technology and Machi...
1980–92 : Èlektronik {Электроник} |
SU: Leningrad NOVATOR Works
1964–71 : Almaz {Алмаз} [Almas] |
SU: Leningrad NOVATOR Works
1965 ?: Sonata {Соната} |
Click numbers for additional pages of Heiko Harry
Hacker's collection of radios and other
collectibles if any.
Our member Heiko Harry Hacker opened
his/her collection of radios and other related
items on 14.Sep.2010.
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