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Below you find a part of the radio collection Jean-Francois Loude - including other related items. Intérêt : anciens appareils de physique (1775-1960) et électroniques (à lampes et transistors) Créateur du Musée d'instruments de physique de l'UNIL/EPFL à Lausanne. URL http://museephysique.epfl.ch Member of IEEE (Life Senior Member), of the Scientific Instrument Society, of the European Physical Society, of the Swiss Physical Society. |
Result: 1 to 14 from 14 |
Part of the radio collection of Jean-Francois Loude. These pictures have been uploaded to the corresponding models by Jean-Francois Loude but this is not necessarily all of Jean-Francois Loude's collection.
CH: Meystre, Jules, Lausanne
1912 : Récepteur de T.S.F. avec détecteur électrolytique Vue générale du poste de T.S.F. |
D: Leybold; Deutschland
1907–29 : Kohärer-Empfänger 7295 Vue d'ensemble. Le cohéreur se trouve dans le tube de verre horizontal. |
F: Kéra-Brodin, Marcel Brodin; Clichy
1924–26 : Succès - Poste à Galène |
NL: Philips; Eindhoven (tubes internat...
1949 ?: Diode-Voltmeter GM6004 Vue frontale du voltmètre |
USA: Central Scientific Company - Cenco...
1935–50 : Radio Demonstration Apparatus Generator and Receiver The generator with an horizontal dipole antenna. On the table, the power s... |
USA: General Radio Company; Cambridge (...
1954 : Variable Capacitor 722-MD The capacitor and its carrying case |
USA: General Radio Company; Cambridge (...
1959–65 : I-F Amplifier 1216-A |
USA: General Radio Company; Cambridge (...
1959–65 : Oscillator 1208-B Front view |
USA: General Radio Company; Cambridge (...
1959–65 : Regulated Power Supply 1201-B |
USA: General Radio Company; Cambridge (...
1959–65 : Variable Air Capacitor 1602-P3 |
USA: General Radio Company; Cambridge (...
1959–65 : Voltmeter Indicator 874-VI In front, on the left, the T-adapter is a "Crystal Voltmeter Rectifier 874-... |
USA: General Radio Company; Cambridge (...
1960 ?: Admittance Meter 1602-B Instrument in its box |
USA: Measurements Corporation, Boonton NJ
1947–55 : Megacycle Meter 59 (grid dip) Interchangeable coils on top of the power supply. |
USA: Measurements Corporation, Boonton NJ
1956 ??: UHF Megacycle Meter 59-UHF |
Result: 1 to 14 from 14 |
Click numbers for additional pages of Jean-Francois
Loude's collection of radios and other
collectibles if any.
Our member Jean-Francois Loude opened
his/her collection of radios and other related
items on 05.Feb.2010.
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