Below you find a part of the radio collection Horst Pagitz - including other related items. alte Radios |
Result: 1 to 46 from 46 |
Part of the radio collection of Horst Pagitz. These pictures have been uploaded to the corresponding models by Horst Pagitz but this is not necessarily all of Horst Pagitz's collection.
NL: Philips; Eindhoven (tubes internat...
1980 : AM-FM Stereo Receiver 602 22AH602/60 /62 /65 |
A: Philips - Österreich
1964 : Andante B2A42A /00G /00D /00X |
A: Horny (Hornyphon); Wien
1964/65 : Attache W345A /00 /01 /70 /71 |
J: JVC - Victor Company of Japan, Ltd...
1980–82 ?: Auto-Return Turntable L-A21 |
D: Loewe-(Opta); Deutschland
1956/57 : Bella-Luxus 1700W |
D: Loewe-(Opta); Deutschland
1962/63 : Bella Luxus 32021W |
D: Nordmende, Norddeutsche Mende-Rund...
1971/72 : Cambridge 973.198A |
D: Philips Radios - Deutschland
1978 : Compact Stereo 972TAPC |
D: Grundig (Radio-Vertrieb, RVF, Radi...
1983–85 : Concert-Boy 220 |
A: Kapsch & Söhne (KS), Telephon- und...
1955/56 : Concerto |
A: Horny (Hornyphon); Wien
1964/65 : Diplomat W554A /00 /70 |
A: Radione (RADIO Nikolaus Eltz); Wien
1955/56 : Duplex 766W |
A: Radione (RADIO Nikolaus Eltz); Wien
1956/57 : Duplex-Junior W EM81 |
A: Eumig, Elektrizitäts und Metallwar...
1957 ?: Eumig 3D 385W |
D: Siemens (& Halske, -Schuckert Werk...
1955/56 : H53 |
A: Kapsch & Söhne (KS), Telephon- und...
1961 : Herold de Luxe |
A: Kapsch & Söhne (KS), Telephon- und...
1956/57 : Hymnus Wechselstrom |
A: Kapsch & Söhne (KS), Telephon- und...
1964 : Ideal UKW |
D: Grundig (Radio-Vertrieb, RVF, Radi...
1959/60 : Konzertgerät 4016 Stereo |
A: Radione (RADIO Nikolaus Eltz); Wien
1959 : Merkur Register W EM80 |
A: Minerva-Radio (Radiola-Radioappara...
1954/55 : Minion 554W |
A: Minerva-Radio (Radiola-Radioappara...
1954/55 : Minx 553W |
A: Minerva-Radio (Radiola-Radioappara...
1970 : Mirandocord A 682a Mirandocord A 682a |
D: Graetz, Altena (Westfalen)
1961/62 : Musica 1016 |
D: HAMEG GmbH, Frankfurt
1992 ?: Oscilloscope HM1005 |
A: Horny (Hornyphon); Wien
1960/61 : Page W361A /01 |
D: Philips Radios - Deutschland
1961–63 : Philetta-Transistor B3D22T |
A: Siemens-Austria (WSW); Wien
1959/60 : Phono-Domino (Phono-Super) 608W (131.608) |
A: Philips - Österreich
1959 : Premiere B6A93A |
D: SABA; Villingen
1977/78 : RCR385 |
A: Minerva-Radio (Radiola-Radioappara...
1954/55 : Record-W 3D 556W mit EM34 und 5 Tasten |
A: Horny (Hornyphon); Wien
1962 : Rex W462A /01 /71 |
D: Philips Radios - Deutschland
1985 ??: RF Synthesizer 0,1 MHz -1 GHz PM 5390 S |
A: Horny (Hornyphon); Wien
1955/56 : Rigoletto 56 W675A |
J: Technics (brand)
1976 ?: SL-1510 |
A: Minerva-Radio (Radiola-Radioappara...
1956/57 : Supercord 576W |
A: Minerva-Radio (Radiola-Radioappara...
1956/57 : Super Minx 573W |
D: SABA; Villingen
1966–68 : Telewatt VS110 |
A: Kapsch & Söhne (KS), Telephon- und...
1955/56 : Tosca W |
A: Ingelen, Elektrotechnische Fabrik ...
1955/56 : UKW-Fidelio-3D W |
D: SABA; Villingen
1960/61 : Villingen 125 |
D: AEG (Radios) Allg.Elektricitäts-Ges.
1954/55 : 3D-Super 3074WD |
D: Grundig (Radio-Vertrieb, RVF, Radi...
1977–79 : 4 Band Stereo Radio Recorder C9000 Automatic Stereo |
A: Eumig, Elektrizitäts und Metallwar...
1939/40 : 430WB |
A: Minerva-Radio (Radiola-Radioappara...
1950/51 : 510W |
D: Grundig (Radio-Vertrieb, RVF, Radi...
1953/54 : 1042W |
Result: 1 to 46 from 46 |
Click numbers for additional pages of Horst
Pagitz's collection of radios and other
collectibles if any.
Our member Horst Pagitz opened
his/her collection of radios and other related
items on 04.Dec.2016.
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